diff --git a/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs b/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs
index 2e961826e..49eebf355 100644
--- a/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs
+++ b/test/http/adapter_helper/gun_test.exs
@@ -9,24 +9,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.GunTest do
import Mox
alias Pleroma.Config
- alias Pleroma.Gun.Conn
alias Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.Gun
- alias Pleroma.Pool.Connections
setup :verify_on_exit!
- defp gun_mock(_) do
- gun_mock()
- :ok
- end
- defp gun_mock do
- Pleroma.GunMock
- |> stub(:open, fn _, _, _ -> Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1000) end) end)
- |> stub(:await_up, fn _, _ -> {:ok, :http} end)
- |> stub(:set_owner, fn _, _ -> :ok end)
- end
describe "options/1" do
setup do: clear_config([:http, :adapter], a: 1, b: 2)
@@ -62,46 +48,12 @@ test "https url with non standart port" do
assert opts[:certificates_verification]
- test "get conn on next request" do
- gun_mock()
- level = Application.get_env(:logger, :level)
- Logger.configure(level: :debug)
- on_exit(fn -> Logger.configure(level: level) end)
- uri = URI.parse("http://some-domain2.com")
- opts = Gun.options(uri)
- assert opts[:conn] == nil
- assert opts[:close_conn] == nil
- Process.sleep(50)
- opts = Gun.options(uri)
- assert is_pid(opts[:conn])
- assert opts[:close_conn] == false
- end
test "merges with defaul http adapter config" do
defaults = Gun.options([receive_conn: false], URI.parse("https://example.com"))
assert Keyword.has_key?(defaults, :a)
assert Keyword.has_key?(defaults, :b)
- test "default ssl adapter opts with connection" do
- gun_mock()
- uri = URI.parse("https://some-domain.com")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = Gun.options(uri)
- assert opts[:certificates_verification]
- refute opts[:tls_opts] == []
- assert opts[:close_conn] == false
- assert is_pid(opts[:conn])
- end
test "parses string proxy host & port" do
proxy = Config.get([:http, :proxy_url])
Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], "localhost:8123")
@@ -132,127 +84,4 @@ test "passed opts have more weight than defaults" do
assert opts[:proxy] == {'example.com', 4321}
- describe "options/1 with receive_conn parameter" do
- setup :gun_mock
- test "receive conn by default" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://another-domain.com")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- received_opts = Gun.options(uri)
- assert received_opts[:close_conn] == false
- assert is_pid(received_opts[:conn])
- end
- test "don't receive conn if receive_conn is false" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://another-domain.com")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = [receive_conn: false]
- received_opts = Gun.options(opts, uri)
- assert received_opts[:close_conn] == nil
- assert received_opts[:conn] == nil
- end
- end
- describe "after_request/1" do
- setup :gun_mock
- test "body_as not chunks" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://some-domain.com")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = Gun.options(uri)
- :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
- conn = opts[:conn]
- assert %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- conn_state: :idle,
- used_by: []
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
- end
- test "body_as chunks" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://some-domain.com")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = Gun.options([body_as: :chunks], uri)
- :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
- conn = opts[:conn]
- self = self()
- assert %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- conn_state: :active,
- used_by: [{^self, _}]
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
- end
- test "with no connection" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://uniq-domain.com")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = Gun.options([body_as: :chunks], uri)
- conn = opts[:conn]
- opts = Keyword.delete(opts, :conn)
- self = self()
- :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
- assert %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:uniq-domain.com:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- conn_state: :active,
- used_by: [{^self, _}]
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
- end
- test "with ipv4" do
- uri = URI.parse("")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = Gun.options(uri)
- :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
- conn = opts[:conn]
- assert %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- conn_state: :idle,
- used_by: []
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
- end
- test "with ipv6" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]")
- :ok = Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections)
