
259 lines
7.8 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
// ENiGMA½
const MenuModule = require('../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule;
const ViewController = require('../core/view_controller.js').ViewController;
const messageArea = require('../core/message_area.js');
const stringFormat = require('../core/string_format.js');
// deps
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
const moment = require('moment');
Available listFormat/focusListFormat members (VM1):
msgNum : Message number
to : To username/handle
from : From username/handle
subj : Subject
ts : Message mod timestamp (format with config.dateTimeFormat)
newIndicator : New mark/indicator (config.newIndicator)
MCI codes:
VM1 : Message list
TL2 : Message info 1: { msgNumSelected, msgNumTotal }
exports.getModule = MessageListModule;
exports.moduleInfo = {
name : 'Message List',
desc : 'Module for listing/browsing available messages',
author : 'NuSkooler',
const MCICodesIDs = {
MsgList : 1, // VM1
MsgInfo1 : 2, // TL2
function MessageListModule(options) {
MenuModule.call(this, options);
const self = this;
const config = this.menuConfig.config;
this.messageAreaTag = config.messageAreaTag;
if(options.extraArgs) {
// |extraArgs| can override |messageAreaTag| provided by config
// as well as supply a pre-defined message list
if(options.extraArgs.messageAreaTag) {
this.messageAreaTag = options.extraArgs.messageAreaTag;
if(options.extraArgs.messageList) {
this.messageList = options.extraArgs.messageList;
this.menuMethods = {
selectMessage : function(formData, extraArgs, cb) {
if(1 === formData.submitId) {
self.initialFocusIndex = formData.value.message;
const modOpts = {
extraArgs : {
messageAreaTag : self.messageAreaTag,
messageList : self.messageList,
messageIndex : formData.value.message,
// Provide a serializer so we don't dump *huge* bits of information to the log
// due to the size of |messageList|. See https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan/issues/189
modOpts.extraArgs.toJSON = function() {
const logMsgList = (this.messageList.length <= 4) ?
this.messageList :
this.messageList.slice(0, 2).concat(this.messageList.slice(-2));
return {
messageAreaTag : this.messageAreaTag,
apprevMessageList : logMsgList,
messageCount : this.messageList.length,
messageIndex : formData.value.message,
return self.gotoMenu(config.menuViewPost || 'messageAreaViewPost', modOpts, cb);
} else {
return cb(null);
fullExit : function(formData, extraArgs, cb) {
self.menuResult = { fullExit : true };
return self.prevMenu(cb);
this.setViewText = function(id, text) {
const v = self.viewControllers.allViews.getView(id);
if(v) {
require('util').inherits(MessageListModule, MenuModule);
MessageListModule.prototype.enter = function() {
// Config can specify |messageAreaTag| else it comes from
// the user's current area
if(this.messageAreaTag) {
} else {
this.messageAreaTag = this.messageAreaTag = this.client.user.properties.message_area_tag;
MessageListModule.prototype.leave = function() {
MessageListModule.prototype.mciReady = function(mciData, cb) {
const self = this;
const vc = self.viewControllers.allViews = new ViewController( { client : self.client } );
function callParentMciReady(callback) {
MessageListModule.super_.prototype.mciReady.call(self, mciData, callback);
function loadFromConfig(callback) {
const loadOpts = {
callingMenu : self,
mciMap : mciData.menu
return vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, callback);
function fetchMessagesInArea(callback) {
// Config can supply messages else we'll need to populate the list now
if(_.isArray(self.messageList)) {
return callback(0 === self.messageList.length ? new Error('No messages in area') : null);
messageArea.getMessageListForArea( { client : self.client }, self.messageAreaTag, function msgs(err, msgList) {
if(!msgList || 0 === msgList.length) {
return callback(new Error('No messages in area'));
self.messageList = msgList;
return callback(err);
function getLastReadMesageId(callback) {
messageArea.getMessageAreaLastReadId(self.client.user.userId, self.messageAreaTag, function lastRead(err, lastReadId) {
self.lastReadId = lastReadId || 0;
return callback(null); // ignore any errors, e.g. missing value
function updateMessageListObjects(callback) {
const dateTimeFormat = self.menuConfig.config.dateTimeFormat || 'ddd MMM Do';
const newIndicator = self.menuConfig.config.newIndicator || '*';
const regIndicator = new Array(newIndicator.length + 1).join(' '); // fill with space to avoid draw issues
let msgNum = 1;
self.messageList.forEach( (listItem, index) => {
listItem.msgNum = msgNum++;
listItem.ts = moment(listItem.modTimestamp).format(dateTimeFormat);
listItem.newIndicator = listItem.messageId > self.lastReadId ? newIndicator : regIndicator;
if(_.isUndefined(self.initialFocusIndex) && listItem.messageId > self.lastReadId) {
self.initialFocusIndex = index;
return callback(null);
function populateList(callback) {
const msgListView = vc.getView(MCICodesIDs.MsgList);
const listFormat = self.menuConfig.config.listFormat || '{msgNum} - {subject} - {toUserName}';
const focusListFormat = self.menuConfig.config.focusListFormat || listFormat; // :TODO: default change color here
const messageInfo1Format = self.menuConfig.config.messageInfo1Format || '{msgNumSelected} / {msgNumTotal}';
// :TODO: This can take a very long time to load large lists. What we need is to implement the "owner draw" concept in
// which items are requested (e.g. their format at least) *as-needed* vs trying to get the format for all of them at once
msgListView.setItems(_.map(self.messageList, listEntry => {
return stringFormat(listFormat, listEntry);
msgListView.setFocusItems(_.map(self.messageList, listEntry => {
return stringFormat(focusListFormat, listEntry);
msgListView.on('index update', idx => {
stringFormat(messageInfo1Format, { msgNumSelected : (idx + 1), msgNumTotal : self.messageList.length } ));
if(self.initialFocusIndex > 0) {
// note: causes redraw()
} else {
return callback(null);
function drawOtherViews(callback) {
const messageInfo1Format = self.menuConfig.config.messageInfo1Format || '{msgNumSelected} / {msgNumTotal}';
stringFormat(messageInfo1Format, { msgNumSelected : self.initialFocusIndex + 1, msgNumTotal : self.messageList.length } ));
return callback(null);
err => {
if(err) {
self.client.log.error( { error : err.message }, 'Error loading message list');
return cb(err);
MessageListModule.prototype.getSaveState = function() {
return { initialFocusIndex : this.initialFocusIndex };
MessageListModule.prototype.restoreSavedState = function(savedState) {
if(savedState) {
this.initialFocusIndex = savedState.initialFocusIndex;
MessageListModule.prototype.getMenuResult = function() {
return this.menuResult;