
755 lines
26 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
const Config = require('./config.js').get;
const art = require('./art.js');
const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js');
const Log = require('./logger.js').log;
const asset = require('./asset.js');
const ViewController = require('./view_controller.js').ViewController;
const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors;
const Events = require('./events.js');
const AnsiPrep = require('./ansi_prep.js');
const UserProps = require('./user_property.js');
const ConfigLoader = require('./config_loader');
const { getConfigPath } = require('./config_util');
// deps
const fs = require('graceful-fs');
const paths = require('path');
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
const assert = require('assert');
exports.getThemeArt = getThemeArt;
exports.getAvailableThemes = getAvailableThemes;
exports.getRandomTheme = getRandomTheme;
exports.setClientTheme = setClientTheme;
exports.displayPreparedArt = displayPreparedArt;
exports.displayThemeArt = displayThemeArt;
exports.displayThemedPause = displayThemedPause;
exports.displayThemedPrompt = displayThemedPrompt;
exports.displayThemedAsset = displayThemedAsset;
// global instance of ThemeManager; see ThemeManager.create()
let themeManagerInstance;
exports.ThemeManager = class ThemeManager {
constructor() {
this.availableThemes = new Map();
static create(cb) {
themeManagerInstance = new ThemeManager();
themeManagerInstance.init(err => {
if (!err) {
.forEach((themeConfig, themeId) => {
const { name, author, group } = themeConfig.get().info;
{ themeId, themeName: name, author, group },
'Theme loaded'
return cb(err);
getAvailableThemes() {
return this.availableThemes;
init(cb) {
this.menuConfig = new ConfigLoader({
onReload: err => {
if (!err) {
// menu.hjson/includes have changed; this could affect
// all themes, so they must be reloaded
this.menuConfig.init(getConfigPath(Config().general.menuFile), err => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
return this._loadThemes(cb);
_loadThemes(cb) {
const themeDir = Config().paths.themes;
fs.readdir(themeDir, (err, files) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
(filename, nextFilename) => {
const fullPath = paths.join(themeDir, filename);
fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
return nextFilename(err);
return nextFilename(null, stats.isDirectory());
(err, themeIds) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
(themeId, nextThemeId) => {
return this._loadTheme(themeId, nextThemeId);
err => {
return cb(err);
_loadTheme(themeId, cb) {
const themeConfig = new ConfigLoader({
onReload: err => {
if (!err) {
// this particular theme has changed
this._themeLoaded(themeId, themeConfig, err => {
if (!err) {
Events.emit(Events.getSystemEvents().ThemeChanged, {
const themeConfigPath = paths.join(Config().paths.themes, themeId, 'theme.hjson');
themeConfig.init(themeConfigPath, err => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
this._themeLoaded(themeId, themeConfig);
return cb(null);
_themeLoaded(themeId, themeConfig) {
const theme = themeConfig.get();
// do some basic validation
// :TODO: schema validation here
if (
!_.isObject(theme.info) ||
!_.isString(theme.info.name) ||
) {
return Log.warn(
{ themeId },
'Theme contains invalid or missing "info" section'
if (false === _.get(theme, 'info.enabled')) {
Log.info({ themeId }, 'Theme is disabled');
return this.availableThemes.delete(themeId);
// merge menu.hjson+theme.hjson/etc. to the final usable theme
this._finalizeTheme(themeId, themeConfig);
// Theme is valid and enabled; update it in available themes
this.availableThemes.set(themeId, themeConfig);
Events.emit(Events.getSystemEvents().ThemeChanged, { themeId });
_finalizeTheme(themeId, themeConfig) {
// These TODOs are left over from the old system - decide what/if to do with them:
// :TODO: merge in defaults (customization.defaults{} )
// :TODO: apply generic stuff, e.g. "VM" (vs "VM1")
// start out with menu.hjson
const mergedTheme = _.cloneDeep(this.menuConfig.get());
const theme = themeConfig.get();
// some data brought directly over
mergedTheme.info = Object.assign({}, theme.info, { themeId });
mergedTheme.achievements = _.get(theme, 'customization.achievements');
// Create some helpers for this theme
// merge customizer to disallow immutable MCI properties
const ImmutableMCIProperties = ['maxLength', 'argName', 'submit', 'validate'];
const mciCustomizer = (objVal, srcVal, key) => {
return ImmutableMCIProperties.indexOf(key) > -1 ? objVal : srcVal;
const getFormKeys = obj => {
// remove all non-numbers
return _.remove(Object.keys(obj), k => !isNaN(k));
const mergeMciProperties = (dst, src) => {
Object.keys(src).forEach(mci => {
if (dst[mci]) {
_.mergeWith(dst[mci], src[mci], mciCustomizer);
} else {
// theme contains a MCI that's not found in menu
dst[mci] = src[mci];
const applyThemeMciBlock = (dst, src, formKey) => {
if (_.isObject(src.mci)) {
mergeMciProperties(dst, src.mci);
} else if (_.has(src, [formKey, 'mci'])) {
mergeMciProperties(dst, src[formKey].mci);
// menu.hjson can have a couple different structures:
// 1) Explicit declaration of expected MCI code(s) under 'form:<id>' before a 'mci' block
// (this allows multiple layout types defined by one menu for example)
// 2) Non-explicit declaration: 'mci' directly under 'form:<id>'
// theme.hjson has it's own mix:
// 1) Explicit: Form ID before 'mci' (generally used where there are > 1 forms)
// 2) Non-explicit: 'mci' directly under an entry
// Additionally, #1 or #2 may be under an explicit key of MCI code(s) to match up
// with menu.hjson in #1.
