# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.DataMigrationPopulateUserRelationships do use Ecto.Migration alias Ecto.Adapters.SQL alias Pleroma.Repo require Logger def up do Enum.each( [blocks: 1, mutes: 2, muted_reblogs: 3, muted_notifications: 4, subscribers: 5], fn {field, relationship_type_code} -> migrate(field, relationship_type_code) if field == :subscribers do drop_if_exists(index(:users, [:subscribers])) end end ) end def down, do: :noop defp migrate(field, relationship_type_code) do Logger.info("Processing users.#{field}...") {:ok, %{rows: field_rows}} = SQL.query(Repo, "SELECT id, #{field} FROM users WHERE #{field} != '{}'") target_ap_ids = Enum.flat_map( field_rows, fn [_, ap_ids] -> ap_ids end ) |> Enum.uniq() # Selecting ids of all targets at once in order to reduce the number of SELECT queries {:ok, %{rows: target_ap_id_id}} = SQL.query(Repo, "SELECT ap_id, id FROM users WHERE ap_id = ANY($1)", [target_ap_ids]) target_id_by_ap_id = Enum.into(target_ap_id_id, %{}, fn [k, v] -> {k, v} end) Enum.each( field_rows, fn [source_id, target_ap_ids] -> source_uuid = Ecto.UUID.cast!(source_id) for target_ap_id <- target_ap_ids do target_id = target_id_by_ap_id[target_ap_id] with {:ok, target_uuid} <- target_id && Ecto.UUID.cast(target_id) do execute(""" INSERT INTO user_relationships( source_id, target_id, relationship_type, inserted_at ) VALUES( '#{source_uuid}'::uuid, '#{target_uuid}'::uuid, #{relationship_type_code}, now() ) ON CONFLICT (source_id, relationship_type, target_id) DO NOTHING """) else _ -> Logger.warn("Unresolved #{field} reference: (#{source_uuid}, #{target_id})") end end end ) end end