442 lines
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442 lines
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/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
var msgDb = require('./database.js').dbs.message;
var Config = require('./config.js').config;
var Message = require('./message.js');
var Log = require('./logger.js').log;
var checkAcs = require('./acs_util.js').checkAcs;
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('lodash');
var assert = require('assert');
exports.getAvailableMessageConferences = getAvailableMessageConferences;
exports.getSortedAvailMessageConferences = getSortedAvailMessageConferences;
exports.getAvailableMessageAreasByConfTag = getAvailableMessageAreasByConfTag;
exports.getSortedAvailMessageAreasByConfTag = getSortedAvailMessageAreasByConfTag;
exports.getDefaultMessageConferenceTag = getDefaultMessageConferenceTag;
exports.getDefaultMessageAreaTagByConfTag = getDefaultMessageAreaTagByConfTag;
exports.getMessageConferenceByTag = getMessageConferenceByTag;
exports.getMessageAreaByTag = getMessageAreaByTag;
exports.changeMessageConference = changeMessageConference;
exports.changeMessageArea = changeMessageArea;
exports.getMessageListForArea = getMessageListForArea;
exports.getNewMessagesInAreaForUser = getNewMessagesInAreaForUser;
exports.getMessageAreaLastReadId = getMessageAreaLastReadId;
exports.updateMessageAreaLastReadId = updateMessageAreaLastReadId;
const CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT = 'GM[users]';
const AREA_MANAGE_ACS_DEFAULT = 'GM[sysops]';
function getAvailableMessageConferences(client, options) {
options = options || { includeSystemInternal : false };
// perform ACS check per conf & omit system_internal if desired
return _.omit(Config.messageConferences, (v, k) => {
if(!options.includeSystemInternal && 'system_internal' === k) {
return true;
const readAcs = v.acs || CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
return !checkAcs(client, readAcs);
function getSortedAvailMessageConferences(client, options) {
var sorted = _.map(getAvailableMessageConferences(client, options), (v, k) => {
return {
confTag : k,
conf : v,
sorted.sort((a, b) => {
return a.conf.name.localeCompare(b.conf.name);
return sorted;
// Return an *object* of available areas within |confTag|
function getAvailableMessageAreasByConfTag(confTag, options) {
options = options || {};
if(_.has(Config.messageConferences, [ confTag, 'areas' ])) {
const areas = Config.messageConferences[confTag].areas;
if(!options.client || true === options.noAcsCheck) {
// everything - no ACS checks
return areas;
} else {
// perform ACS check per area
return _.omit(areas, (v, k) => {
const readAcs = _.has(v, 'acs.read') ? v.acs.read : CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
return !checkAcs(options.client, readAcs);
function getSortedAvailMessageAreasByConfTag(confTag, options) {
const areas = getAvailableMessageAreasByConfTag(confTag, options);
// :TODO: should probably be using localeCompare / sort
return _.sortBy(_.map(areas, (v, k) => {
return {
areaTag : k,
area : v,
}), o => o.area.name); // sort by name
function getDefaultMessageConferenceTag(client, disableAcsCheck) {
// Find the first conference marked 'default'. If found,
// inspect |client| against *read* ACS using defaults if not
// specified.
// If the above fails, just go down the list until we get one
// that passes.
// It's possible that we end up with nothing here!
// Note that built in 'system_internal' is always ommited here
let defaultConf = _.findKey(Config.messageConferences, o => o.default);
if(defaultConf) {
const acs = Config.messageConferences[defaultConf].acs || CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
if(true === disableAcsCheck || checkAcs(client, acs)) {
return defaultConf;
// just use anything we can
defaultConf = _.findKey(Config.messageConferences, (o, k) => {
const acs = o.acs || CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
return 'system_internal' !== k && (true === disableAcsCheck || checkAcs(client, acs));
return defaultConf;
function getDefaultMessageAreaTagByConfTag(client, confTag, disableAcsCheck) {
// Similar to finding the default conference:
// Find the first entry marked 'default', if any. If found, check | client| against
// *read* ACS. If this fails, just find the first one we can that passes checks.