// * When theming an explicit menu.hjson entry (1), we will use a matching explicit
// entry with a matching MCI code(s) key in theme.hjson (e.g. menu="ETVM"/theme="ETVM"
// and fall back to generic if a match is not found.
// * If theme.hjson provides form ID's, use them. Otherwise, we'll apply directly assuming
// there is a generic 'mci' block.
const applyToForm = (form, menuTheme, formKey) => {
if (_.isObject(form.mci)) {
// non-explicit: no MCI code(s) key assumed since we found 'mci' directly under form ID
applyThemeMciBlock(form.mci, menuTheme, formKey);
} else {
// remove anything not uppercase
const menuMciCodeKeys = _.remove(
k => k === k.toUpperCase()
menuMciCodeKeys.forEach(mciKey => {
const src = _.has(menuTheme, [mciKey, 'mci'])
? menuTheme[mciKey]
: menuTheme;
applyThemeMciBlock(form[mciKey].mci, src, formKey);
['menus', 'prompts'].forEach(sectionName => {
if (!_.isObject(mergedTheme[sectionName])) {
return Log.error({ sectionName }, 'Merged theme is missing section');
Object.keys(mergedTheme[sectionName]).forEach(entryName => {
let createdFormSection = false;
const mergedThemeMenu = mergedTheme[sectionName][entryName];
const menuTheme = _.get(theme, ['customization', sectionName, entryName]);
if (menuTheme) {
if (menuTheme.config) {
// :TODO: should this be _.merge() ?
mergedThemeMenu.config = _.assign(
mergedThemeMenu.config || {},
if ('menus' === sectionName) {
if (_.isObject(mergedThemeMenu.form)) {
getFormKeys(mergedThemeMenu.form).forEach(formKey => {
} else if (_.isObject(menuTheme.mci)) {
// Not specified at menu level means we apply anything from the
// theme to form.0.mci{}
mergedThemeMenu.form = { 0: { mci: {} } };
mergeMciProperties(mergedThemeMenu.form[0], menuTheme);
createdFormSection = true;
} else if ('prompts' === sectionName) {
// no 'form' or form keys for prompts -- direct to mci
applyToForm(mergedThemeMenu, menuTheme);
// Finished merging for this menu/prompt
// If the following conditions are true, set runtime.autoNext to true:
// * This is a menu
// * There is/was no explicit 'form' section
// * There is no 'prompt' specified
if (
'menus' === sectionName &&
!_.isString(mergedThemeMenu.prompt) &&
(createdFormSection || !_.isObject(mergedThemeMenu.form))
) {
mergedThemeMenu.runtime = _.merge(mergedThemeMenu.runtime || {}, {
autoNext: true,
themeConfig.current = mergedTheme;
_setThemeHelpers(theme) {
theme.helpers = {
getPasswordChar: function () {
let pwChar = _.get(
if (_.isString(pwChar)) {
pwChar = pwChar.substr(0, 1);
} else if (_.isNumber(pwChar)) {
pwChar = String.fromCharCode(pwChar);
return pwChar;
getDateFormat: function (style = 'short') {
const format = Config().theme.dateFormat[style] || 'MM/DD/YYYY';
return _.get(theme, `customization.defaults.dateFormat.${style}`, format);
getTimeFormat: function (style = 'short') {
const format = Config().theme.timeFormat[style] || 'h:mm a';
return _.get(theme, `customization.defaults.timeFormat.${style}`, format);
getDateTimeFormat: function (style = 'short') {
const format =
Config().theme.dateTimeFormat[style] || 'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm a';
return _.get(
_reloadAllThemes() {
async.each([...this.availableThemes.keys()], (themeId, nextThemeId) => {
this._loadTheme(themeId, err => {
if (!err) {
Log.info({ themeId }, 'Theme reloaded');
return nextThemeId(null); // always proceed
function getAvailableThemes() {
return themeManagerInstance.getAvailableThemes();
function getRandomTheme() {
const avail = getAvailableThemes();
if (avail.size > 0) {
const themeIds = [...avail.keys()];
return themeIds[Math.floor(Math.random() * themeIds.length)];
function setClientTheme(client, themeId) {
const availThemes = getAvailableThemes();
let msg;
let setThemeId;
const config = Config();
if (availThemes.has(themeId)) {
msg = 'Set client theme';
setThemeId = themeId;
} else if (availThemes.has(config.theme.default)) {
msg = 'Failed setting theme by supplied ID; Using default';
setThemeId = config.theme.default;
} else {
msg =
