
668 lines
17 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
const printUsageAndSetExitCode = require('./oputil_common.js').printUsageAndSetExitCode;
const ExitCodes = require('./oputil_common.js').ExitCodes;
const argv = require('./oputil_common.js').argv;
const initConfigAndDatabases = require('./oputil_common.js').initConfigAndDatabases;
const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor;
const getAreaAndStorage = require('./oputil_common.js').getAreaAndStorage;
const Errors = require('../../core/enig_error.js').Errors;
const async = require('async');
const fs = require('graceful-fs');
const paths = require('path');
const _ = require('lodash');
const moment = require('moment');
const inq = require('inquirer');
exports.handleFileBaseCommand = handleFileBaseCommand;
Global options:
--yes: assume yes
--no-prompt: try to avoid user input
Prompt for import and description before scan
* Only after finding duplicate-by-path
* Default to filename -> desc if auto import
let fileArea; // required during init
function finalizeEntryAndPersist(isUpdate, fileEntry, descHandler, cb) {
function getDescFromHandlerIfNeeded(callback) {
if((fileEntry.desc && fileEntry.desc.length > 0 ) && !argv['desc-file']) {
return callback(null); // we have a desc already and are NOT overriding with desc file
if(!descHandler) {
return callback(null); // not much we can do!
const desc = descHandler.getDescription(fileEntry.fileName);
if(desc) {
fileEntry.desc = desc;
return callback(null);
function getDescFromUserIfNeeded(callback) {
if(fileEntry.desc && fileEntry.desc.length > 0 ) {
return callback(null);
const getDescFromFileName = require('../../core/file_base_area.js').getDescFromFileName;
const descFromFile = getDescFromFileName(fileEntry.fileName);
if(false === argv.prompt) {
fileEntry.desc = descFromFile;
return callback(null);
const questions = [
name : 'desc',
message : `Description for ${fileEntry.fileName}:`,
type : 'input',
default : descFromFile,
inq.prompt(questions).then( answers => {
fileEntry.desc = answers.desc;
return callback(null);
function persist(callback) {
fileEntry.persist(isUpdate, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
return cb(err);
function loadDescHandler(path, cb) {
const DescIon = require('../../core/descript_ion_file.js');
// :TODO: support FILES.BBS also
DescIon.createFromFile(path, (err, descHandler) => {
return cb(err, descHandler);
function scanFileAreaForChanges(areaInfo, options, cb) {
const storageLocations = fileArea.getAreaStorageLocations(areaInfo).filter(sl => {
return options.areaAndStorageInfo.find(asi => {
return !asi.storageTag || sl.storageTag === asi.storageTag;
function updateTags(fe) {
if(Array.isArray(options.tags)) {
fe.hashTags = new Set(options.tags);
async.eachSeries(storageLocations, (storageLoc, nextLocation) => {
function initDescFile(callback) {
if(options.descFileHandler) {
return callback(null, options.descFileHandler); // we're going to use the global handler
loadDescHandler(paths.join(storageLoc.dir, 'DESCRIPT.ION'), (err, descHandler) => {
return callback(null, descHandler);
function scanPhysFiles(descHandler, callback) {
const physDir = storageLoc.dir;
fs.readdir(physDir, (err, files) => {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
async.eachSeries(files, (fileName, nextFile) => {
const fullPath = paths.join(physDir, fileName);
if(SCAN_EXCLUDE_FILENAMES.includes(fileName.toUpperCase())) {
console.info(`Excluding ${fullPath}`);
return nextFile(null);
fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stats) => {
if(err) {
// :TODO: Log me!
