Update translation files
Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translation: Soapbox/Soapbox Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/soapbox-pub/soapbox/
This commit is contained in:
@ -1113,12 +1113,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "إختر إسمًا ظاهرًا",
"onboarding.done": "تم بنجاح",
"onboarding.error": "حدث خطأ غير متوقع. رجاءً حاول مرة أخرى أو تخطى هذه الخطوة.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "هذا أنت! يمكن للأشخاص الآخرين متابعتك من خوادم أخرى باستخدام @إسم_المستخدم الخاص بك.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "الكون الفدرالي عبارة عن شبكة إجتماعية مكوّنة من آلاف مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي المتنوعة والمستقلّة (تُعرف أيضًا بالخوادم). يمكنك متابعة المستخدمين والتعليق وإعادة النشر والرد على المنشورات من معظم خوادم الكون الفدرالي الأُخرى لأنها تتواصل مع {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "التالي",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "عند تصفح الجدول الزمني الخاص بك، انتبه إلى اسم المستخدم الكامل بعد الرمز @ الثاني لمعرفة الخادم الذي تأتي منه المشاركة.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} هو جزء من الاتحاد الفيدرالي الاجتماعي",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "نظرًا لأنه يتم توزيعه ويمكن لأي شخص تشغيل خادمه الخاص، فإن الاتحاد مرن ومنفتح. إذا اخترت الانضمام إلى خادم آخر أو إعداد خادم خاص بك، فيمكنك التفاعل مع نفس الأشخاص والمتابعة على نفس الرسم البياني الاجتماعي.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "يُسعدنا أن نرحب بك وبكل بحرارة في مُجتمعنا الافتراضي! إضغط على الزر أدناه لتنضم إلينا.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "اكتمل الإعداد",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "سيظهر هذا في الجزء العلوي من حسابك الشخصي.",
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorites",
"notifications.group": "{count} avisos",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -178,7 +178,6 @@
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorites",
"notifications.group": "{count} notifications",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.fields.email_placeholder": "Адрес на е-поща",
"password_reset.fields.username_placeholder": "Адрес на е-поща или потребителско име",
@ -268,7 +268,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "নির্বাচনের ফলাফল",
"notifications.group": "{count} প্রজ্ঞাপন",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorites",
"notifications.group": "{count} notifications",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -389,7 +389,6 @@
"notifications.group": "{count} notificacions",
"notifications.queue_label": "Feu clic per veure {count} nou {count, plural, one {notification} altra {notifications}}",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -268,7 +268,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Risultati di u scandagliu",
"notifications.group": "{count} nutificazione",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -465,12 +465,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.subtitle": "Později ho můžete změnit.",
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Nastavte si uživatelské jméno",
"onboarding.done": "Hotovo",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Tohle jste vy! Jiní lidí vás mohou sledovat z jiných serverů, stačí jim použít vaši plnou adresu s oběma zavináči.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Fediverse je sociální síť složená z tisíců různorodých a nezávisle provozovaných serverů. Můžete sledovat uživatele - a lajkovat, sdílet a odpovídat na příspěvky - z většiny ostatních serverů Fediversa, protože {siteTitle} s nimi dokáže komunikovat.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Při procházení příspěvků si všímejte plných uživatelských jmen - podle části za druhým zavináčem zjistíte, ze kterého serveru daný příspěvek pochází.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} je jen jedna část Fediversa",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Díky své distribuované povaze a tomu, že svůj server může provozovat kdokoliv, je Fediverse odolný a otevřený. Pokud se zaregistrujete k jinému serveru, nebo si spustíte vlastní, můžete nadále interagovat se stejnými lidmi o nepřerušovat své existující sociální vazby.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Vítejte v naší komunitě! Pro začátek stiskněte tlačítko pod tímto textem.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Účet je založen",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Bude zobrazen na vršku vašeho profilu.",
@ -412,7 +412,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.label": "Enw",
"onboarding.display_name.placeholder": "Eg. John Smith",
"onboarding.display_name.subtitle": "Gallwch olygu hyn nes ymlaen.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Nesaf",
