784 lines
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784 lines
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/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
// ENiGMA½
const userDb = require('./database.js').dbs.user;
const Config = require('./config.js').get;
const userGroup = require('./user_group.js');
const {
} = require('./enig_error.js');
const Events = require('./events.js');
const UserProps = require('./user_property.js');
const Log = require('./logger.js').log;
const StatLog = require('./stat_log.js');
// deps
const crypto = require('crypto');
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
const moment = require('moment');
exports.isRootUserId = function(id) { return 1 === id; };
module.exports = class User {
constructor() {
this.userId = 0;
this.username = '';
this.properties = {}; // name:value
this.groups = []; // group membership(s)
// static property accessors
static get RootUserID() {
return 1;
static get PBKDF2() {
return {
iterations : 1000,
keyLen : 128,
saltLen : 32,
static get StandardPropertyGroups() {
return {
password : [ UserProps.PassPbkdf2Salt, UserProps.PassPbkdf2Dk ],
static get AccountStatus() {
return {
disabled : 0, // +op disabled
inactive : 1, // inactive, aka requires +op approval/activation
active : 2, // standard, active
locked : 3, // locked out (too many bad login attempts, etc.)
static isSamePasswordSlowCompare(passBuf1, passBuf2) {
if(passBuf1.length !== passBuf2.length) {
return false;
let c = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < passBuf1.length; i++) {
c |= passBuf1[i] ^ passBuf2[i];
return 0 === c;
isAuthenticated() {
return true === this.authenticated;
isValid() {
if(this.userId <= 0 || this.username.length < Config().users.usernameMin) {
return false;
return this.hasValidPasswordProperties();
hasValidPasswordProperties() {
const salt = this.getProperty(UserProps.PassPbkdf2Salt);
const dk = this.getProperty(UserProps.PassPbkdf2Dk);
if(!salt || !dk ||
(salt.length !== User.PBKDF2.saltLen * 2) ||
(dk.length !== User.PBKDF2.keyLen * 2))
return false;
return true;
isRoot() {
return User.isRootUserId(this.userId);
isSysOp() { // alias to isRoot()
return this.isRoot();
isGroupMember(groupNames) {
if(_.isString(groupNames)) {
groupNames = [ groupNames ];
const isMember = groupNames.some(gn => (-1 !== this.groups.indexOf(gn)));
return isMember;
getLegacySecurityLevel() {
if(this.isRoot() || this.isGroupMember('sysops')) {
return 100;
if(this.isGroupMember('users')) {
return 30;
return 10; // :TODO: Is this what we want?
processFailedLogin(userId, cb) {
(callback) => {
return User.getUser(userId, callback);
(tempUser, callback) => {
return StatLog.incrementUserStat(
(err, failedAttempts) => {
return callback(null, tempUser, failedAttempts);
(tempUser, failedAttempts, callback) => {
const lockAccount = _.get(Config(), 'users.failedLogin.lockAccount');
if(lockAccount > 0 && failedAttempts >= lockAccount) {
const props = {
[ UserProps.AccountStatus ] : User.AccountStatus.locked,
[ UserProps.AccountLockedTs ] : StatLog.now,
if(!_.has(tempUser.properties, UserProps.AccountLockedPrevStatus)) {
props[UserProps.AccountLockedPrevStatus] = tempUser.getProperty(UserProps.AccountStatus);
Log.info( { userId, failedAttempts }, '(Re)setting account to locked due to failed logins');
return tempUser.persistProperties(props, callback);
return cb(null);
err => {
return cb(err);
unlockAccount(cb) {
const prevStatus = this.getProperty(UserProps.AccountLockedPrevStatus);
if(!prevStatus) {
return cb(null); // nothing to do
this.persistProperty(UserProps.AccountStatus, prevStatus, err => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
return this.removeProperties( [ UserProps.AccountLockedPrevStatus, UserProps.AccountLockedTs ], cb);
authenticate(username, password, cb) {
const self = this;
const tempAuthInfo = {};
function fetchUserId(callback) {
// get user ID
User.getUserIdAndName(username, (err, uid, un) => {
tempAuthInfo.userId = uid;
tempAuthInfo.username = un;
return callback(err);
function getRequiredAuthProperties(callback) {
// fetch properties required for authentication
User.loadProperties(tempAuthInfo.userId, { names : User.StandardPropertyGroups.password }, (err, props) => {
return callback(err, props);
function getDkWithSalt(props, callback) {
// get DK from stored salt and password provided
User.generatePasswordDerivedKey(password, props[UserProps.PassPbkdf2Salt], (err, dk) => {
return callback(err, dk, props[UserProps.PassPbkdf2Dk]);
function validateAuth(passDk, propsDk, callback) {
// Use constant time comparison here for security feel-goods
const passDkBuf = Buffer.from(passDk, 'hex');
const propsDkBuf = Buffer.from(propsDk, 'hex');
return callback(User.isSamePasswordSlowCompare(passDkBuf, propsDkBuf) ?
