# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Benchmark do import Mix.Pleroma use Mix.Task def run(["search"]) do start_pleroma() Benchee.run(%{ "search" => fn -> Pleroma.Activity.search(nil, "cofe") end }) end def run(["tag"]) do start_pleroma() Benchee.run(%{ "tag" => fn -> %{"type" => "Create", "tag" => "cofe"} |> Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.fetch_public_activities() end }) end def run(["render_timeline", nickname | _] = args) do start_pleroma() user = Pleroma.User.get_by_nickname(nickname) activities = %{} |> Map.put("type", ["Create", "Announce"]) |> Map.put("blocking_user", user) |> Map.put("muting_user", user) |> Map.put("user", user) |> Map.put("limit", 4096) |> Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.fetch_public_activities() |> Enum.reverse() inputs = %{ "1 activity" => Enum.take_random(activities, 1), "10 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 10), "20 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 20), "40 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 40), "80 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 80) } inputs = if Enum.at(args, 2) == "extended" do Map.merge(inputs, %{ "200 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 200), "500 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 500), "2000 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 2000), "4096 activities" => Enum.take_random(activities, 4096) }) else inputs end Benchee.run( %{ "Standart rendering" => fn activities -> Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView.render("index.json", %{ activities: activities, for: user, as: :activity, skip_relationships: true }) end }, inputs: inputs ) end def run(["adapters"]) do start_pleroma() :ok = Pleroma.Gun.Conn.open( "https://httpbin.org/stream-bytes/1500", :gun_connections ) Process.sleep(1_500) Benchee.run( %{ "Without conn and without pool" => fn -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{}} = Pleroma.HTTP.get("https://httpbin.org/stream-bytes/1500", [], adapter: [pool: :no_pool, receive_conn: false] ) end, "Without conn and with pool" => fn -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{}} = Pleroma.HTTP.get("https://httpbin.org/stream-bytes/1500", [], adapter: [receive_conn: false] ) end, "With reused conn and without pool" => fn -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{}} = Pleroma.HTTP.get("https://httpbin.org/stream-bytes/1500", [], adapter: [pool: :no_pool] ) end, "With reused conn and with pool" => fn -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{}} = Pleroma.HTTP.get("https://httpbin.org/stream-bytes/1500") end }, parallel: 10 ) end end