from common import get_api from common import list_append from common import list_read from common import list_write from datetime import datetime, timedelta def get_message(user_domain): return "¡Hola! Veo que es tu primera vez en Mastodon, ¡te doy la bienvenida!\n\nTe recomiendo que empieces escribiendo una publicación con la etiqueta #presentación y tus intereses para darte a conocer.\n\n¡Espero que tengas un buen comienzo! Si necesitas ayuda, ¡cuenta conmigo!" excluded_domains = [ '', # Relay '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # Relay '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # Non-spanish accounts >:( '', '' ] bot_name = 'federabot' api_mastoes = get_api('', 'rober') following = list_read(bot_name) date_recent = - timedelta(days=30) follows_limited = list_read(bot_name + '_follows_limited') dms_limited = list_read(bot_name + '_messages_limited') list_write(bot_name + "_follows_limited", []) list_write(bot_name + "_messages_limited", []) def try_follow(user_id): try: api_mastoes.account_follow(user_id) except: list_append(bot_name + '_follows_limited', str(user_id)) print("Fail to follow. Will retry next time") def try_dm(username, user_domain): try: api_mastoes.status_post("@" + username + " " + get_message(user_domain), visibility="direct") print("Welcome new user: " + username) except: list_append(bot_name + '_messages_limited', username) print("Fail to welcome new user: " + username + ". Will retry next time") def check_follows(): notifications = api_mastoes.notifications(types=["follow"]) for n in notifications: username = n['account']['acct'] user_domain = username.split("@")[1] if "@" in username else "" date_created = n['account']['created_at'].replace(tzinfo=None) if username not in following: print("Following: " + username) try_follow(n['account']['id']) following.append(username) list_append(bot_name, username) if date_created > date_recent and user_domain == '': try_dm(username, user_domain) def check_timeline(domain, timeline_name = 'public', api_external=None): if api_external is None: api_external = get_api(domain) last_id = list_read(bot_name + "_last_id_" + domain)[0] timeline = api_external.timeline( timeline=timeline_name, since_id=last_id, remote=(True if timeline_name == 'public' else False) ) for post in timeline: if timeline_name == 'local': username = post['account']['acct'] + "@" + domain user_domain = domain else: username = post['account']['acct'] user_domain = username.split("@")[1] if ( post['language'] == 'es' and not "nobot" in post['account']['note'] and user_domain not in excluded_domains and username not in following ): date_created = post['account']['created_at'].replace(tzinfo=None) if date_created > date_recent and timeline_name == 'local' and user_domain == '': try_dm(username, user_domain) print("Following: " + username) user = api_mastoes.search_v2("@" + username + " ", result_type="accounts")["accounts"][0] # Retrieve the post, it could be the first api_mastoes.search_v2(post['url'], result_type="posts") following.append(username) list_append(bot_name, username) try_follow(user['id']) if len(timeline) > 0: list_write(bot_name + "_last_id_" + domain, [timeline[0]['id']]) print('\nChecking previous attempts...') for user_id in follows_limited: try_follow(user_id) for username in dms_limited: user_domain = username.split("@")[1] try_dm(username, user_domain) print('\nChecking follows...') check_follows() api=get_api('', bot_name + "_mastodon_social") print('\nChecking local TL') check_timeline('', 'local', api_external=api) print('\nChecking federated TL') check_timeline('', 'public', api_external=api) print('\nChecking federated TL') api=get_api('', bot_name) check_timeline('', api_external=api)