'Failed setting theme by system default ID; Using the first one we can find';
setThemeId = availThemes.keys().next().value;
client.currentTheme = availThemes.get(setThemeId);
{ setThemeId, requestedThemeId: themeId, info: client.currentTheme.info },
function getThemeArt(options, cb) {
// options - required:
// name
// options - optional
// client - needed for user's theme/etc.
// themeId
// asAnsi
// readSauce
// random
const config = Config();
if (
!options.themeId &&
_.has(options, ['client', 'user', 'properties', UserProps.ThemeId])
) {
options.themeId = options.client.user.properties[UserProps.ThemeId];
options.themeId = options.themeId || config.theme.default;
// :TODO: replace asAnsi stuff with something like retrieveAs = 'ansi' | 'pipe' | ...
// :TODO: Some of these options should only be set if not provided!
options.asAnsi = true; // always convert to ANSI
options.readSauce = _.get(options, 'readSauce', true); // read SAUCE, if avail
options.random = _.get(options, 'random', true); // FILENAME<n>.EXT support
// We look for themed art in the following order:
// 1) Direct/relative path
// 2) Via theme supplied by |themeId|
// 3) Via default theme
// 4) General art directory
function fromPath(callback) {
// We allow relative (to enigma-bbs) or full paths
if ('/' === options.name.charAt(0)) {
// just take the path as-is
options.basePath = paths.dirname(options.name);
} else if (options.name.indexOf('/') > -1) {
// make relative to base BBS dir
options.basePath = paths.join(
} else {
return callback(null, null);
art.getArt(options.name, options, (err, artInfo) => {
return callback(null, artInfo);
function fromSuppliedTheme(artInfo, callback) {
if (artInfo) {
return callback(null, artInfo);
options.basePath = paths.join(config.paths.themes, options.themeId);
art.getArt(options.name, options, (err, artInfo) => {
return callback(null, artInfo);
function fromDefaultTheme(artInfo, callback) {
if (artInfo || config.theme.default === options.themeId) {
return callback(null, artInfo);
options.basePath = paths.join(config.paths.themes, config.theme.default);
art.getArt(options.name, options, (err, artInfo) => {
return callback(null, artInfo);
function fromGeneralArtDir(artInfo, callback) {
if (artInfo) {
return callback(null, artInfo);
options.basePath = config.paths.art;
art.getArt(options.name, options, (err, artInfo) => {
return callback(err, artInfo);
function complete(err, artInfo) {
if (err) {
const logger = _.get(options, 'client.log') || Log;
logger.debug({ reason: err.message }, 'Cannot find theme art');
return cb(err, artInfo);
function displayPreparedArt(options, artInfo, cb) {
const displayOpts = {
sauce: artInfo.sauce,
font: options.font,
trailingLF: options.trailingLF,
startRow: options.startRow,
art.display(options.client, artInfo.data, displayOpts, (err, mciMap, extraInfo) => {
return cb(err, { mciMap: mciMap, artInfo: artInfo, extraInfo: extraInfo });
function displayThemeArt(options, cb) {
function getArt(callback) {
return getThemeArt(options, callback);
function prepWork(artInfo, callback) {
if (_.isObject(options.ansiPrepOptions)) {
AnsiPrep(artInfo.data, options.ansiPrepOptions, (err, prepped) => {
if (!err && prepped) {
artInfo.data = prepped;
return callback(null, artInfo);
} else {
return callback(null, artInfo);
function disp(artInfo, callback) {
return displayPreparedArt(options, artInfo, callback);
(err, artData) => {
return cb(err, artData);
function displayThemedPrompt(name, client, options, cb) {
const usingTempViewController = _.isUndefined(options.viewController);
function display(callback) {
const promptConfig = client.currentTheme.prompts[name];
if (!promptConfig) {
return callback(
Errors.DoesNotExist(`Missing "${name}" prompt configuration!`)
if (options.clearScreen) {
options.position = { row: 1, column: 1 };
// If we did *not* clear the screen, don't let the font change
// doing so messes things up -- most terminals that support font
// changing can only display a single font at at time.