null :
Errors.AccessDenied('Invalid password')
function initProps(callback) {
User.loadProperties(tempAuthInfo.userId, (err, allProps) => {
if(!err) {
tempAuthInfo.properties = allProps;
return callback(err);
function checkAccountStatus(callback) {
const accountStatus = parseInt(tempAuthInfo.properties[UserProps.AccountStatus], 10);
if(User.AccountStatus.disabled === accountStatus) {
return callback(Errors.AccessDenied('Account disabled', ErrorReasons.Disabled));
if(User.AccountStatus.inactive === accountStatus) {
return callback(Errors.AccessDenied('Account inactive', ErrorReasons.Inactive));
if(User.AccountStatus.locked === accountStatus) {
const autoUnlockMinutes = _.get(Config(), 'users.failedLogin.autoUnlockMinutes');
const lockedTs = moment(tempAuthInfo.properties[UserProps.AccountLockedTs]);
if(autoUnlockMinutes && lockedTs.isValid()) {
const minutesSinceLocked = moment().diff(lockedTs, 'minutes');
if(minutesSinceLocked >= autoUnlockMinutes) {
// allow the login - we will clear any lock there
{ username, userId : tempAuthInfo.userId, lockedAt : lockedTs.format() },
'Locked account will now be unlocked due to auto-unlock minutes policy'
return callback(null);
return callback(Errors.AccessDenied('Account is locked', ErrorReasons.Locked));
// anything else besides active is still not allowed
if(User.AccountStatus.active !== accountStatus) {
return callback(Errors.AccessDenied('Account is not active'));
return callback(null);
function initGroups(callback) {
userGroup.getGroupsForUser(tempAuthInfo.userId, (err, groups) => {
if(!err) {
tempAuthInfo.groups = groups;
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
// If we failed login due to something besides an inactive or disabled account,
// we need to update failure status and possibly lock the account.
// If locked already, update the lock timestamp -- ie, extend the lockout period.
if(![ErrorReasons.Disabled, ErrorReasons.Inactive].includes(err.reasonCode) && tempAuthInfo.userId) {
self.processFailedLogin(tempAuthInfo.userId, persistErr => {
if(persistErr) {
Log.warn( { error : persistErr.message }, 'Failed to persist failed login information');
return cb(err); // pass along original error
} else {
return cb(err);
} else {
// everything checks out - load up info
self.userId = tempAuthInfo.userId;
self.username = tempAuthInfo.username;
self.properties = tempAuthInfo.properties;
self.groups = tempAuthInfo.groups;
self.authenticated = true;
// We need to *revert* any locked status back to
// the user's previous status & clean up props.
self.unlockAccount(unlockErr => {
if(unlockErr) {
Log.warn( { error : unlockErr.message }, 'Failed to unlock account');
return cb(null);
create(createUserInfo , cb) {
assert(0 === this.userId);
const config = Config();
if(this.username.length < config.users.usernameMin || this.username.length > config.users.usernameMax) {
return cb(Errors.Invalid('Invalid username length'));
const self = this;
// :TODO: set various defaults, e.g. default activation status, etc.