"onboarding.next": "Nesaf",
"onboarding.saving": "Yn cadw…",
"onboarding.skip": "Hepgor am y tro",
@ -268,7 +268,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Afstemningsresultat",
"notifications.group": "{count} notifikationer",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -915,12 +915,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Wähle deinen angezeigten Namen",
"onboarding.done": "Fertig",
"onboarding.error": "Es ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut oder überspringe diesen Schritt.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Das bist du! Andere Leute können dir von anderen Servern aus folgen, indem sie dein vollständiges @-Handle verwenden.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Das Fediverse ist ein soziales Netzwerk, das aus Tausenden von verschiedenen und unabhängig voneinander betriebenen sozialen Medienseiten (auch \"Server\" genannt) besteht. Sie können Nutzern von den meisten anderen Fediverse-Servern folgen - und Beiträge mögen, neu beitragen und beantworten -, da diese mit {siteTitle} kommunizieren können.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Weiter",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Wenn du deine Timeline durchsuchst, achte auf den vollständigen Benutzernamen nach dem zweiten @-Symbol, um zu wissen, von welchem Server ein Beitrag stammt.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} ist nur ein Teil des Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Weil es verteilt ist und jeder seinen eigenen Server betreiben kann, ist das Fediverse belastbar und offen. Wenn du dich entscheidest, einem anderen Server beizutreten oder einen eigenen zu gründen, kannst du mit denselben Leuten interagieren und auf demselben sozialen Graphen weitermachen.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Schön, dich bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen! Wenn du jetzt bestätigst, kann unserer Reise beginnen.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding abgeschlossen",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Dies wird in deinen Profilinfos deiner persönlichen Seite zu sehen sein.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -269,7 +269,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Balotenketaj rezultoj",
"notifications.group": "{count} sciigoj",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -316,7 +316,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Resultados de la encuesta",
"notifications.group": "{count} notificaciones",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -1211,12 +1211,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -269,7 +269,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Küsitluse tulemused",
"notifications.group": "{count} teated",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -269,7 +269,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Inkestaren emaitza",
"notifications.group": "{count} jakinarazpen",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -717,12 +717,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -266,7 +266,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Kyselyn tulokset",
"notifications.group": "{count} ilmoitusta",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -946,12 +946,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "C'est vous-même ! Les autres personnes peuvent vous suivre depuis d'autres serveurs en utilisant votre adresse complète contenant un @.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Nous sommes vraiment heureux de vous accueillir dans notre communauté ! Utilisez le bouton ci-dessous pour commencer.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -272,7 +272,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Resultados da sondaxe",
"notifications.group": "{count} notificacións",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -946,12 +946,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -1135,12 +1135,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.subtitle": "To uvijek možete urediti kasnije.",
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Odaberi prikazano ime",
"onboarding.done": "Gotovo",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Ovo si ti! Drugi vas ljudi mogu pratiti s drugih poslužitelja koristeći vaš punu @-oznaku.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Fediverse ili Federacija je društvena mreža sastavljena od tisuća različitih i neovisno vođenih stranica društvenih medija (poznatih kao \"poslužitelji\"). Možete pratiti korisnike — i lajkati, ponovno objavljivati i odgovarati na objave — s većine drugih Fediverse poslužitelja jer mogu komunicirati s {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Dalje",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Dok pregledavate svoju vremensku traku, obratite pozornost na puno korisničko ime nakon drugog simbola @ kako biste znali s kojeg je poslužitelja objava.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} samo je jedan dio Federacije",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Budući da je distribuiran i svatko može pokrenuti vlastiti poslužitelj, Fediverse je otporan i otvoren. Ako se odlučite pridružiti drugom poslužitelju ili postaviti vlastiti, možete komunicirati s istim ljudima i nastaviti na istom društvenom grafikonu.",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Ovo će biti prikazano na vrhu vašeg profila.",