// It's possible that we end up with nothing!
confTag = confTag || getDefaultMessageConferenceTag(client);
if(confTag && _.has(Config.messageConferences, [ confTag, 'areas' ])) {
const areaPool = Config.messageConferences[confTag].areas;
let defaultArea = _.findKey(areaPool, o => o.default);
if(defaultArea) {
const readAcs = _.has(areaPool, [ defaultArea, 'acs', 'read' ]) ? areaPool[defaultArea].acs.read : AREA_ACS_DEFAULT.read;
if(true === disableAcsCheck || checkAcs(client, readAcs)) {
return defaultArea;
defaultArea = _.findKey(areaPool, (o, k) => {
const readAcs = _.has(areaPool, [ defaultArea, 'acs', 'read' ]) ? areaPool[defaultArea].acs.read : AREA_ACS_DEFAULT.read;
return (true === disableAcsCheck || checkAcs(client, readAcs));
return defaultArea;
function getMessageConferenceByTag(confTag) {
return Config.messageConferences[confTag];
function getMessageAreaByTag(areaTag, optionalConfTag) {
const confs = Config.messageConferences;
if(_.isString(optionalConfTag)) {
if(_.has(confs, [ optionalConfTag, 'areas', areaTag ])) {
return confs[optionalConfTag].areas[areaTag];
} else {
// No confTag to work with - we'll have to search through them all
var area;
_.forEach(confs, (v, k) => {
if(_.has(v, [ 'areas', areaTag ])) {
area = v.areas[areaTag];
return false; // stop iteration
return area;
function changeMessageConference(client, confTag, cb) {
function getConf(callback) {
const conf = getMessageConferenceByTag(confTag);
if(conf) {
callback(null, conf);
} else {
callback(new Error('Invalid message conference tag'));
function getDefaultAreaInConf(conf, callback) {
const areaTag = getDefaultMessageAreaTagByConfTag(client, confTag);
const area = getMessageAreaByTag(areaTag, confTag);
if(area) {
callback(null, conf, { areaTag : areaTag, area : area } );
} else {
callback(new Error('No available areas for this user in conference'));
function validateAccess(conf, areaInfo, callback) {
const confAcs = conf.acs || CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
if(!checkAcs(client, confAcs)) {
callback(new Error('User does not have access to this conference'));
} else {
const areaAcs = _.has(areaInfo, 'area.acs.read') ? areaInfo.area.acs.read : CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
if(!checkAcs(client, areaAcs)) {
callback(new Error('User does not have access to default area in this conference'));
} else {
callback(null, conf, areaInfo);
function changeConferenceAndArea(conf, areaInfo, callback) {
const newProps = {
message_conf_tag : confTag,
message_area_tag : areaInfo.areaTag,
client.user.persistProperties(newProps, err => {
callback(err, conf, areaInfo);
function complete(err, conf, areaInfo) {
if(!err) {
client.log.info( { confTag : confTag, confName : conf.name, areaTag : areaInfo.areaTag }, 'Current message conference changed');
} else {
client.log.warn( { confTag : confTag, error : err.message }, 'Could not change message conference');
function changeMessageArea(client, areaTag, cb) {
function getArea(callback) {
const area = getMessageAreaByTag(areaTag);
if(area) {
callback(null, area);
} else {
callback(new Error('Invalid message area tag'));
function validateAccess(area, callback) {
// Need at least *read* to access the area
const readAcs = _.has(area, 'acs.read') ? area.acs.read : CONF_AREA_RW_ACS_DEFAULT;
if(!checkAcs(client, readAcs)) {
callback(new Error('User does not have access to this area'));
} else {
callback(null, area);
function changeArea(area, callback) {
client.user.persistProperty('message_area_tag', areaTag, function persisted(err) {
callback(err, area);
function complete(err, area) {
if(!err) {
client.log.info( { areaTag : areaTag, area : area }, 'Current message area changed');
} else {
client.log.warn( { areaTag : areaTag, area : area, error : err.message }, 'Could not change message area');
function getMessageFromRow(row) {
return {
messageId : row.message_id,
messageUuid : row.message_uuid,
replyToMsgId : row.reply_to_message_id,
toUserName : row.to_user_name,
fromUserName : row.from_user_name,
subject : row.subject,
modTimestamp : row.modified_timestamp,
viewCount : row.view_count,
function getNewMessagesInAreaForUser(userId, areaTag, cb) {
// If |areaTag| is Message.WellKnownAreaTags.Private,
// only messages addressed to |userId| should be returned.
