Henry Jameson 0a031aae20 errata
2019-03-27 22:04:59 +02:00

398 lines
13 KiB

import backendInteractorService from '../services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js'
import { compact, map, each, merge, find, last } from 'lodash'
import { set } from 'vue'
import { registerPushNotifications, unregisterPushNotifications } from '../services/push/push.js'
import oauthApi from '../services/new_api/oauth'
import { humanizeErrors } from './errors'
// TODO: Unify with mergeOrAdd in statuses.js
export const mergeOrAdd = (arr, obj, item) => {
if (!item) { return false }
const oldItem = obj[item.id]
if (oldItem) {
// We already have this, so only merge the new info.
merge(oldItem, item)
return { item: oldItem, new: false }
} else {
// This is a new item, prepare it
set(obj, item.id, item)
if (item.screen_name && !item.screen_name.includes('@')) {
set(obj, item.screen_name.toLowerCase(), item)
return { item, new: true }
const getNotificationPermission = () => {
const Notification = window.Notification
if (!Notification) return Promise.resolve(null)
if (Notification.permission === 'default') return Notification.requestPermission()
return Promise.resolve(Notification.permission)
export const mutations = {
setMuted (state, { user: { id }, muted }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
set(user, 'muted', muted)
setCurrentUser (state, user) {
state.lastLoginName = user.screen_name
state.currentUser = merge(state.currentUser || {}, user)
clearCurrentUser (state) {
state.currentUser = false
state.lastLoginName = false
beginLogin (state) {
state.loggingIn = true
endLogin (state) {
state.loggingIn = false
// TODO Clean after ourselves?
addFriends (state, { id, friends }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
each(friends, friend => {
if (!find(user.friends, { id: friend.id })) {
user.lastFriendId = last(friends).id
addFollowers (state, { id, followers }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
each(followers, follower => {
if (!find(user.followers, { id: follower.id })) {
user.lastFollowerId = last(followers).id
// Because frontend doesn't have a reason to keep these stuff in memory
// outside of viewing someones user profile.
clearFriends (state, userId) {
const user = state.usersObject[userId]
if (!user) {
user.friends = []
user.lastFriendId = null
clearFollowers (state, userId) {
const user = state.usersObject[userId]
if (!user) {
user.followers = []
user.lastFollowerId = null
addNewUsers (state, users) {
each(users, (user) => mergeOrAdd(state.users, state.usersObject, user))
updateUserRelationship (state, relationships) {
relationships.forEach((relationship) => {
const user = state.usersObject[relationship.id]
if (user) {
user.follows_you = relationship.followed_by
user.following = relationship.following
user.muted = relationship.muting
user.statusnet_blocking = relationship.blocking
updateBlocks (state, blockedUsers) {
// Reset statusnet_blocking of all fetched users
each(state.users, (user) => { user.statusnet_blocking = false })
each(blockedUsers, (user) => mergeOrAdd(state.users, state.usersObject, user))
saveBlockIds (state, blockIds) {
state.currentUser.blockIds = blockIds
updateMutes (state, mutedUsers) {
// Reset muted of all fetched users
each(state.users, (user) => { user.muted = false })
each(mutedUsers, (user) => mergeOrAdd(state.users, state.usersObject, user))
saveMuteIds (state, muteIds) {
state.currentUser.muteIds = muteIds
setUserForStatus (state, status) {
status.user = state.usersObject[status.user.id]
setUserForNotification (state, notification) {
notification.action.user = state.usersObject[notification.action.user.id]
notification.from_profile = state.usersObject[notification.action.user.id]
setColor (state, { user: { id }, highlighted }) {
const user = state.usersObject[id]
set(user, 'highlight', highlighted)
signUpPending (state) {
state.signUpPending = true
state.signUpErrors = []
signUpSuccess (state) {
state.signUpPending = false
signUpFailure (state, errors) {
state.signUpPending = false
state.signUpErrors = errors
export const getters = {
findUser: state => query => {
const result = state.usersObject[query]
// In case it's a screen_name, we can try searching case-insensitive
if (!result && typeof query === 'string') {
return state.usersObject[query.toLowerCase()]
return result
export const defaultState = {
loggingIn: false,
lastLoginName: false,
currentUser: false,
users: [],
usersObject: {},
signUpPending: false,
signUpErrors: []
const users = {
state: defaultState,
actions: {
fetchUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchUser({ id })
.then((user) => {
store.commit('addNewUsers', [user])
return user
fetchUserRelationship (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchUserRelationship({ id })
.then((relationships) => store.commit('updateUserRelationship', relationships))
fetchBlocks (store) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchBlocks()
.then((blocks) => {
store.commit('saveBlockIds', map(blocks, 'id'))
store.commit('updateBlocks', blocks)
return blocks
blockUser (store, userId) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.blockUser(userId)
.then((relationship) => {
store.commit('updateUserRelationship', [relationship])
store.commit('removeStatus', { timeline: 'friends', userId })
