import { danger, warn, message } from 'danger'; // App changes const app = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/**'); // Docs changes const docs = danger.git.fileMatch('docs/**/*.md'); if (docs.edited) { message('Thanks - We :heart: our [documentarians](!'); } // Enforce additions const changelog = danger.git.fileMatch(''); if (app.edited && !changelog.edited) { warn('You have not updated ``. If this change directly impacts admins or users, please update the changelog. Otherwise you can ignore this message. See:'); } // UI components const uiCode = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/components/ui/**'); const uiTests = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/components/ui/**/__tests__/**'); if (uiCode.edited && !uiTests.edited) { warn('You have UI changes (`soapbox/components/ui`) without tests.'); } // Actions const actionsCode = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/actions/**'); const actionsTests = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/actions/**__tests__/**'); if (actionsCode.edited && !actionsTests.edited) { warn('You have actions changes (`soapbox/actions`) without tests.'); } // Reducers const reducersCode = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/reducers/**'); const reducersTests = danger.git.fileMatch('src/soapbox/reducers/**__tests__/**'); if (reducersCode.edited && !reducersTests.edited) { warn('You have reducer changes (`soapbox/reducers`) without tests.'); }