2023-04-23 11:47:16 +00:00
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from common import get_api
from common import list_append
from common import list_read
from common import list_write
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import json
import os
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class load_custom_messages():
def __init__(self, custom_message_file):
if os.path.exists(custom_message_file):
with open(custom_message_file, 'r') as messages_pointer:
custom_messages = json.load(messages_pointer)
return custom_messages
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class apreciabot():
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Initialization
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.custom_messages = load_custom_messages(self.kwargs['custom_message_file'])
bot_name = self.custom_messages['apreciabot']['bot_name']
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# Messages
messages = self.custom_messages[self.kwargs['language']]
mensaje = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje']
mensaje_croqueta = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_croqueta']
mensaje_mismo = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_mismo']
mensaje_nobot = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_nobot']
mensaje_aviso = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_aviso']
mensaje_error = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_error']
mensaje_no_encontrado = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_no_encontrado']
mensaje_muestra_aprecio_enviada = self.custom_messages[bot_name]['mensaje_muestra_aprecio_enviada']
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api = get_api(self.kwargs['instance_name'], bot_name)
last_ids = list_read(bot_name)
notifications = api.notifications(types=["mention"],limit=max_notifications)
for n in notifications:
# Some notifications may have been deleted since last fetch
# Therefore, it is better to check less than the maximum number of notifications
for i in range(0, max_notifications - 5):
n = notifications[i]
if str(n['id']) not in last_ids:
# Mentions data are HTML paragraphs so we delete everything between <> to clean it up
content = BeautifulSoup(n['status']['content'], "html.parser").get_text().split(" ")
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first_mention = content[0]
target = "@" + content[1]
user = "@" + n['account']['acct']
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api.status_reply(n['status'], mensaje_error)
# The bot is meant to be anonymous so only allow directs
if n['status']['visibility'] == "direct":
if user == target:
api.status_reply(n['status'], mensaje_mismo, visibility="unlisted")
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# Find account if it is not known by the server
api.search(target, result_type="accounts")
bio = api.account_lookup(target)
api.status_post(user + mensaje_no_encontrado, in_reply_to_id=n['status']['id'], visibility="direct" )
if "nobot" in bio['note']:
api.status_reply(n['status'], mensaje_nobot)
#api.status_post(mensaje + target + "!", in_reply_to_id=n['status']['id'], visibility="unlisted")
if ("croqueta" in content
or "croquetas" in content
or '"croqueta"' in content
or '"croquetas"' in content
new_status = api.status_post(target + " " + mensaje_croqueta, visibility="unlisted")
new_status = api.status_post(mensaje + target + "!", visibility="unlisted")
api.status_reply(n['status'], mensaje_muestra_aprecio_enviada + new_status['url'], visibility="direct")
elif first_mention == "@" + bot_name and n['status']['in_reply_to_id'] == None:
api.status_reply(n['status'], mensaje_aviso, visibility='direct')
list_write(bot_name, new_last_ids)
@click.option('--language', '-l', default='es', help="Language.")
@click.option('--custom-message-file', '-j', default='custom_messages.json', help='JSON file containing the messages.')
@click.option('--instance-name', '-i', default='masto.es', help='Instance FQDN')
def __main__(**kwargs):
return apreciabot(**kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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