// Only messages > lastMessageId should be returned
var msgList = [];
function getLastMessageId(callback) {
getMessageAreaLastReadId(userId, areaTag, function fetched(err, lastMessageId) {
callback(null, lastMessageId || 0); // note: willingly ignoring any errors here!
function getMessages(lastMessageId, callback) {
var sql =
'SELECT message_id, message_uuid, reply_to_message_id, to_user_name, from_user_name, subject, modified_timestamp, view_count ' +
'FROM message ' +
'WHERE area_tag ="' + areaTag + '" AND message_id > ' + lastMessageId;
if(Message.WellKnownAreaTags.Private === areaTag) {
sql +=
' AND message_id in (' +
'SELECT message_id from message_meta where meta_category=' + Message.MetaCategories.System +
' AND meta_name="' + Message.SystemMetaNames.LocalToUserID + '" and meta_value=' + userId + ')';
sql += ' ORDER BY message_id;';
msgDb.each(sql, function msgRow(err, row) {
if(!err) {
}, callback);
function complete(err) {
cb(err, msgList);
function getMessageListForArea(options, areaTag, cb) {
// options.client (required)
options.client.log.debug( { areaTag : areaTag }, 'Fetching available messages');
messageId, messageUuid, replyToId, toUserName, fromUserName, subject, modTimestamp,
var msgList = [];
function fetchMessages(callback) {
'SELECT message_id, message_uuid, reply_to_message_id, to_user_name, from_user_name, subject, modified_timestamp, view_count ' +
'FROM message ' +
'WHERE area_tag = ? ' +
'ORDER BY message_id;',
[ areaTag.toLowerCase() ],
function msgRow(err, row) {
if(!err) {
function fetchStatus(callback) {
callback(null);// :TODO: fixmeh.
function complete(err) {
cb(err, msgList);
function getMessageAreaLastReadId(userId, areaTag, cb) {
'SELECT message_id ' +
'FROM user_message_area_last_read ' +
'WHERE user_id = ? AND area_tag = ?;',
[ userId, areaTag ],
function complete(err, row) {
cb(err, row ? row.message_id : 0);
function updateMessageAreaLastReadId(userId, areaTag, messageId, cb) {
// :TODO: likely a better way to do this...
function getCurrent(callback) {
getMessageAreaLastReadId(userId, areaTag, function result(err, lastId) {
lastId = lastId || 0;
callback(null, lastId); // ignore errors as we default to 0
function update(lastId, callback) {
if(messageId > lastId) {
'REPLACE INTO user_message_area_last_read (user_id, area_tag, message_id) ' +
'VALUES (?, ?, ?);',
[ userId, areaTag, messageId ],
function written(err) {
callback(err, true); // true=didUpdate
} else {
function complete(err, didUpdate) {
if(err) {
{ error : err.toString(), userId : userId, areaTag : areaTag, messageId : messageId },
'Failed updating area last read ID');
} else {
if(true === didUpdate) {
{ userId : userId, areaTag : areaTag, messageId : messageId },
'Area last read ID updated');