from common import get_api
from common import list_append
from common import list_read
from common import list_write
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_message(user_domain):
    return "¡Hola! Veo que es tu primera vez en Mastodon, ¡te doy la bienvenida si así es!\n\nSoy Roberto, el administrador del servidor de Mastodon en español Ya ves que aunque estemos en servidores diferentes, somos capaces de comunicarnos gracias al modelo federado de Mastodon :mastodance:\n\nAunque yo no sea tu administrador en " + user_domain + ", si necesitas ayuda para empezar puedes consultar la guía que he preparado para mis usuarios:\n\nY si tienes alguna duda más, estaré encantado de ayudarte, solo responde a este mensaje privado 🙂"

excluded_domains = [
    # Relay
    # Relay chocoflan
    # Relay
    # Non-spanish accounts >:(

bot_name = 'federabot'
api_mastoes = get_api('', 'rober')
following = list_read(bot_name)
date_recent = - timedelta(days=7)

def check_timeline(domain, timeline_name = 'public', api_external=None):
    if api_external is None:
        api_external = get_api(domain)
    last_id = list_read(bot_name + "_last_id_" + domain)[0]
    timeline = api_external.timeline(
        remote=(True if timeline_name == 'public' else False)

    for post in timeline:
        if timeline_name == 'local':
            username = post['account']['acct'] + "@" + domain
            user_domain = domain
            username = post['account']['acct']
            user_domain = username.split("@")[1]
        if (
            post['language'] == 'es' 
            and not "nobot" in post['account']['note'] 
            and user_domain not in excluded_domains 
            and username not in following
            date_created = post['account']['created_at'].replace(tzinfo=None)
            if date_created > date_recent and timeline_name == 'local' and user_domain == '':
                print("New user: " + username)
                api_mastoes.status_post("@" + username + " " + get_message(user_domain), visibility="direct")
            print("Following: " + username)
            user = api_mastoes.search_v2("@" + username + " ", result_type="accounts")["accounts"][0]
            # Retrieve the post, it could be the first
            api_mastoes.search_v2(post['url'], result_type="posts")
            list_append(bot_name, username)

    if len(timeline) > 0:
        list_write(bot_name + "_last_id_" + domain, [timeline[0]['id']])

api=get_api('', bot_name)
check_timeline('', api_external=api)

api=get_api('', bot_name + "_mastodon_social")
check_timeline('', 'local', api_external=api)
check_timeline('', 'public', api_external=api)