# Setting up the characters and their colours define pleroma = Character("Pleroma", image="pleroma", who_color="#eda664") define mc = Character("Unoriginal Main Character", who_color="#64abed") define admin = Character("Administrator",who_color="#64abed") define grumb = Character("Grumbulon", image="grumb",who_color="#e9a0d9") define weeble = Character("Weeble", image="weeble",who_color="#64ed7b") define lain = Character(name="Lain",who_color="#fcfcfc") # A few variables needed along the game default instance_name = "0" default grumb_played = False default weeble_played = False # Music default chill = "audio/chill.mp3" default funny = "audio/funny.mp3" default sad = "audio/sad.mp3" default madness = "audio/madness.mp3" # Sounds default ding = "audio/ding.mp3" default whoosh = "audio/whoosh.mp3" default scratch = "audio/record-scratch.mp3" init python: import re # simple url check so instances get checked before proceeding def check_instance(instance): try: instance = re.findall(r'([\w\-_]+(?:(?:\.[\w\-_]+)+))([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?', instance)[0][0] except Exception as e: instance = "0" return instance # The game starts here. label start: stop music fadeout 5.0 scene bg startup with fade pause 4.0 lain "People use mastodon because they love the community. " lain "People use pleroma because they love me." pause 0.5 scene bg room with dissolve pause 0.5 play music chill loop fadein 4.5 "You wake up in your bedroom earlier than usual." "You turn to your nightstand to see the red glowing numbers on your clock that read 12:36 PM." mc "Wow I'm up earlier than usual." mc "Today is the day I setup a pleroma instance." mc "I hope it's as cool as it sounds." "You make your way way to your desk where you turn on your ThinkPad™ laptop." scene bg desk with dissolve pause 0.5 scene bg desk light with dissolve pause 0.5 "You recall browsing the /g/ board earlier that week and seeing a thread on the fediverse." "As a user put it: Fediverse is a based decentralized schizo-esoteric lain-pilled free-speech alternative platform for chads too wired for the typical soy-liberal pronoun cuck safespaces that most NPCs use these days." "You're not to sure what that means but the thread had a link to the pleroma install guide and you're already banned on twitter so you don't have anything to lose." "With all the prerequisites done, you go down the list of instructions until you're asked to input a domain name." mc "Hmmmm what was that domain I bought again?…" jump instance_choice label instance_choice: $instance_name = renpy.input(prompt="URL: ") $instance_name = str(check_instance(instance_name)) if instance_name == "0": mc "Oops, that's not right, let's try again." jump instance_choice if instance_name == "waifuism.life": mc "I'm not a weeb, what was it again?" jump instance_choice if instance_name == "bungle.online": mc "No no, that one was taken." jump instance_choice if instance_name == "freecumextremist.com": mc "Seriously? Nah nah, this isn't right that couldn't be." jump instance_choice mc "Oh that's right, [instance_name]." "You start your pleroma instance and no errors pop up. You've done it!" "You've successfully installed pleroma! Now you just need to create your account." mc "I'll just keep it simple and name myself admin." mc "Not like I had a more creative option" #{MC's name changes to Admin} "You put in [instance_name] into your Brave Browser and see your brand new instance." scene bg desk pl #[Scene switches to a close up of the computer screen with the default pleroma page on it] admin "Wow kinda looks like a more retro aesthetic twitter." admin "Now let me test out this account." "You log into your account and before you can do much else something weird happens." show pleroma normal with dissolve stop music fadeout 1.0 play sound ding show pleroma normal talk with dissolve pleroma "Greetings Admin-kun..." show pleroma normal with dissolve menu: "What the hell is this a bug?!": pass "Oh god I'm going schizo…": pass show pleroma normal smug with dissolve pause 0.5 show pleroma normal smug talk with dissolve pleroma "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." play music chill fadein 5.0 show pleroma normal talk with dissolve pleroma "You can call me Pleroma-Tan. I am the software your instance is running on." show pleroma normal with dissolve admin "When I decided to join the fediverse and create an instance I didn't expect my software to be this.." show pleroma normal smug talk with dissolve pleroma "…Cute?" show pleroma normal with dissolve admin "W-w-weird!" show pleroma handup talk with dissolve pleroma "No worries Admin-kun. The fediverse is very different from other social sites and I'm here to help you learn." show pleroma handup with dissolve admin "And why do you keep calling me admin?" show pleroma normal talk with dissolve pleroma "Isn't that your name on the account?" pleroma "It wouldn't be wise to put your full name out on the fediverse or the internet in general." show pleroma normal with dissolve admin "I suppose" show pleroma normal talk with dissolve pleroma "Besides I don't need your full name…" show pleroma normal smug talk with dissolve pleroma "Unless you want me to have your name, but I think you're supposed to buy me a ring first." show pleroma smug with dissolve admin "What?!" "You're not sure how to feel about all this. You just wanted a chill social media to post some memes on and now you have this weird fox lady saying embarrassing things." show pleroma normal talk with dissolve pleroma "Anyway are you ready to join the fediverse?" show pleroma normal with dissolve "You look at your screen skeptically. Why was there no mention of Pleroma-tan in the /g/ thread or the install documents? Is this a prank? Did you install the wrong thing? Everything about this just seemed very sketchy to you." "On the other hand, this is probably the most female attention you've had in years so it wouldn't hurt to indulge a little bit. Besides it's just computer software. It's not real or anything." admin "Sure I'm ready" show pleroma hands grin with dissolve pleroma "Great!" stop music fadeout 1.0 "..." pause 1.5 play sound whoosh scene bg enterfedi with vpunch play music funny " Before you could process what is happening, Pleroma-tan extends a hand out from the computer screen and grabs onto you." "You let a scared yelp as she pulls you to the screen." "Your adrenaline spikes as your mind is trying to process what is happening and how it's even possible." "Despite all the shock you can't help but look down and think." "Wow her hands are soft." "End of chapter 1" return jump chapter2