
85 lines
3.3 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
var Config = require('./config.js').config;
var Log = require('./logger.js').log;
var getMessageAreaByName = require('./message_area.js').getMessageAreaByName;
var packageJson = require('../package.json');
var assert = require('assert');
var os = require('os');
var _ = require('lodash');
var moment = require('moment');
exports.getPredefinedMCIValue = getPredefinedMCIValue;
function getPredefinedMCIValue(client, code) {
if(!client || !code) {
try {
return {
BN : function boardName() { return Config.general.boardName },
VL : function versionLabel() { return 'ENiGMA½ v' + packageJson.version },
VN : function version() { return packageJson.version },
UN : function userName() { return client.user.username },
UI : function userId() { return client.user.userId.toString() },
UG : function groups() { return _.values(client.user.groups).join(', ') },
UR : function realName() { return client.user.properties.real_name },
LO : function location() { return client.user.properties.location },
UA : function age() { return client.user.getAge().toString() },
UB : function birthdate() { return moment(client.user.properties.birthdate).format(client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateFormat()) },
US : function sex() { return client.user.properties.sex },
UE : function emailAddres() { return client.user.properties.email_address },
UW : function webAddress() { return client.user.properties.web_address },
UF : function affils() { return client.user.properties.affiliation },
UT : function themeId() { return client.user.properties.theme_id },
UC : function loginCount() { return client.user.properties.login_count.toString() },
MS : function accountCreated() { return moment(client.user.properties.account_created).format(client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateFormat()) },
CS : function currentStatus() { return client.currentStatus },
MD : function currentMenuDescription() {
return _.has(self, 'client.currentMenuModule.menuConfig.desc') ? client.currentMenuModule.menuConfig.desc : '';
MA : function messageAreaDescription() {
var area = getMessageAreaByName(client.user.properties.message_area_name);
return area ? area.desc : '';
SH : function termHeight() { return client.term.termHeight.toString() },
SW : function termWidth() { return client.term.termWidth.toString() },
ND : function connectedNode() { return client.node.toString() },
// :TODO: change to CD for 'Current Date'
DT : function date() { return moment().format(client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateFormat()) },
CT : function time() { return moment().format(client.currentTheme.helpers.getTimeFormat()) },
OS : function operatingSystem() {
return {
linux : 'Linux',
darwin : 'Mac OS X',
win32 : 'Windows',
sunos : 'SunOS',
freebsd : 'FreeBSD',
}[os.platform()] || os.type();
OA : function systemArchitecture() { return os.arch() },
SC : function systemCpuModel() { return os.cpus()[0].model },
IP : function clientIpAddress() { return client.address().address },
} catch(e) {
// Don't use client.log here as we may not have a client logger established yet!!
Log.warn( { code : code, exception : e.message }, 'Exception caught attempting to construct predefined label');