
333 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File

# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-11-01 10:58
# game/script.rpy:65
translate spanish start_38f01754:
# lain "People use mastodon because they love the community. "
lain "la gente usa mastodon"
# game/script.rpy:67
translate spanish start_5e6622ca:
# lain "People use pleroma because they love me."
lain ""
# game/script.rpy:74
translate spanish start_b3591ab4:
# "You wake up in your bedroom earlier than usual."
# game/script.rpy:75
translate spanish start_f68a172f:
# "You turn to your nightstand to see the red glowing numbers on your clock that read 12:36 PM."
# game/script.rpy:77
translate spanish start_a61b5a4f:
# mc "Wow I'm up earlier than usual."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:78
translate spanish start_921400f9:
# mc "Today is the day I setup a pleroma instance."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:79
translate spanish start_31b3f2a5:
# mc "I hope it's as cool as it sounds."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:81
translate spanish start_611bf824:
# "You make your way way to your desk where you turn on your ThinkPad™ laptop."
# game/script.rpy:88
translate spanish start_be4e388f:
# "You recall browsing the /g/ board earlier that week and seeing a thread on the fediverse."
# game/script.rpy:90
translate spanish start_1d211e56:
# "As a user put it: Fediverse is a based decentralized schizo-esoteric lain-pilled free-speech alternative platform for chads too wired for the typical soy-liberal pronoun cuck safespaces that most NPCs use these days."
# game/script.rpy:93
translate spanish start_c49689f8:
# "You're not to sure what that means but the thread had a link to the pleroma install guide and you're already banned on twitter so you don't have anything to lose."
# game/script.rpy:96
translate spanish start_e8ea87f8:
# "With all the prerequisites done, you go down the list of instructions until you're asked to input a domain name."
# game/script.rpy:98
translate spanish start_fec00d6d:
# mc "Hmmmm what was that domain I bought again?…"
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:111
translate spanish instance_choice_caa38e4f:
# mc "Oops, that's not right, let's try again."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:116
translate spanish instance_choice_88718de5:
# mc "I'm not a weeb, what was it again?"
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:121
translate spanish instance_choice_2acc62d0:
# mc "No no, that one was taken."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:126
translate spanish instance_choice_398b0439:
# mc "Seriously? Nah nah, this isn't right that couldn't be."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:130
translate spanish instance_choice_35f36be7:
# mc "Oh that's right, [instance_name]."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:132
translate spanish instance_choice_961b84db:
# "You start your pleroma instance and no errors pop up. You've done it!"
# game/script.rpy:134
translate spanish instance_choice_50ec800a:
# "You've successfully installed pleroma! Now you just need to create your account."
# game/script.rpy:136
translate spanish instance_choice_a3753401:
# mc "I'll just keep it simple and name myself admin."
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:137
translate spanish instance_choice_4739e4f0:
# mc "Not like I had a more creative option"
mc ""
# game/script.rpy:141
translate spanish instance_choice_44ebab94:
# "You put in [instance_name] into your Brave Browser and see your brand new instance."
# game/script.rpy:145
translate spanish instance_choice_7e1d80a7:
# admin "Wow kinda looks like a more retro aesthetic twitter."
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:146
translate spanish instance_choice_a5d175b5:
# admin "Now let me test out this account."
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:148
translate spanish instance_choice_850c457e:
# "You log into your account and before you can do much else something weird happens."
# game/script.rpy:157
translate spanish instance_choice_6a853ec6:
# pleroma "Greetings Admin-kun..."
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:178
translate spanish instance_choice_3e3d4397:
# pleroma "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:185
translate spanish instance_choice_316f9387:
# pleroma "You can call me Pleroma-Tan. I am the software your instance is running on."
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:190
translate spanish instance_choice_7b0a2163:
# admin "When I decided to join the fediverse and create an instance I didn't expect my software to be this.."
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:196
translate spanish instance_choice_c52c8753:
# pleroma "…Cute?"
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:201
translate spanish instance_choice_643767f4:
# admin "W-w-weird!"
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:206
translate spanish instance_choice_261f1ff8:
# pleroma "No worries Admin-kun. The fediverse is very different from other social sites and I'm here to help you learn."
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:211
translate spanish instance_choice_d5812ee1:
# admin "And why do you keep calling me admin?"
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:216
translate spanish instance_choice_422af8bb:
# pleroma "Isn't that your name on the account?"
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:218
translate spanish instance_choice_5f3b1cb7:
# pleroma "It wouldn't be wise to put your full name out on the fediverse or the internet in general."
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:223
translate spanish instance_choice_f45a158e:
# admin "I suppose"
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:228
translate spanish instance_choice_1522a6d1:
# pleroma "Besides I don't need your full name…"
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:233
translate spanish instance_choice_cb471c8b:
# pleroma "Unless you want me to have your name, but I think you're supposed to buy me a ring first."
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:238
translate spanish instance_choice_20e6a0b1:
# admin "What?!"
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:240
translate spanish instance_choice_d610707d:
# "You're not sure how to feel about all this. You just wanted a chill social media to post some memes on and now you have this weird fox lady saying embarrassing things."
# game/script.rpy:245
translate spanish instance_choice_940a3ba4:
# pleroma "Anyway are you ready to join the fediverse?"
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:250
translate spanish instance_choice_717329eb:
# "You look at your screen skeptically. Why was there no mention of Pleroma-tan in the /g/ thread or the install documents? Is this a prank? Did you install the wrong thing? Everything about this just seemed very sketchy to you."
# game/script.rpy:252
translate spanish instance_choice_19b1d1a1:
# "On the other hand, this is probably the most female attention you've had in years so it wouldn't hurt to indulge a little bit. Besides it's just computer software. It's not real or anything."
# game/script.rpy:254
translate spanish instance_choice_be4b898c:
# admin "Sure I'm ready"
admin ""
# game/script.rpy:258
translate spanish instance_choice_332f1a6c:
# pleroma "Great!"
pleroma ""
# game/script.rpy:260
translate spanish instance_choice_a20cefa7:
# "..."
# game/script.rpy:266
translate spanish instance_choice_4636e53d:
# " Before you could process what is happening, Pleroma-tan extends a hand out from the computer screen and grabs onto you."
# game/script.rpy:267
translate spanish instance_choice_0729c818:
# "You let a scared yelp as she pulls you to the screen."
# game/script.rpy:268
translate spanish instance_choice_92703205:
# "Your adrenaline spikes as your mind is trying to process what is happening and how it's even possible."
# game/script.rpy:269
translate spanish instance_choice_946a8e7e:
# "Despite all the shock you can't help but look down and think."
# game/script.rpy:270
translate spanish instance_choice_6c86eb33:
# "Wow her hands are soft."
translate spanish strings:
# game/script.rpy:163
old "What the hell is this a bug?!"
new ""
# game/script.rpy:163
old "Oh god I'm going schizo…"
new ""
# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-11-05 00:16
# game/script.rpy:272
translate spanish instance_choice_46ac7d8a:
# "End of chapter 1"