"onboarding.header.title": "Odaberite naslovnu sliku",
"onboarding.next": "Dalje",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorites",
"notifications.group": "{count} notifications",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -1100,12 +1100,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Pilihlah nama display",
"onboarding.done": "Selesai",
"onboarding.error": "Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak terduga. Silakan coba lagi atau lewati langkah ini.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Ini kamu! Orang lain dapat mengikuti Anda dari server lain dengan menggunakan @-handle lengkap Anda.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Fediverse adalah jaringan sosial yang terdiri dari ribuan situs media sosial yang beragam dan dijalankan secara independen (alias \"server\"). Anda dapat mengikuti pengguna — dan menyukai, memposting ulang, dan membalas postingan — dari sebagian besar server Fediverse lainnya, karena mereka dapat berkomunikasi dengan {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Saat menjelajahi timeline Anda, perhatikan nama pengguna lengkap setelah simbol @ kedua untuk mengetahui dari server mana postingan tersebut berasal.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} hanyalah salah satu bagian dari Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Karena didistribusikan dan siapa pun dapat menjalankan servernya sendiri, Fediverse tangguh dan terbuka. Jika Anda memilih untuk bergabung dengan server lain atau menyiapkan server Anda sendiri, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan orang yang sama dan melanjutkan di grafik sosial yang sama.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Kami sangat senang menyambut Anda di komunitas kami! Ketuk tombol di bawah untuk memulai.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Orientasi selesai",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Ini akan ditampilkan di bagian atas profil Anda.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Veldur birtingarnafn",
"onboarding.done": "Komið",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Við erum mjög spennt að bjóða þig velkomin(n) í samfélagið okkar! Ýttu á hnappinn hér að neðan til að byrja.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Innganga búin",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Þetta mun birtast efst á notandasniði þínu.",
@ -1150,12 +1150,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Scegli un nome da visualizzare",
"onboarding.done": "Finito",
"onboarding.error": "Ooops! Un errore inaspettato! Per favore, riprova, oppure salta il passaggio.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Ecco il tuo profilo! Le altre persone possono seguirti da altri siti tramite la username completa di dominio che vedi.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Il «Fediverso» è un social network mondiale composto da migliaia di piccoli siti indipendenti come questo. Puoi seguire la maggior parte delle persone, aggiungere nuove pubblicazioni, rispondere a quelle altrui, ripubblicarle, reagire con i Like, esse comunicano tramite «{siteTitle}».",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Avanti",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Quando esplori le tue «Timeline», fai sempre attenzione alla username altrui. La parte dietro la seconda @ indica il dominio (sito) di provenienza.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} è solo una delle istanze di tutto il fediverso",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Il «Fediverso» è distribuito, chiunque può avviare il proprio sito, per questo è Resiliente e Open. Se sceglierai cambiare sito, o di avviarne uno nuovo, potrai interagire con le stesse persone continuando il grafo sociale precedente.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Siamo entusiasti di accoglierti nella nostra community! Inizia premendo il bottone sottostante.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Eccoci finalmente insieme",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Verrà mostrata in cima al tuo profilo.",
@ -1028,11 +1028,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "表示名を選ぶ",