const dispOptions = Object.assign({}, options, promptConfig.config);
// :TODO: We can use term detection to do nifty things like avoid this kind of kludge:
// if(!options.clearScreen) {
// dispOptions.font = 'not_really_a_font!'; // kludge :)
// }
(err, artInfo) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, promptConfig, artInfo);
function discoverCursorPosition(promptConfig, artInfo, callback) {
if (!options.clearPrompt) {
// no need to query cursor - we're not gonna use it
return callback(null, promptConfig, artInfo);
if (_.isNumber(options?.position?.row)) {
artInfo.startRow = options.position.row;
if (
client.term.termHeight > 0 &&
artInfo.startRow + artInfo.height > client.term.termHeight
) {
// in this case, we will have scrolled
artInfo.startRow = client.term.termHeight - artInfo.height;
return callback(null, promptConfig, artInfo);
function createMCIViews(promptConfig, artInfo, callback) {
const assocViewController = usingTempViewController
? new ViewController({ client: client })
: options.viewController;
const loadOpts = {
promptName: name,
mciMap: artInfo.mciMap,
config: promptConfig,
submitNotify: options.submitNotify,
assocViewController.loadFromPromptConfig(loadOpts, () => {
return callback(null, artInfo, assocViewController);
function pauseForUserInput(artInfo, assocViewController, callback) {
if (!options.pause) {
return callback(null, artInfo, assocViewController);
client.waitForKeyPress(() => {
return callback(null, artInfo, assocViewController);
function clearPauseArt(artInfo, assocViewController, callback) {
// Only clear with height if clearPrompt is true and if we were able
// to determine the row
if (options.clearPrompt && artInfo.startRow) {
if (artInfo.startRow && artInfo.height) {
client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(artInfo.startRow, 1));
// Note: Does not work properly in NetRunner < 2.0b17:
} else {
return callback(null, assocViewController, artInfo);
(err, assocViewController, artInfo) => {
if (err) {
{ error: err.message },
`Failed displaying "${name}" prompt`
if (assocViewController && usingTempViewController) {
return cb(null, artInfo);
// Pause prompts are a special prompt by the name 'pause'.
function displayThemedPause(client, options, cb) {
if (!cb && _.isFunction(options)) {
cb = options;
options = {};
if (!_.isBoolean(options.clearPrompt)) {
options.clearPrompt = true;
const promptOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { pause: true });
return displayThemedPrompt('pause', client, promptOptions, cb);
function displayThemedAsset(assetSpec, client, options, cb) {
// options are... optional
if (3 === arguments.length) {
cb = options;
options = {};
if (Array.isArray(assetSpec)) {
const acsCondMember = options.acsCondMember || 'art';
assetSpec = client.acs.getConditionalValue(assetSpec, acsCondMember);
const artAsset = asset.getArtAsset(assetSpec);
if (!artAsset) {
return cb(new Error('Asset not found: ' + assetSpec));
const dispOpts = Object.assign({}, options, { client, name: artAsset.asset });
switch (artAsset.type) {
case 'art':
displayThemeArt(dispOpts, function displayed(err, artData) {
return cb(
? null
: { mciMap: artData.mciMap, height: artData.extraInfo.height }
case 'method':
// :TODO: fetch & render via method
case 'inline ':
// :TODO: think about this more in relation to themes, etc. How can this come
// from a theme (with override from menu.json) ???
// look @ client.currentTheme.inlineArt[name] -> menu/prompt[name]
return cb(new Error('Unsupported art asset type: ' + artAsset.type));