self.properties[UserProps.AccountStatus] = config.users.requireActivation ? User.AccountStatus.inactive : User.AccountStatus.active;
function beginTransaction(callback) {
return userDb.beginTransaction(callback);
function createUserRec(trans, callback) {
`INSERT INTO user (user_name)
VALUES (?);`,
[ self.username ],
function inserted(err) { // use classic function for |this|
if(err) {
return callback(err);
self.userId = this.lastID;
// Do not require activation for userId 1 (root/admin)
if(User.RootUserID === self.userId) {
self.properties[UserProps.AccountStatus] = User.AccountStatus.active;
return callback(null, trans);
function genAuthCredentials(trans, callback) {
User.generatePasswordDerivedKeyAndSalt(createUserInfo.password, (err, info) => {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
self.properties[UserProps.PassPbkdf2Salt] = info.salt;
self.properties[UserProps.PassPbkdf2Dk] = info.dk;
return callback(null, trans);
function setInitialGroupMembership(trans, callback) {
self.groups = config.users.defaultGroups;
if(User.RootUserID === self.userId) { // root/SysOp?
return callback(null, trans);
function saveAll(trans, callback) {
self.persistWithTransaction(trans, err => {
return callback(err, trans);
function sendEvent(trans, callback) {
user : Object.assign({}, self, { sessionId : createUserInfo.sessionId } )
return callback(null, trans);
(err, trans) => {
if(trans) {
trans[err ? 'rollback' : 'commit'](transErr => {
return cb(err ? err : transErr);
} else {
return cb(err);
persistWithTransaction(trans, cb) {
assert(this.userId > 0);
const self = this;
function saveProps(callback) {
self.persistProperties(self.properties, trans, err => {
return callback(err);
function saveGroups(callback) {
userGroup.addUserToGroups(self.userId, self.groups, trans, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
return cb(err);
static persistPropertyByUserId(userId, propName, propValue, cb) {
`REPLACE INTO user_property (user_id, prop_name, prop_value)
VALUES (?, ?, ?);`,
[ userId, propName, propValue ],
err => {
if(cb) {
return cb(err, propValue);
getProperty(propName) {
return this.properties[propName];
getPropertyAsNumber(propName) {
return parseInt(this.getProperty(propName), 10);
persistProperty(propName, propValue, cb) {
// update live props
this.properties[propName] = propValue;
return User.persistPropertyByUserId(this.userId, propName, propValue, cb);
removeProperty(propName, cb) {
// update live
delete this.properties[propName];
`DELETE FROM user_property
WHERE user_id = ? AND prop_name = ?;`,
[ this.userId, propName ],
err => {
if(cb) {
return cb(err);
removeProperties(propNames, cb) {
async.each(propNames, (name, next) => {
return this.removeProperty(name, next);
err => {
if(cb) {
return cb(err);
persistProperties(properties, transOrDb, cb) {
if(!_.isFunction(cb) && _.isFunction(transOrDb)) {
cb = transOrDb;
transOrDb = userDb;
const self = this;
// update live props
_.merge(this.properties, properties);
const stmt = transOrDb.prepare(
`REPLACE INTO user_property (user_id, prop_name, prop_value)
VALUES (?, ?, ?);`
async.each(Object.keys(properties), (propName, nextProp) => {
stmt.run(self.userId, propName, properties[propName], err => {
return nextProp(err);
err => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
stmt.finalize( () => {
return cb(null);
setNewAuthCredentials(password, cb) {
User.generatePasswordDerivedKeyAndSalt(password, (err, info) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
const newProperties = {
[ UserProps.PassPbkdf2Salt ] : info.salt,
[ UserProps.PassPbkdf2Dk ] : info.dk,
this.persistProperties(newProperties, err => {
return cb(err);
getAge() {
const birthdate = this.getProperty(UserProps.Birthdate);
if(birthdate) {
return moment().diff(birthdate, 'years');
static getUser(userId, cb) {
function fetchUserId(callback) {
User.getUserName(userId, (err, userName) => {
return callback(null, userName);
function initProps(userName, callback) {
User.loadProperties(userId, (err, properties) => {
return callback(err, userName, properties);
function initGroups(userName, properties, callback) {
userGroup.getGroupsForUser(userId, (err, groups) => {
return callback(null, userName, properties, groups);
(err, userName, properties, groups) => {
const user = new User();
user.userId = userId;
user.username = userName;
user.properties = properties;
user.groups = groups;
user.authenticated = false; // this is NOT an authenticated user!