- opts = Gun.options(uri)
- :ok = Gun.after_request(opts)
- conn = opts[:conn]
- assert %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de:80" => %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- conn_state: :idle,
- used_by: []
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(:gun_connections)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/http/connection_test.exs b/test/http/connection_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c94a50b2..000000000
--- a/test/http/connection_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
-defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.ConnectionTest do
- use ExUnit.Case
- use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
- import ExUnit.CaptureLog
- alias Pleroma.Config
- alias Pleroma.HTTP.Connection
- describe "parse_host/1" do
- test "as atom to charlist" do
- assert Connection.parse_host(:localhost) == 'localhost'
- end
- test "as string to charlist" do
- assert Connection.parse_host("localhost.com") == 'localhost.com'
- end
- test "as string ip to tuple" do
- assert Connection.parse_host("") == {127, 0, 0, 1}
- end
- end
- describe "parse_proxy/1" do
- test "ip with port" do
- assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:ok, {127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123}
- end
- test "host with port" do
- assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost:8123") == {:ok, 'localhost', 8123}
- end
- test "as tuple" do
- assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks4, :localhost, 9050}) ==
- {:ok, :socks4, 'localhost', 9050}
- end
- test "as tuple with string host" do
- assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks5, "localhost", 9050}) ==
- {:ok, :socks5, 'localhost', 9050}
- end
- end
- describe "parse_proxy/1 errors" do
- test "ip without port" do
- capture_log(fn ->
- assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:error, :invalid_proxy}
- end) =~ "parsing proxy fail \"\""
- end
- test "host without port" do
- capture_log(fn ->
- assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost") == {:error, :invalid_proxy}
- end) =~ "parsing proxy fail \"localhost\""
- end
- test "host with bad port" do
- capture_log(fn ->
- assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost:port") == {:error, :invalid_proxy_port}
- end) =~ "parsing port in proxy fail \"localhost:port\""
- end
- test "ip with bad port" do
- capture_log(fn ->
- assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:error, :invalid_proxy_port}
- end) =~ "parsing port in proxy fail \"\""
- end
- test "as tuple without port" do
- capture_log(fn ->
- assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks5, :localhost}) == {:error, :invalid_proxy}
- end) =~ "parsing proxy fail {:socks5, :localhost}"
- end
- test "with nil" do
- assert Connection.parse_proxy(nil) == nil
- end
- end
- describe "options/3" do
- setup do: clear_config([:http, :proxy_url])
- test "without proxy_url in config" do
- Config.delete([:http, :proxy_url])
- opts = Connection.options(%URI{})
- refute Keyword.has_key?(opts, :proxy)
- end
- test "parses string proxy host & port" do
- Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], "localhost:8123")
- opts = Connection.options(%URI{})
- assert opts[:proxy] == {'localhost', 8123}
- end
- test "parses tuple proxy scheme host and port" do
- Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks, 'localhost', 1234})
- opts = Connection.options(%URI{})
- assert opts[:proxy] == {:socks, 'localhost', 1234}
- end
- test "passed opts have more weight than defaults" do
- Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks5, 'localhost', 1234})
- opts = Connection.options(%URI{}, proxy: {'example.com', 4321})
- assert opts[:proxy] == {'example.com', 4321}
- end
- end
- describe "format_host/1" do
- test "with domain" do
- assert Connection.format_host("example.com") == 'example.com'
- end
- test "with idna domain" do
- assert Connection.format_host("ですexample.com") == 'xn--example-183fne.com'
- end
- test "with ipv4" do
- assert Connection.format_host("") == ''
- end
- test "with ipv6" do
- assert Connection.format_host("2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de") ==
- '2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de'
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/pool/connections_test.exs b/test/pool/connections_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index aeda54875..000000000
--- a/test/pool/connections_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
-defmodule Pleroma.Pool.ConnectionsTest do
- use ExUnit.Case, async: true
- use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
- import ExUnit.CaptureLog
- import Mox
- alias Pleroma.Gun.Conn
- alias Pleroma.GunMock
- alias Pleroma.Pool.Connections
- setup :verify_on_exit!