return nextFile(null); // always try next file
if(!stats.isFile()) {
return nextFile(null);
process.stdout.write(`Scanning ${fullPath}... `);
areaTag : areaInfo.areaTag,
storageTag : storageLoc.storageTag
(err, fileEntry, dupeEntries) => {
if(err) {
console.info(`Error: ${err.message}`);
return nextFile(null); // try next anyway
// We'll update the entry if the following conditions are met:
// * We have a single duplicate, and:
// * --update-desc was passed or the existing entry's desc or
// longDesc are blank/empty
if(argv['update'] && 1 === dupeEntries.length) {
const FileEntry = require('../../core/file_entry.js');
const existingEntry = new FileEntry();
return existingEntry.load(dupeEntries[0].fileId, err => {
if(err) {
console.info('Dupe (cannot update)');
return nextFile(null);
// Update only if tags or desc changed
const optTags = Array.isArray(options.tags) ? new Set(options.tags) : existingEntry.hashTags;
const tagsEq = _.isEqual(optTags, existingEntry.hashTags);
if( tagsEq &&
fileEntry.desc === existingEntry.desc &&
fileEntry.descLong == existingEntry.descLong)
return nextFile(null);
console.info('Dupe (updating)');
finalizeEntryAndPersist(true, existingEntry, descHandler, err => {
return nextFile(err);
} else if(dupeEntries.length > 0) {
return nextFile(null);
finalizeEntryAndPersist(false, fileEntry, descHandler, err => {
return nextFile(err);
}, err => {
return callback(err);
function scanDbEntries(callback) {
// :TODO: Look @ db entries for area that were *not* processed above
return callback(null);
err => {
return nextLocation(err);
err => {
return cb(err);
function dumpAreaInfo(areaInfo, areaAndStorageInfo, cb) {
console.info(`areaTag: ${areaInfo.areaTag}`);
console.info(`name: ${areaInfo.name}`);
console.info(`desc: ${areaInfo.desc}`);
areaInfo.storage.forEach(si => {
console.info(`storageTag: ${si.storageTag} => ${si.dir}`);
return cb(null);
function getFileEntries(pattern, cb) {
const FileEntry = require('../../core/file_entry.js');
function tryByFileId(callback) {
const fileId = parseInt(pattern);
if(!/^[0-9]+$/.test(pattern) || isNaN(fileId)) {
return callback(null, null); // try SHA
const fileEntry = new FileEntry();
fileEntry.load(fileId, err => {
return callback(null, err ? null : [ fileEntry ] );
function tryByShaOrPartialSha(entries, callback) {
if(entries) {
return callback(null, entries); // already got it by FILE_ID
FileEntry.findFileBySha(pattern, (err, fileEntry) => {
return callback(null, fileEntry ? [ fileEntry ] : null );
function tryByFileNameWildcard(entries, callback) {
if(entries) {
return callback(null, entries); // already got by FILE_ID|SHA
return FileEntry.findByFileNameWildcard(pattern, callback);
(err, entries) => {
return cb(err, entries);
function dumpFileInfo(shaOrFileId, cb) {
function getEntry(callback) {
getFileEntries(shaOrFileId, (err, entries) => {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, entries[0]);
function dumpInfo(fileEntry, callback) {
const fullPath = paths.join(fileArea.getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(fileEntry.storageTag), fileEntry.fileName);
console.info(`file_id: ${fileEntry.fileId}`);
console.info(`sha_256: ${fileEntry.fileSha256}`);
console.info(`area_tag: ${fileEntry.areaTag}`);
console.info(`storage_tag: ${fileEntry.storageTag}`);
console.info(`path: ${fullPath}`);
console.info(`hashTags: ${Array.from(fileEntry.hashTags).join(', ')}`);
console.info(`uploaded: ${moment(fileEntry.uploadTimestamp).format()}`);
_.each(fileEntry.meta, (metaValue, metaName) => {
console.info(`${metaName}: ${metaValue}`);
if(argv['show-desc']) {
return callback(null);
err => {
return cb(err);
function displayFileAreaInfo() {
// if sha: dump file info
// if area/stoarge dump area(s) +
function init(callback) {
return initConfigAndDatabases(callback);
function dumpInfo(callback) {
const Config = require('../../core/config.js').config;
let suppliedAreas = argv._.slice(2);
if(!suppliedAreas || 0 === suppliedAreas.length) {
suppliedAreas = _.map(Config.fileBase.areas, (areaInfo, areaTag) => areaTag);
const areaAndStorageInfo = getAreaAndStorage(suppliedAreas);
fileArea = require('../../core/file_base_area.js');
async.eachSeries(areaAndStorageInfo, (areaAndStorage, nextArea) => {
const areaInfo = fileArea.getFileAreaByTag(areaAndStorage.areaTag);
if(areaInfo) {
return dumpAreaInfo(areaInfo, areaAndStorageInfo, nextArea);
} else {
return dumpFileInfo(areaAndStorage.areaTag, nextArea);
err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
function scanFileAreas() {
const options = {};
const tags = argv.tags;
if(tags) {
options.tags = tags.split(',');
options.descFile = argv['desc-file']; // --desc-file or --desc-file PATH
options.areaAndStorageInfo = getAreaAndStorage(argv._.slice(2));
function init(callback) {
return initConfigAndDatabases(callback);
function initGlobalDescHandler(callback) {
// If options.descFile is a String, it represents a FILE|PATH. We'll init
// the description handler now. Else, we'll attempt to look for a description
// file in each storage location.