return cb(err, user);
static isRootUserId(userId) {
return (User.RootUserID === userId);
static getUserIdAndName(username, cb) {
`SELECT id, user_name
FROM user
WHERE user_name LIKE ?;`,
[ username ],
(err, row) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
if(row) {
return cb(null, row.id, row.user_name);
return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('No matching username'));
static getUserIdAndNameByRealName(realName, cb) {
`SELECT id, user_name
FROM user
WHERE id = (
SELECT user_id
FROM user_property
WHERE prop_name='${UserProps.RealName}' AND prop_value LIKE ?
[ realName ],
(err, row) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
if(row) {
return cb(null, row.id, row.user_name);
return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('No matching real name'));
static getUserIdAndNameByLookup(lookup, cb) {
User.getUserIdAndName(lookup, (err, userId, userName) => {
if(err) {
User.getUserIdAndNameByRealName(lookup, (err, userId, userName) => {
return cb(err, userId, userName);
} else {
return cb(null, userId, userName);
static getUserName(userId, cb) {
`SELECT user_name
FROM user
WHERE id = ?;`,
[ userId ],
(err, row) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
if(row) {
return cb(null, row.user_name);
return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('No matching user ID'));
static loadProperties(userId, options, cb) {
if(!cb && _.isFunction(options)) {
cb = options;
options = {};
let sql =
`SELECT prop_name, prop_value
FROM user_property
WHERE user_id = ?`;
if(options.names) {
sql += ` AND prop_name IN("${options.names.join('","')}");`;
} else {
sql += ';';
let properties = {};
userDb.each(sql, [ userId ], (err, row) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
properties[row.prop_name] = row.prop_value;
}, (err) => {
return cb(err, err ? null : properties);
// :TODO: make this much more flexible - propValue should allow for case-insensitive compare, etc.
static getUserIdsWithProperty(propName, propValue, cb) {
let userIds = [];
`SELECT user_id
FROM user_property
WHERE prop_name = ? AND prop_value = ?;`,
[ propName, propValue ],
(err, row) => {
if(row) {
() => {
return cb(null, userIds);
static getUserList(options, cb) {
const userList = [];
const orderClause = 'ORDER BY ' + (options.order || 'user_name');
`SELECT id, user_name
FROM user
(err, row) => {
if(row) {
userId : row.id,
userName : row.user_name,
() => {
options.properties = options.properties || [];
async.map(userList, (user, nextUser) => {
`SELECT prop_name, prop_value
FROM user_property
WHERE user_id = ? AND prop_name IN ("${options.properties.join('","')}");`,
[ user.userId ],
(err, row) => {
if(row) {
if(options.propsCamelCase) {
user[_.camelCase(row.prop_name)] = row.prop_value;
} else {
user[row.prop_name] = row.prop_value;
err => {
return nextUser(err, user);
(err, transformed) => {
return cb(err, transformed);
static generatePasswordDerivedKeyAndSalt(password, cb) {
function getSalt(callback) {
User.generatePasswordDerivedKeySalt( (err, salt) => {
return callback(err, salt);
function getDk(salt, callback) {
User.generatePasswordDerivedKey(password, salt, (err, dk) => {
return callback(err, salt, dk);
(err, salt, dk) => {
return cb(err, { salt : salt, dk : dk } );
static generatePasswordDerivedKeySalt(cb) {
crypto.randomBytes(User.PBKDF2.saltLen, (err, salt) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
return cb(null, salt.toString('hex'));
static generatePasswordDerivedKey(password, salt, cb) {
password = Buffer.from(password).toString('hex');
crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, User.PBKDF2.iterations, User.PBKDF2.keyLen, 'sha1', (err, dk) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
return cb(null, dk.toString('hex'));