2023-03-13 13:33:54 -06:00

289 lines
6.5 KiB

menus: {
activityPubMenu: {
desc: ActivityPub Menu
art: activitypub_menu
prompt: activityPubMenuCommand
submit: [
value: { command: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: {command: "S"}
action: [
acs: "AE1"
action: @menu:activityPubActorSearch
action: @menu:activityPubNotEnabled
value: {command: "C"}
action: @menu:activityPubUserConfig
value: {command: "M"}
action: [
acs: "AE1"
action: @menu:activityPubSocialManager
action: @menu:activityPubNotEnabled
value: {command: "Q"}
action: @menu:mainMenu
value: { command: "E" }
action: @menu:privateMailMenu
value: { command: "P" }
action: @menu:activityPubPublicMessages
activityPubActorSearch: {
desc: ActivityPub Search
module: activitypub/actor_search
config: {
cls: true
art: {
main: activitypub_actor_search_main
view: activitypub_actor_view
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
maxLength: 70
argName: searchQuery
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: {searchQuery: null}
action: @method:search
actionKeys: [
keys: ["escape"]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: {}
actionKeys: [
keys: ["escape", "q", "shift + q"]
action: @method:backKeyPressed
keys: ["space"]
action: @method:toggleFollowKeyPressed
activityPubUserConfig: {
desc: ActivityPub Config
module: ./activitypub/user_config
config: {
art: {
main: activitypub_user_config_main
images: activitypub_user_config_images
form: {
0: {
mci: {
TM1: {
focus: true
items: ["no", "yes"]
argName: enabled
TM2: {
items: ["no", "yes"]
argName: manuallyApproveFollowers
TM3: {
items: ["no", "yes"]
argName: hideSocialGraph
TM4: {
items: ["no", "yes"]
argName: showRealName
TL5: {argName: "image"}
TL6: {argName: "icon"}
BT7: {
text: manage images
argName: manageImages
submit: true
justify: center
TM8: {
items: ["save", "cancel"]
submit: true
argName: saveOrCancel
submit: {
*: [
// :TODO: we need a way to just want the argName *for the submitting item* and drop others
value: {manageImages: null}
action: @method:mainSubmit
actionKeys: @reference:common.escToPrev
1: {
mci: {
ML1: {
argName: imageUrl
mode: edit
scrollMode: start
focus: true
tabSwitchesView: true
ML2: {
argName: iconUrl
mode: edit
scrollMode: start
tabSwitchesView: true
TM3: {
items: ["save", "cancel"]
submit: true
argName: imagesSaveOrCancel
submit: {
*: [
value: {imagesSaveOrCancel: null}
action: @method:imagesSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: ["escape"]
action: @method:backToMain
activityPubSocialManager: {
desc: ActivityPub Social Manager
module: ./activitypub/social_manager
config: {
art: {main: "activitypub_social_manager"}
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {}
MT2: {mode: "preview", acceptsFocus: false, acceptsInput: false}
TM3: {
focus: true
items: ["following", "followers"]
actionKeys: [
keys: ["space"]
action: @method:spaceKeyPressed
keys: ["down arrow", "up arrow"]
action: @method:listKeyPressed
keys: ["escape"]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
activityPubPublicMessages: {
desc: ActivityPub Public
module: msg_list
config: {
messageAreaTag: activitypub_shared
menuViewPost: messageAreaViewPost
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: messageIndex
submit: {
*: [
value: { messageIndex: null }
action: @method:selectMessage
actionKeys: @reference:common.quitToPrev
activityPubNotEnabled: {
desc: ActivityPub Not Enabled
art: activitypub_not_enabled
config: {
cls: true
pause: true
prompts: {
activityPubMenuCommand: {
art: activitypub_menu_prompt
mci: {
ET2: {
argName: command
width: 20
maxLength: 20
submit: true
textStyle: upper
focus: true