
132 lines
3.6 KiB

menus: {
doorsMainMenu: {
desc: Doors Menu
prompt: menuCommand
config: {
interrupt: realtime
submit: [
value: { command: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: { command: "Q" }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
// The system supports many ways of launching doors including
// modules for DoorParty!, BBSLink, etc.
// Below are some examples. See the documentation for more info.
value: { command: "ABRACADABRA" }
action: @menu:doorAbracadabraExample
value: { command: "TWBBSLINK" }
action: @menu:doorTradeWars2002BBSLinkExample
value: { command: "DP" }
action: @menu:doorPartyExample
value: { command: "CN" }
action: @menu:doorCombatNetExample
value: { command: "EXODUS" }
action: @menu:doorExodusCataclysm
// Local Door Example via abracadabra module
// This example assumes launch_door.sh (which is passed args)
// launches the door.
doorAbracadabraExample: {
desc: Abracadabra Example
module: abracadabra
config: {
name: Example Door
dropFileType: DORINFO
cmd: /home/enigma/DOS/scripts/launch_door.sh
args: [
nodeMax: 1
tooManyArt: DOORMANY
io: socket
// BBSLink Example (TradeWars 2000)
// Register @ https://bbslink.net/
doorTradeWars2002BBSLinkExample: {
desc: Playing TW 2002 (BBSLink)
module: bbs_link
config: {
authCode: XXXXXXXX
schemeCode: XXXXXXXX
door: tw
// DoorParty! Example
// Register @ http://throwbackbbs.com/
doorPartyExample: {
desc: Using DoorParty!
module: door_party
config: {
username: XXXXXXXX
password: XXXXXXXX
bbsTag: XX
// CombatNet Example
// Register @ http://combatnet.us/
doorCombatNetExample: {
desc: Using CombatNet
module: combatnet
config: {
bbsTag: CBNxxx
password: XXXXXXXXX
// Exodus Example (cataclysm)
// Register @ https://oddnetwork.org/exodus/
doorExodusCataclysm: {
desc: Cataclysm
module: exodus
config: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
board: XXX
door: cataclysm