store.commit('removeStatus', { timeline: 'public', userId })
store.commit('removeStatus', { timeline: 'publicAndExternal', userId })
unblockUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.unblockUser(id)
.then((relationship) => store.commit('updateUserRelationship', [relationship]))
fetchMutes (store) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchMutes()
.then((mutes) => {
store.commit('updateMutes', mutes)
store.commit('saveMuteIds', map(mutes, 'id'))
return mutes
muteUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.muteUser(id)
.then((relationship) => store.commit('updateUserRelationship', [relationship]))
unmuteUser (store, id) {
return store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.unmuteUser(id)
.then((relationship) => store.commit('updateUserRelationship', [relationship]))
addFriends ({ rootState, commit }, fetchBy) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const user = rootState.users.usersObject[fetchBy]
const maxId = user.lastFriendId
rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFriends({ id: user.id, maxId })
.then((friends) => {
commit('addFriends', { id: user.id, friends })
}).catch(() => {
addFollowers ({ rootState, commit }, fetchBy) {
const user = rootState.users.usersObject[fetchBy]
const maxId = user.lastFollowerId
return rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFollowers({ id: user.id, maxId })
.then((followers) => {
commit('addFollowers', { id: user.id, followers })
return followers
clearFriends ({ commit }, userId) {
commit('clearFriends', userId)
clearFollowers ({ commit }, userId) {
commit('clearFollowers', userId)
registerPushNotifications (store) {
const token = store.state.currentUser.credentials
const vapidPublicKey = store.rootState.instance.vapidPublicKey
const isEnabled = store.rootState.config.webPushNotifications
const notificationVisibility = store.rootState.config.notificationVisibility
registerPushNotifications(isEnabled, vapidPublicKey, token, notificationVisibility)
unregisterPushNotifications (store) {
const token = store.state.currentUser.credentials
addNewStatuses (store, { statuses }) {
const users = map(statuses, 'user')
const retweetedUsers = compact(map(statuses, 'retweeted_status.user'))
store.commit('addNewUsers', users)
store.commit('addNewUsers', retweetedUsers)
// Reconnect users to statuses
each(statuses, (status) => {
store.commit('setUserForStatus', status)
// Reconnect users to retweets
each(compact(map(statuses, 'retweeted_status')), (status) => {
store.commit('setUserForStatus', status)
addNewNotifications (store, { notifications }) {
const users = map(notifications, 'from_profile')
const notificationIds = notifications.map(_ => _.id)
store.commit('addNewUsers', users)
const notificationsObject = store.rootState.statuses.notifications.idStore
const relevantNotifications = Object.entries(notificationsObject)
.filter(([k, val]) => notificationIds.includes(k))
.map(([k, val]) => val)
// Reconnect users to notifications
each(relevantNotifications, (notification) => {
store.commit('setUserForNotification', notification)
async signUp (store, userInfo) {
let rootState = store.rootState
let response = await rootState.api.backendInteractor.register(userInfo)
if (response.ok) {
const data = {
oauth: rootState.oauth,
instance: rootState.instance.server
let app = await oauthApi.getOrCreateApp(data)
let result = await oauthApi.getTokenWithCredentials({
instance: data.instance,
username: userInfo.username,
password: userInfo.password
store.commit('setToken', result.access_token)
store.dispatch('loginUser', result.access_token)
} else {
const data = await response.json()
let errors = JSON.parse(data.error)
// replace ap_id with username
if (errors.ap_id) {
errors.username = errors.ap_id
delete errors.ap_id
errors = humanizeErrors(errors)
store.commit('signUpFailure', errors)
throw Error(errors)
async getCaptcha (store) {
return await store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.getCaptcha()
logout (store) {
store.commit('setToken', false)
store.dispatch('stopFetching', 'friends')
store.commit('setBackendInteractor', backendInteractorService())
loginUser (store, accessToken) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const commit = store.commit
.then((data) => {
if (!data.error) {
const user = data
// user.credentials = userCredentials
user.credentials = accessToken
user.blockIds = []
user.muteIds = []
commit('setCurrentUser', user)
commit('addNewUsers', [user])
.then(permission => commit('setNotificationPermission', permission))
// Set our new backend interactor
commit('setBackendInteractor', backendInteractorService(accessToken))
if (user.token) {
store.dispatch('setWsToken', user.token)
// Initialize the chat socket.
// Start getting fresh posts.
store.dispatch('startFetching', { timeline: 'friends' })
// Get user mutes
// Fetch our friends
store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFriends({ id: user.id })
.then((friends) => commit('addNewUsers', friends))
} else {
const response = data.error
// Authentication failed
if (response.status === 401) {
reject('Wrong username or password')
} else {
reject('An error occurred, please try again')
.catch((error) => {
reject('Failed to connect to server, try again')
export default users