"onboarding.done": "完了",
"onboarding.error": "エラーが発生しました。もう一度お試しいただくか、このステップはスキップしてください。",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Fediverse は多様かつ独立に活動する多数のソーシャルメディアサイト(所謂サーバー)が織り成すソーシャルネットワークです。あなたは他の Fediverse サーバーのユーザーをフォローしたり、投稿をお気に入りにしたりリピートしたり返信したりできます。これは {siteTitle} が他のサーバーと交流できるからです。",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "あなたのタイムラインを閲覧するときは、どこから投稿されたかを示す 2つ目の @ 記号のあとに続く完全なユーザー名に注意を払ってください。",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} は Fediverse の一部です",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Fediverse は分散型ソーシャルネットワークであり各々が独立したサーバーを運用できるため頑強かつ開かれています。他のサーバーに参加するにせよ自分のサーバーを建てるにせよ、あなたは同じソーシャルグラフ上で同じ人物と交流を続けられます。",
"onboarding.finished.message": "私達のコミュニティに来てくださったことを歓迎します! 下のボタンを押して始めましょう。",
"onboarding.finished.title": "オンボーディングが完了",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "この画像はあなたのプロフィールの最上部に表示されます。",
@ -241,7 +241,6 @@
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorites",
"notifications.group": "{count} შეტყობინება",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -267,7 +267,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Pollresultaten",
"notifications.group": "{count} meldingen",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -1033,12 +1033,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Velg et visningsnavn",
"onboarding.done": "Ferdig",
"onboarding.error": "Det oppstod en uventet feil. Prøv på nytt, eller hopp over dette trinnet.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Dette er deg! Andre personer kan følge deg fra andre servere ved å bruke hele @-navnet ditt.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Fødiverset er et sosialt nettverk som består av tusenvis av forskjellige og uavhengig drevne sosiale medier (aka 'servere'). Du kan følge brukere – og like, reposte og svare på innlegg – fra de fleste andre Fødivers-servere, fordi de kan kommunisere med {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Når du surfer på tidslinjen din, vær oppmerksom på hele brukernavnet etter det andre @ -symbolet for å vite hvilken server et innlegg er fra.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} er bare en del av Fødiverset",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Fordi den distribueres og alle kan kjøre sin egen server, er Fødiverset motstandsdyktig og åpen. Hvis du velger å bli med på en annen server eller sette opp din egen, kan du samhandle med de samme personene og fortsette på den samme sosiale grafen.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Vi er veldig glade for å ønske deg velkommen til fellesskapet vårt! Trykk på knappen nedenfor for å komme i gang.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Ferdig",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Dette vil vises øverst på profilen din.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -1138,12 +1138,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Wybierz wyświetlaną nazwę",
"onboarding.done": "Gotowe",
"onboarding.error": "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd. Spróbuj ponownie lub pomiń ten krok.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Oto Twoje konto! Inni ludzie mogą Cię obserwować z innych serwerów używając pełnej @nazwy.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Dalej",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Kiedy przeglądasz oś czasum, zwróć uwagę na pełną nazwę użytkownika po znaku @, aby wiedzieć z którego serwera pochodzi wpis.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} to tylko jedna z części Fediwersum",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Cieszymy się, że możemy powitać Cię w naszej społeczności! Naciśnij poniższy przycisk, aby rozpocząć.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Wprowadzenie ukończone",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Będzie widoczny w górnej części Twojego profilu",
@ -359,7 +359,6 @@
"column.blocks": "Usuários bloqueados",
"column.bookmarks": "Salvos",
"column.chats": "Conversas",
"column.community": "Local",
"column.crypto_donate": "Doar Criptomoeda",
"column.developers": "Desenvolvedores",
"column.developers.service_worker": "Trabalhador de serviço",
@ -1162,11 +1161,11 @@
"nostr_relays.read_write": "Leitura e escrita",
"nostr_relays.title": "Relays",
"nostr_relays.write_only": "Somente escrita",
"nostr_signup.key-add.title": "Importar Chave",
"nostr_signup.has_key": "Eu já tenho uma chave",
"nostr_signup.key-add.key_button": "Adicionar chave",
"nostr_signup.key-add.title": "Importar Chave",
"nostr_signup.key.title": "Você precisa de uma chave para continuar",
"nostr_signup.key_generate": "Gerar chave",
"nostr_signup.has_key": "Eu já tenho uma chave",
"nostr_signup.keygen.title": "Sua nova chave",
"nostr_signup.siwe.action": "Faça login com a extensão",
