# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.OpenapiSpec do def run([path]) do # Load Pleroma application to get version info Application.load(:pleroma) spec_json = Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.spec(server_specific: false) |> Jason.encode!() # to get rid of the structs spec_regened = spec_json |> Jason.decode!() check_specs!(spec_regened) File.write(path, spec_json) end defp check_specs!(spec) do with :ok <- check_specs(spec) do :ok else {_, errors} -> IO.puts(IO.ANSI.format([:red, :bright, "Spec check failed, errors:"])) Enum.map(errors, &IO.puts/1) raise "Spec check failed" end end def check_specs(spec) do errors = spec["paths"] |> Enum.flat_map(fn {path, %{} = endpoints} -> Enum.map( endpoints, fn {method, endpoint} -> with :ok <- check_endpoint(spec, endpoint) do :ok else error -> "#{endpoint["operationId"]} (#{method} #{path}): #{error}" end end ) |> Enum.reject(fn res -> res == :ok end) end) if errors == [] do :ok else {:error, errors} end end defp check_endpoint(spec, endpoint) do valid_tags = available_tags(spec) with {_, [_ | _] = tags} <- {:tags, endpoint["tags"]}, {_, []} <- {:unavailable, Enum.reject(tags, &(&1 in valid_tags))} do :ok else {:tags, _} -> "No tags specified" {:unavailable, tags} -> "Tags #{inspect(tags)} not available. Please add it in \"x-tagGroups\" in Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec" end end defp available_tags(spec) do spec["x-tagGroups"] |> Enum.flat_map(fn %{"tags" => tags} -> tags end) end end