- setup_all do
- name = :test_connections
- {:ok, pid} = Connections.start_link({name, [checkin_timeout: 150]})
- {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: Pleroma.GunMock)
- on_exit(fn ->
- if Process.alive?(pid), do: GenServer.stop(name)
- end)
- {:ok, name: name}
- end
- defp open_mock(num \\ 1) do
- GunMock
- |> expect(:open, num, &start_and_register(&1, &2, &3))
- |> expect(:await_up, num, fn _, _ -> {:ok, :http} end)
- |> expect(:set_owner, num, fn _, _ -> :ok end)
- end
- defp connect_mock(mock) do
- mock
- |> expect(:connect, &connect(&1, &2))
- |> expect(:await, &await(&1, &2))
- end
- defp info_mock(mock), do: expect(mock, :info, &info(&1))
- defp start_and_register('gun-not-up.com', _, _), do: {:error, :timeout}
- defp start_and_register(host, port, _) do
- {:ok, pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1000) end)
- scheme =
- case port do
- 443 -> "https"
- _ -> "http"
- end
- Registry.register(GunMock, pid, %{
- origin_scheme: scheme,
- origin_host: host,
- origin_port: port
- })
- {:ok, pid}
- end
- defp info(pid) do
- [{_, info}] = Registry.lookup(GunMock, pid)
- info
- end
- defp connect(pid, _) do
- ref = make_ref()
- Registry.register(GunMock, ref, pid)
- ref
- end
- defp await(pid, ref) do
- [{_, ^pid}] = Registry.lookup(GunMock, ref)
- {:response, :fin, 200, []}
- end
- defp now, do: :os.system_time(:second)
- describe "alive?/2" do
- test "is alive", %{name: name} do
- assert Connections.alive?(name)
- end
- test "returns false if not started" do
- refute Connections.alive?(:some_random_name)
- end
- end
- test "opens connection and reuse it on next request", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = "http://some-domain.com"
- key = "http:some-domain.com:80"
- refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert is_pid(conn)
- assert Process.alive?(conn)
- self = self()
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert conn == reused_conn
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}, {^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- :ok = Connections.checkout(conn, self, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- :ok = Connections.checkout(conn, self, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [],
- conn_state: :idle
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- test "reuse connection for idna domains", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = "http://ですsome-domain.com"
- refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert is_pid(conn)
- assert Process.alive?(conn)
- self = self()
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:ですsome-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert conn == reused_conn
- end
- test "reuse for ipv4", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = ""
- refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert is_pid(conn)
- assert Process.alive?(conn)
- self = self()
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert conn == reused_conn
- :ok = Connections.checkout(conn, self, name)
- :ok = Connections.checkout(reused_conn, self, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [],
- conn_state: :idle
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- test "reuse for ipv6", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = "http://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]"
- refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert is_pid(conn)
- assert Process.alive?(conn)
- self = self()
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de:80" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert conn == reused_conn
- end
- test "up and down ipv4", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- |> info_mock()
- |> allow(self(), name)
- self = self()
- url = ""
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- send(name, {:gun_down, conn, nil, nil, nil})
- send(name, {:gun_up, conn, nil})
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- test "up and down ipv6", %{name: name} do
- self = self()
- open_mock()
- |> info_mock()
- |> allow(self, name)
- url = "http://[2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de]"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- send(name, {:gun_down, conn, nil, nil, nil})
- send(name, {:gun_up, conn, nil})
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:2a03:2880:f10c:83:face:b00c:0:25de:80" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}],
- conn_state: :active
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- test "reuses connection based on protocol", %{name: name} do
- open_mock(2)
- http_url = "http://some-domain.com"
- http_key = "http:some-domain.com:80"
- https_url = "https://some-domain.com"
- https_key = "https:some-domain.com:443"
- refute Connections.checkin(http_url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(http_url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(http_url, name)
- assert is_pid(conn)
- assert Process.alive?(conn)
- refute Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(https_url, name)
- https_conn = Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
- refute conn == https_conn
- reused_https = Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
- refute conn == reused_https
- assert reused_https == https_conn
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^http_key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- },
- ^https_key => %Conn{
- conn: ^https_conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- test "connection can't get up", %{name: name} do
- expect(GunMock, :open, &start_and_register(&1, &2, &3))
- url = "http://gun-not-up.com"
- assert capture_log(fn ->
- refute Conn.open(url, name)
- refute Connections.checkin(url, name)
- end) =~
- "Opening connection to http://gun-not-up.com failed with error {:error, :timeout}"
- end
- test "process gun_down message and then gun_up", %{name: name} do
- self = self()
- open_mock()
- |> info_mock()
- |> allow(self, name)
- url = "http://gun-down-and-up.com"
- key = "http:gun-down-and-up.com:80"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert is_pid(conn)
- assert Process.alive?(conn)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}]
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- send(name, {:gun_down, conn, :http, nil, nil})
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :down,
- used_by: [{^self, _}]
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- send(name, {:gun_up, conn, :http})
- conn2 = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert conn == conn2
- assert is_pid(conn2)
- assert Process.alive?(conn2)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: _,
- gun_state: :up,
- used_by: [{^self, _}, {^self, _}]
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- test "async processes get same conn for same domain", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = "http://some-domain.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name)