"nostr_signup.siwe.alt": "Faça login com a chave",
@ -1181,7 +1180,6 @@
"notification.mentioned": "{name} mencionou você",
"notification.move": "{name} mudou para {targetName}",
"notification.name": "{link}{others}",
"notification.others": " + {count} {count, plural, one {outro} other {outros}}",
"notification.pleroma:chat_mention": "{name} te enviou uma mensagem",
"notification.pleroma:emoji_reaction": "{name} reagiu à sua postagem",
"notification.pleroma:event_reminder": "Um evento em que você está participando começará em breve",
@ -1216,12 +1214,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Escolha um nome de exibição",
"onboarding.done": "Concluído",
"onboarding.error": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Por favor, tente novamente ou pule esta etapa.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Este é você! Outras pessoas podem te seguir de outros servidores usando seu @-handle completo.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "O Fediverse é uma rede social composta por milhares de sites de mídia social diversos e independentes (também conhecidos como \"servidores\"). Você pode seguir usuários — e curtir, repostar e responder a postagens — de muitos outros servidores Fediverse, porque eles podem se comunicar com o {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Próximo",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Ao navegar pela sua linha do tempo, preste atenção ao nome de usuário completo após o segundo símbolo @ para saber de qual servidor uma postagem é originária.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} é apenas uma parte do Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Como é distribuído e qualquer um pode executar seu próprio servidor, o Fediverse é resiliente e aberto. Se você optar por se juntar a outro servidor ou configurar o seu próprio, você pode interagir com as mesmas pessoas e continuar na mesma rede social.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Estamos muito empolgados para te receber em nossa comunidade! Toque no botão abaixo para começar.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding completo",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Isso será exibido no topo do seu perfil.",
@ -1591,11 +1583,9 @@
"sw.url": "URL do script",
"tabs_bar.all": "Todos",
"tabs_bar.dashboard": "Painel",
"tabs_bar.fediverse": "Fediverse",
"tabs_bar.global": "Global",
"tabs_bar.groups": "Grupos",
"tabs_bar.home": "Página inicial",
"tabs_bar.local": "Local",
"tabs_bar.more": "Mais",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Notificações",
"tabs_bar.profile": "Perfil",
@ -1664,4 +1654,4 @@
"zap.open_wallet": "Abrir Carteira",
"zap.send_to": "Enviar zaps para {target}",
"zap.unit": "Quantidade de zap em sats"
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -1089,12 +1089,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -267,7 +267,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Rezultati glasovanj",
"notifications.group": "{count} obvestil",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -257,7 +257,6 @@
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Përmendje",
"notifications.group": "{count}s njoftime",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -697,12 +697,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Choose a display name",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "This is you! Other people can follow you from other servers by using your full @-handle.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "The Fediverse is a social network made up of thousands of diverse and independently-run social media sites (aka \"servers\"). You can follow users — and like, repost, and reply to posts — from most other Fediverse servers, because they can communicate with {siteTitle}.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "When browsing your timeline, pay attention to the full username after the second @ symbol to know which server a post is from.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} is just one part of the Fediverse",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Because it is distributed and anyone can run their own server, the Fediverse is resilient and open. If you choose to join another server or set up your own, you can interact with the same people and continue on the same social graph.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "We are very excited to welcome you to our community! Tap the button below to get started.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Onboarding complete",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "This will be shown at the top of your profile.",
@ -267,7 +267,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Omröstningsresultat",