if(!_.isString(options.descFile)) {
return callback(null);
loadDescHandler(options.descFile, (err, descHandler) => {
options.descFileHandler = descHandler;
return callback(null);
function scanAreas(callback) {
fileArea = require('../../core/file_base_area.js');
async.eachSeries(options.areaAndStorageInfo, (areaAndStorage, nextAreaTag) => {
const areaInfo = fileArea.getFileAreaByTag(areaAndStorage.areaTag);
if(!areaInfo) {
return nextAreaTag(new Error(`Invalid file base area tag: ${areaAndStorage.areaTag}`));
console.info(`Processing area "${areaInfo.name}":`);
scanFileAreaForChanges(areaInfo, options, err => {
return callback(err);
}, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
function expandFileTargets(targets, cb) {
let entries = [];
const FileEntry = require('../../core/file_entry.js');
async.eachSeries(targets, (areaAndStorage, next) => {
const areaInfo = fileArea.getFileAreaByTag(areaAndStorage.areaTag);
if(areaInfo) {
// AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] - all files in area@tag
const findFilter = {
areaTag : areaAndStorage.areaTag,
if(areaAndStorage.storageTag) {
findFilter.storageTag = areaAndStorage.storageTag;
FileEntry.findFiles(findFilter, (err, fileIds) => {
if(err) {
return next(err);
async.each(fileIds, (fileId, nextFileId) => {
const fileEntry = new FileEntry();
fileEntry.load(fileId, err => {
if(!err) {
return nextFileId(err);
err => {
return next(err);
} else {
// :TODO: FULL_PATH -> entries
getFileEntries(areaAndStorage.pattern, (err, fileEntries) => {
if(err) {
return next(err);
entries = entries.concat(fileEntries);
return next(null);
err => {
return cb(err, entries);
function moveFiles() {
// oputil fb move SRC [SRC2 ...] DST
if(argv._.length < 4) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('FileBase'), ExitCodes.ERROR);
const moveArgs = argv._.slice(2);
const src = getAreaAndStorage(moveArgs.slice(0, -1));
const dst = getAreaAndStorage(moveArgs.slice(-1))[0];
let FileEntry;
function init(callback) {
return initConfigAndDatabases( err => {
if(!err) {
fileArea = require('../../core/file_base_area.js');
return callback(err);
function validateAndExpandSourceAndDest(callback) {
const areaInfo = fileArea.getFileAreaByTag(dst.areaTag);
if(areaInfo) {
dst.areaInfo = areaInfo;
} else {
return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist('Invalid or unknown destination area'));
FileEntry = require('../../core/file_entry.js');
expandFileTargets(src, (err, srcEntries) => {
return callback(err, srcEntries);
function moveEntries(srcEntries, callback) {
if(!dst.storageTag) {
dst.storageTag = dst.areaInfo.storageTags[0];
const destDir = FileEntry.getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(dst.storageTag);
async.eachSeries(srcEntries, (entry, nextEntry) => {
const srcPath = entry.filePath;
const dstPath = paths.join(destDir, entry.fileName);
process.stdout.write(`Moving ${srcPath} => ${dstPath}... `);
FileEntry.moveEntry(entry, dst.areaTag, dst.storageTag, err => {
if(err) {
console.info(`Failed: ${err.message}`);
} else {
return nextEntry(null); // always try next
err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
function removeFiles() {
// oputil fb rm|remove|del|delete SRC [SRC2 ...]
// AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] remove all entries matching
// supplied area/storage tags
// --phys-file removes backing physical file(s)
if(argv._.length < 3) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('FileBase'), ExitCodes.ERROR);
const removePhysFile = argv['phys-file'];
const src = getAreaAndStorage(argv._.slice(2));
function init(callback) {
return initConfigAndDatabases( err => {
if(!err) {
fileArea = require('../../core/file_base_area.js');
return callback(err);
function expandSources(callback) {
expandFileTargets(src, (err, srcEntries) => {
return callback(err, srcEntries);
function removeEntries(srcEntries, callback) {
const FileEntry = require('../../core/file_entry.js');
const extraOutput = removePhysFile ? ' (including physical file)' : '';
async.eachSeries(srcEntries, (entry, nextEntry) => {
process.stdout.write(`Removing ${entry.filePath}${extraOutput}... `);
FileEntry.removeEntry(entry, { removePhysFile }, err => {
if(err) {
console.info(`Failed: ${err.message}`);
} else {
return nextEntry(err);
}, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
function handleFileBaseCommand() {
function errUsage() {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(
getHelpFor('FileBase') + getHelpFor('FileOpsInfo'),
if(true === argv.help) {
return errUsage();
const action = argv._[1];
return ({
info : displayFileAreaInfo,
scan : scanFileAreas,
mv : moveFiles,
move : moveFiles,
rm : removeFiles,
remove : removeFiles,
del : removeFiles,
delete : removeFiles,
}[action] || errUsage)();