# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.PleromaEmojiPackOperation do alias OpenApiSpex.Operation alias OpenApiSpex.Schema alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ApiError import Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Helpers def open_api_operation(action) do operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation") apply(__MODULE__, operation, []) end def remote_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Make request to another instance for emoji packs list", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], parameters: [url_param()], operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.remote", responses: %{ 200 => emoji_packs_response(), 500 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def index_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Lists local custom emoji packs", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.index", parameters: [ Operation.parameter( :page, :query, %Schema{type: :integer, default: 1}, "Page" ), Operation.parameter( :page_size, :query, %Schema{type: :integer, default: 50}, "Number of statuses to return" ) ], responses: %{ 200 => emoji_packs_response() } } end def show_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Show emoji pack", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.show", parameters: [ name_param(), Operation.parameter( :page, :query, %Schema{type: :integer, default: 1}, "Page" ), Operation.parameter( :page_size, :query, %Schema{type: :integer, default: 30}, "Number of statuses to return" ) ], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Emoji Pack", "application/json", emoji_pack()), 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def archive_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Requests a local pack archive from the instance", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.archive", parameters: [name_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Archive file", "application/octet-stream", %Schema{ type: :string, format: :binary }), 403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def download_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Download pack from another instance", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.download", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], requestBody: request_body("Parameters", download_request(), required: true), responses: %{ 200 => ok_response(), 500 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end defp download_request do %Schema{ type: :object, required: [:url, :name], properties: %{ url: %Schema{ type: :string, format: :uri, description: "URL of the instance to download from" }, name: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri, description: "Pack Name"}, as: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri, description: "Save as"} } } end def create_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Create an empty pack", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.create", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], parameters: [name_param()], responses: %{ 200 => ok_response(), 400 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError), 409 => Operation.response("Conflict", "application/json", ApiError), 500 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def delete_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Delete a custom emoji pack", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.delete", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], parameters: [name_param()], responses: %{ 200 => ok_response(), 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def update_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Updates (replaces) pack metadata", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.update", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], requestBody: request_body("Parameters", update_request(), required: true), parameters: [name_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Metadata", "application/json", metadata()), 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def add_file_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Add new file to the pack", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.add_file", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], requestBody: request_body("Parameters", add_file_request(), required: true), parameters: [name_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Files Object", "application/json", files_object()), 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError), 409 => Operation.response("Conflict", "application/json", ApiError) } } end defp add_file_request do %Schema{ type: :object, required: [:file], properties: %{ file: %Schema{ description: "File needs to be uploaded with the multipart request or link to remote file", anyOf: [ %Schema{type: :string, format: :binary}, %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri} ] }, shortcode: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "Shortcode for new emoji, must be unique for all emoji. If not sended, shortcode will be taken from original filename." }, filename: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "New emoji file name. If not specified will be taken from original filename." } } } end def update_file_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Add new file to the pack", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.update_file", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], requestBody: request_body("Parameters", update_file_request(), required: true), parameters: [name_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Files Object", "application/json", files_object()), 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError), 409 => Operation.response("Conflict", "application/json", ApiError) } } end defp update_file_request do %Schema{ type: :object, required: [:shortcode, :new_shortcode, :new_filename], properties: %{ shortcode: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "Emoji file shortcode" }, new_shortcode: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "New emoji file shortcode" }, new_filename: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "New filename for emoji file" }, force: %Schema{ type: :boolean, description: "With true value to overwrite existing emoji with new shortcode", default: false } } } end def delete_file_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Delete emoji file from pack", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.delete_file", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], parameters: [ name_param(), Operation.parameter(:shortcode, :query, :string, "File shortcode", example: "cofe", required: true ) ], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Files Object", "application/json", files_object()), 400 => Operation.response("Bad Request", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def import_from_filesystem_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Emoji Packs"], summary: "Imports packs from filesystem", operationId: "PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController.import", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write"]}], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Array of imported pack names", "application/json", %Schema{ type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string} }) } } end defp name_param do Operation.parameter(:name, :path, :string, "Pack Name", example: "cofe", required: true) end defp url_param do Operation.parameter( :url, :query, %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}, "URL of the instance", required: true ) end defp ok_response do Operation.response("Ok", "application/json", %Schema{type: :string, example: "ok"}) end defp emoji_packs_response do Operation.response( "Object with pack names as keys and pack contents as values", "application/json", %Schema{ type: :object, additionalProperties: emoji_pack(), example: %{ "emojos" => emoji_pack().example } } ) end defp emoji_pack do %Schema{ title: "EmojiPack", type: :object, properties: %{ files: files_object(), pack: %Schema{ type: :object, properties: %{ license: %Schema{type: :string}, homepage: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}, description: %Schema{type: :string}, "can-download": %Schema{type: :boolean}, "share-files": %Schema{type: :boolean}, "download-sha256": %Schema{type: :string} } } }, example: %{ "files" => %{"emacs" => "emacs.png", "guix" => "guix.png"}, "pack" => %{ "license" => "Test license", "homepage" => "https://pleroma.social", "description" => "Test description", "can-download" => true, "share-files" => true, "download-sha256" => "57482F30674FD3DE821FF48C81C00DA4D4AF1F300209253684ABA7075E5FC238" } } } end defp files_object do %Schema{ type: :object, additionalProperties: %Schema{type: :string}, description: "Object with emoji names as keys and filenames as values" } end defp update_request do %Schema{ type: :object, properties: %{ metadata: %Schema{ type: :object, description: "Metadata to replace the old one", properties: %{ license: %Schema{type: :string}, homepage: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}, description: %Schema{type: :string}, "fallback-src": %Schema{ type: :string, format: :uri, description: "Fallback url to download pack from" }, "fallback-src-sha256": %Schema{ type: :string, description: "SHA256 encoded for fallback pack archive" }, "share-files": %Schema{type: :boolean, description: "Is pack allowed for sharing?"} } } } } end defp metadata do %Schema{ type: :object, properties: %{ license: %Schema{type: :string}, homepage: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}, description: %Schema{type: :string}, "fallback-src": %Schema{ type: :string, format: :uri, description: "Fallback url to download pack from" }, "fallback-src-sha256": %Schema{ type: :string, description: "SHA256 encoded for fallback pack archive" }, "share-files": %Schema{type: :boolean, description: "Is pack allowed for sharing?"} } } end end