
76 lines
2.1 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
var View = require('./view.js').View;
var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js');
var strUtil = require('./string_util.js');
var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js');
var util = require('util');
var assert = require('assert');
exports.TextView = TextView;
function TextView(client, options) {
View.call(this, client, options);
if(this.options.maxLength) {
this.maxLength = this.options.maxLength;
this.textStyle = this.options.textStyle || 'normal';
this.multiLine = this.options.multiLine || false;
this.fillChar = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(this.options.fillChar, ' ').substr(0, 1);
assert(!this.multiLine); // :TODO: not yet supported
if(!this.multiLine) {
this.dimens.height = 1;
this.setText(this.options.text || '');
this.isPasswordTextStyle = 'P' === this.textStyle || 'password' === this.textStyle;
if(this.isPasswordTextStyle) {
this.textMaskChar = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(this.options.textMaskChar, '*').substr(0, 1);
util.inherits(TextView, View);
TextView.prototype.redraw = function() {
var color = this.hasFocus ? this.getFocusColor() : this.getColor();
// :TODO: If using fillChar, don't just pad. switch to non-focus color & fill with |fillChar|
if(this.isPasswordTextStyle) {
this.client.term.write(strUtil.pad(new Array(this.text.length + 1).join(this.textMaskChar), this.dimens.width));
} else {
this.client.term.write(strUtil.pad(this.text, this.dimens.width));
TextView.prototype.setFocus = function(focused) {
TextView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused);
this.client.term.write(ansi.goto(this.position.x, this.position.y + this.text.length));
TextView.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.text = text;
if(this.maxLength > 0) {
this.text = this.text.substr(0, this.maxLength);
this.text = strUtil.stylizeString(this.text, this.textStyle);
if(!this.multiLine && !this.dimens.width) {
this.dimens.width = this.text.length;