- tasks =
- for _ <- 1..5 do
- Task.async(fn ->
- Connections.checkin(url, name)
- end)
- end
- tasks_with_results = Task.yield_many(tasks)
- results =
- Enum.map(tasks_with_results, fn {task, res} ->
- res || Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill)
- end)
- conns = for {:ok, value} <- results, do: value
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
- conn: conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- assert Enum.all?(conns, fn res -> res == conn end)
- end
- test "remove frequently used and idle", %{name: name} do
- open_mock(3)
- self = self()
- http_url = "http://some-domain.com"
- https_url = "https://some-domain.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(https_url, name)
- :ok = Conn.open(http_url, name)
- conn1 = Connections.checkin(https_url, name)
- [conn2 | _conns] =
- for _ <- 1..4 do
- Connections.checkin(http_url, name)
- end
- http_key = "http:some-domain.com:80"
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^http_key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn2,
- gun_state: :up,
- conn_state: :active,
- used_by: [{^self, _}, {^self, _}, {^self, _}, {^self, _}]
- },
- "https:some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn1,
- gun_state: :up,
- conn_state: :active,
- used_by: [{^self, _}]
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- :ok = Connections.checkout(conn1, self, name)
- another_url = "http://another-domain.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(another_url, name)
- conn = Connections.checkin(another_url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:another-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- },
- ^http_key => %Conn{
- conn: _,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- end
- describe "with proxy" do
- test "as ip", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- |> connect_mock()
- url = "http://proxy-string.com"
- key = "http:proxy-string.com:80"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123})
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- ^key => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert reused_conn == conn
- end
- test "as host", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- |> connect_mock()
- url = "http://proxy-tuple-atom.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {'localhost', 9050})
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:proxy-tuple-atom.com:80" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert reused_conn == conn
- end
- test "as ip and ssl", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- |> connect_mock()
- url = "https://proxy-string.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123})
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "https:proxy-string.com:443" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert reused_conn == conn
- end
- test "as host and ssl", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- |> connect_mock()
- url = "https://proxy-tuple-atom.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {'localhost', 9050})
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "https:proxy-tuple-atom.com:443" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert reused_conn == conn
- end
- test "with socks type", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = "http://proxy-socks.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {:socks5, 'localhost', 1234})
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "http:proxy-socks.com:80" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert reused_conn == conn
- end
- test "with socks4 type and ssl", %{name: name} do
- open_mock()
- url = "https://proxy-socks.com"
- :ok = Conn.open(url, name, proxy: {:socks4, 'localhost', 1234})
- conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- %Connections{
- conns: %{
- "https:proxy-socks.com:443" => %Conn{
- conn: ^conn,
- gun_state: :up
- }
- }
- } = Connections.get_state(name)
- reused_conn = Connections.checkin(url, name)
- assert reused_conn == conn
- end
- end
- describe "crf/3" do
- setup do
- crf = Connections.crf(1, 10, 1)
- {:ok, crf: crf}
- end
- test "more used will have crf higher", %{crf: crf} do
- # used 3 times
- crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
- crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf1)
- # used 2 times
- crf2 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
- assert crf1 > crf2
- end
- test "recently used will have crf higher on equal references", %{crf: crf} do
- # used 3 sec ago
- crf1 = Connections.crf(3, 10, crf)
- # used 4 sec ago
- crf2 = Connections.crf(4, 10, crf)
- assert crf1 > crf2
- end
- test "equal crf on equal reference and time", %{crf: crf} do
- # used 2 times
- crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
- # used 2 times
- crf2 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf)
- assert crf1 == crf2
- end
- test "recently used will have higher crf", %{crf: crf} do
- crf1 = Connections.crf(2, 10, crf)
- crf1 = Connections.crf(1, 10, crf1)
- crf2 = Connections.crf(3, 10, crf)
- crf2 = Connections.crf(4, 10, crf2)
- assert crf1 > crf2
- end
- end
- describe "get_unused_conns/1" do
- test "crf is equalent, sorting by reference", %{name: name} do
- Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- last_reference: now() - 1
- })
- Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- last_reference: now()
- })
- assert [{"1", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
- end
- test "reference is equalent, sorting by crf", %{name: name} do
- Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- crf: 1.999
- })
- Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- crf: 2
- })
- assert [{"1", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
- end
- test "higher crf and lower reference", %{name: name} do
- Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- crf: 3,
- last_reference: now() - 1
- })
- Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- crf: 2,
- last_reference: now()
- })
- assert [{"2", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
- end
- test "lower crf and lower reference", %{name: name} do
- Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- crf: 1.99,
- last_reference: now() - 1
- })
- Connections.add_conn(name, "2", %Conn{
- conn_state: :idle,
- crf: 2,
- last_reference: now()
- })
- assert [{"1", _unused_conn} | _others] = Connections.get_unused_conns(name)
- end
- end
- test "count/1" do
- name = :test_count
- {:ok, _} = Connections.start_link({name, [checkin_timeout: 150]})
- assert Connections.count(name) == 0
- Connections.add_conn(name, "1", %Conn{conn: self()})
- assert Connections.count(name) == 1
- Connections.remove_conn(name, "1")
- assert Connections.count(name) == 0
- end