"notifications.group": "{count} aviseringar",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -266,7 +266,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "கருத்துக்கணிப்பு முடிவுகள்",
"notifications.group": "{count} notifications",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -263,7 +263,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "ఎన్నిక ఫలితాలు",
"notifications.group": "{count} ప్రకటనలు",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -271,7 +271,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "ผลลัพธ์โพล",
"notifications.group": "{count} การแจ้งเตือน",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -1086,12 +1086,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "Görünen ismi seç",
"onboarding.done": "Bitti",
"onboarding.error": "Beklenmedik bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin veya bu adımı atlayın.",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "Bu sensin! Fediverse'teki diğer kişiler tam kullanıcı adınızı (@kullanici@example.com) kullanarak sizi diğer sunuculardan takip edebilir.",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "Fediverse, binlerce farklı ve bağımsız olarak yönetilen sosyal medya sitesinden (\"sunucular\" olarak da bilinir) oluşan bir sosyal ağdır. {siteTitle} ile iletişim kurabildikleri için diğer birçok Fediverse sunucusundaki kullanıcıları takip edebilir ve gönderileri beğenebilir, yeniden yayınlayabilir ve yanıtlayabilirsiniz.",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Sonraki",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "Zaman tünelinizde gezinirken, bir gönderinin hangi sunucudan geldiğini öğrenmek için ikinci @ sembolünden sonra tam kullanıcı adına dikkat edin.",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle}, Fediverse'in yalnızca bir parçasıdır",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "Çünkü dağıtık olduğundan ve isteyen herkesin kendi sunucusunu kurabildeğinden Fediverse dirençli ve şeffaftır. Eğer bir gün başka bir sunucuya taşınmak ya da kendinizinkini kurmak istediğinizde aynı hesaplarla etkileşim kurmaya devam edebilirsiniz.",
"onboarding.finished.message": "Sizi topluluğumuza davet etmekten büyük heyecan duyuyoruz! Başlamak için aşağıdaki butona tıklayın.",
"onboarding.finished.title": "Oryantasyon tamamlandı",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "Bu, profilinizin üst kısmında gösterilecektir.",
@ -328,7 +328,6 @@
"notifications.filter.polls": "Результати опитування",
"notifications.group": "{count} сповіщень",
"oauth_consumer.tooltip": "Sign in with {provider}",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"password_reset.header": "Reset Password",
"password_reset.reset": "Reset password",
@ -1211,12 +1211,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "选择您的昵称",
"onboarding.done": "完成",
"onboarding.error": "发生了一个意外的错误。请再试一次或跳过此步骤。",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "这是您! 其他人可以通过使用您的全名 @-handle 从其他服务器关注您。",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "联邦宇宙是一个由成千上万个不同的、独立运行的社交媒体网站(又称 \"服务器\")组成的社交网络。您可以关注大多数其它联邦宇宙服务器的用户--以及点赞、转发和回复帖子,因为他们可以与 {siteTitle} 沟通。",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "下一步",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "当浏览您的时间轴时,注意第二个 @ 符号后的完整用户名,以了解帖文来自哪个服务器。",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle} 只是联邦宇宙的一部分",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "因为它是分布式的,任何人都可以运行自己的服务器,所以联邦宇宙是有弹性和开放的。如果您选择加入另一个服务器或建立自己的服务器,您可以与相同的人互动,并继续在同一个社会图谱上。",
"onboarding.finished.message": "我们非常高兴地欢迎您加入我们的社区! 点击下面的按钮,让我们开始吧。",
"onboarding.finished.title": "新手教程结束",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "这将显示在您个人资料的顶部。",
@ -646,7 +646,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.subtitle": "你可以稍後更改",
"onboarding.display_name.title": "設定你的顯示名稱",
"onboarding.done": "完成",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "Next",
"onboarding.finished.message": "我們很高興歡迎您加入我們的社區! 點擊下面的按鈕開始吧。",
"onboarding.finished.title": "新手教程完成",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "這將顯示在你個人資料的上方。",
@ -1100,12 +1100,6 @@
"onboarding.display_name.title": "設定你的顯示名稱",
"onboarding.done": "完成",
"onboarding.error": "發生意外錯誤。請重試或跳過此步驟。",
"onboarding.fediverse.its_you": "這是你!其他人可以使用您的完整 @帳戶名稱 從其他伺服器追隨您。",
"onboarding.fediverse.message": "聯邦宇宙是一個由成千上萬個獨立經營的社群媒體網站(又稱「伺服器」)組成的社群網路。您可以追隨大多數其他聯邦宇宙伺服器上的用戶,喜歡、轉發和回覆貼文,因為他們可以與{siteTitle}進行交流。",
"onboarding.fediverse.next": "下一步",
"onboarding.fediverse.other_instances": "瀏覽時間軸時,請注意第二個 @ 符號後面的完整用戶名,以了解貼文來自哪個伺服器。",
"onboarding.fediverse.title": "{siteTitle}只是聯邦宇宙的一部分",
"onboarding.fediverse.trailer": "由於它是分散式的,任何人都可以運行自己的伺服器,因此聯邦宇宙具有彈性和開放性。如果您選擇加入另一個伺服器或建立自己的伺服器,您可以與相同的人互動,並在相同的社交圖譜上繼續前進。",
"onboarding.finished.message": "我們非常歡迎您加入我們的社群!點擊下面的按鈕開始吧。",
"onboarding.finished.title": "新手教學完成",
"onboarding.header.subtitle": "這將顯示在你個人檔案的上方。",
Reference in New Issue