2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
import React from 'react' ;
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl' ;
2021-09-12 12:33:39 -05:00
import { captureException } from 'soapbox/monitoring' ;
2021-10-10 02:48:35 -05:00
import Icon from 'soapbox/components/icon' ;
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
export default class ErrorBoundary extends React . PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
children : PropTypes . node ,
} ;
state = {
hasError : false ,
componentStack : undefined ,
componentDidCatch ( error , info ) {
2021-09-12 12:33:39 -05:00
captureException ( error ) ;
2021-09-08 15:45:44 -05:00
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
this . setState ( {
hasError : true ,
2021-07-05 18:08:04 -05:00
error ,
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
componentStack : info && info . componentStack ,
} ) ;
2021-09-11 18:29:43 -05:00
import ( /* webpackChunkName: "error" */ 'bowser' )
. then ( ( { default : Bowser } ) => {
this . setState ( {
browser : Bowser . getParser ( window . navigator . userAgent ) ,
} ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( ) => { } ) ;
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
2021-07-05 18:08:04 -05:00
setTextareaRef = c => {
this . textarea = c ;
handleCopy = e => {
if ( ! this . textarea ) return ;
this . textarea . select ( ) ;
this . textarea . setSelectionRange ( 0 , 99999 ) ;
document . execCommand ( 'copy' ) ;
getErrorText = ( ) => {
const { error , componentStack } = this . state ;
return error + componentStack ;
2021-04-22 13:57:47 -05:00
clearCookies = e => {
localStorage . clear ( ) ;
sessionStorage . clear ( ) ;
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
render ( ) {
2021-09-11 18:29:43 -05:00
const { browser , hasError } = this . state ;
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
if ( ! hasError ) {
return this . props . children ;
2021-07-05 18:08:04 -05:00
const errorText = this . getErrorText ( ) ;
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
return (
< div className = 'error-boundary' >
< div >
2021-10-10 02:48:35 -05:00
< Icon src = { require ( '@tabler/icons/icons/mood-sad.svg' ) } className = 'sad-face' / >
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
< FormattedMessage id = 'alert.unexpected.message' defaultMessage = 'An unexpected error occurred.' / >
2021-10-10 02:48:35 -05:00
< div className = 'return-home' >
< a a href = '/' >
< Icon src = { require ( '@tabler/icons/icons/arrow-back.svg' ) } / >
< FormattedMessage id = 'alert.unexpected.return_home' defaultMessage = 'Return Home' / >
< / a >
< / d i v >
2021-07-05 18:08:04 -05:00
{ errorText && < textarea
ref = { this . setTextareaRef }
className = 'error-boundary__component-stack'
value = { errorText }
onClick = { this . handleCopy }
/ > }
2021-09-11 18:29:43 -05:00
{ browser && < p className = 'error-boundary__browser' >
2021-07-11 18:18:15 -05:00
{ browser . getBrowserName ( ) } { browser . getBrowserVersion ( ) }
2021-09-11 18:29:43 -05:00
< / p > }
2021-04-22 13:57:47 -05:00
< p className = 'help-text' >
< FormattedMessage
id = 'alert.unexpected.help_text'
defaultMessage = 'If the problem persists, please notify a site admin with a screenshot and information about your web browser. You may also {clear_cookies} (this will log you out).'
values = { { clear _cookies : (
< a href = '/' onClick = { this . clearCookies } >
< FormattedMessage
id = 'alert.unexpected.clear_cookies'
defaultMessage = 'clear cookies and browser data'
/ >
< / a >
) } }
/ >
< / p >
2020-03-27 15:59:38 -05:00
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
) ;