defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase alias Pleroma.Notification alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI import Pleroma.Factory setup do Tesla.Mock.mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end) :ok end describe "POST /api/pleroma/follow_import" do test "it returns HTTP 200", %{conn: conn} do user1 = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) response = conn |> assign(:user, user1) |> post("/api/pleroma/follow_import", %{"list" => "#{user2.ap_id}"}) |> json_response(:ok) assert response == "job started" end test "it imports new-style mastodon follow lists", %{conn: conn} do user1 = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) response = conn |> assign(:user, user1) |> post("/api/pleroma/follow_import", %{ "list" => "Account address,Show boosts\n#{user2.ap_id},true" }) |> json_response(:ok) assert response == "job started" end test "requires 'follow' permission", %{conn: conn} do token1 = insert(:oauth_token, scopes: ["read", "write"]) token2 = insert(:oauth_token, scopes: ["follow"]) another_user = insert(:user) for token <- [token1, token2] do conn = conn |> put_req_header("authorization", "Bearer #{token.token}") |> post("/api/pleroma/follow_import", %{"list" => "#{another_user.ap_id}"}) if token == token1 do assert %{"error" => "Insufficient permissions: follow."} == json_response(conn, 403) else assert json_response(conn, 200) end end end end describe "POST /api/pleroma/blocks_import" do test "it returns HTTP 200", %{conn: conn} do user1 = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) response = conn |> assign(:user, user1) |> post("/api/pleroma/blocks_import", %{"list" => "#{user2.ap_id}"}) |> json_response(:ok) assert response == "job started" end end describe "POST /api/pleroma/notifications/read" do test "it marks a single notification as read", %{conn: conn} do user1 = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) {:ok, activity1} =, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"}) {:ok, activity2} =, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"}) {:ok, [notification1]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity1) {:ok, [notification2]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity2) conn |> assign(:user, user1) |> post("/api/pleroma/notifications/read", %{"id" => "#{}"}) |> json_response(:ok) assert Repo.get(Notification, refute Repo.get(Notification, end end describe "PUT /api/pleroma/notification_settings" do test "it updates notification settings", %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) conn |> assign(:user, user) |> put("/api/pleroma/notification_settings", %{ "remote" => false, "followers" => false, "bar" => 1 }) |> json_response(:ok) user = Repo.get(User, assert %{ "remote" => false, "local" => true, "followers" => false, "follows" => true, "non_follows" => true, "non_followers" => true } == end end describe "GET /api/statusnet/config.json" do test "returns the state of safe_dm_mentions flag", %{conn: conn} do option = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions]) Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], true) response = conn |> get("/api/statusnet/config.json") |> json_response(:ok) assert response["site"]["safeDMMentionsEnabled"] == "1" Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], false) response = conn |> get("/api/statusnet/config.json") |> json_response(:ok) assert response["site"]["safeDMMentionsEnabled"] == "0" Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :safe_dm_mentions], option) end test "it returns the managed config", %{conn: conn} do Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :managed_config], false) Pleroma.Config.put([:frontend_configurations, :pleroma_fe], %{theme: "asuka-hospital"}) response = conn |> get("/api/statusnet/config.json") |> json_response(:ok) refute response["site"]["pleromafe"] Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :managed_config], true) response = conn |> get("/api/statusnet/config.json") |> json_response(:ok) assert response["site"]["pleromafe"] == %{"theme" => "asuka-hospital"} end end describe "GET /api/pleroma/frontend_configurations" do test "returns everything in :pleroma, :frontend_configurations", %{conn: conn} do config = [ frontend_a: %{ x: 1, y: 2 }, frontend_b: %{ z: 3 } ] Pleroma.Config.put(:frontend_configurations, config) response = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations") |> json_response(:ok) assert response == Jason.encode!(config |> Enum.into(%{})) |> Jason.decode!() end end describe "/api/pleroma/emoji" do test "returns json with custom emoji with tags", %{conn: conn} do emoji = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji") |> json_response(200) assert Enum.all?(emoji, fn {_key, %{ "image_url" => url, "tags" => tags }} -> is_binary(url) and is_list(tags) end) end end describe "GET /ostatus_subscribe?acct=...." do test "adds status to pleroma instance if the `acct` is a status", %{conn: conn} do conn = get( conn, "/ostatus_subscribe?acct=" ) assert redirected_to(conn) =~ "/notice/" end test "show follow account page if the `acct` is a account link", %{conn: conn} do response = get( conn, "/ostatus_subscribe?acct=" ) assert html_response(response, 200) =~ "Log in to follow" end end test "GET /api/pleroma/healthcheck", %{conn: conn} do conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/healthcheck") assert conn.status in [200, 503] end describe "POST /api/pleroma/disable_account" do test "it returns HTTP 200", %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) response = conn |> assign(:user, user) |> post("/api/pleroma/disable_account", %{"password" => "test"}) |> json_response(:ok) assert response == %{"status" => "success"} user = User.get_cached_by_id( assert == true end end end