import { DB } from ""; import { parse } from "" import { search } from ""; const YT_FEED_PREFIX = ""; const YT_VID_PREFIX = ""; const db = new DB("scrappy.db"); const command = Deno.args[0]; if (command === "create") { db.execute(`create table if not exists channel (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, channel_id text not null unique, channel_name text not null, last_seen_at number not null default 0);`); } else if (command === "new" && Deno.args.length == 3) { const channelId = Deno.args[1]; const name = Deno.args[2]; console.debug("args:", channelId, name); db.query("insert into channel (channel_id, channel_name) values (?, ?)", [channelId, name]); console.log("Saved."); db.close(); } else if (command === "get" && Deno.args.length == 2) { const DEST = Deno.args[1]; const rows = db.query("select * from channel order by id"); for (const [id, channelId, name, lastSeenAt]: [number, string, string, number] of rows) { await Deno.mkdir(`${DEST}/${name}`, { recursive: true }); const res = await fetch(YT_FEED_PREFIX + channelId); const raw = await res.text(); const doc = parse(raw); const out = search(doc, `feed.entry[].["yt:videoId", published, title]`); let newLastSeenAt = lastSeenAt; for (const [videoId, published, title]: [string, string, string] of out.slice(0, 4).reverse()) { const publishedSeconds = Math.floor(new Date(published).getTime() / 1000); if (publishedSeconds > lastSeenAt) { newLastSeenAt = Math.max(publishedSeconds, newLastSeenAt);; const p ={ cmd: [ "yt-dlp", "-q", "-f22", `${YT_VID_PREFIX}${videoId}`, "-o", `${DEST}/${name}/%(title)s.%(ext)s` ] }); const status = await p.status(); if (status.code) console.error("Exited with status:", status.code); } } if (newLastSeenAt != lastSeenAt) db.query("update channel set last_seen_at = ? where id = ?", [newLastSeenAt, id]); } } else { console.error("Unrecognized command.", Deno.args); Deno.exit(1); }