222 lines
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222 lines
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import {
Map as ImmutableMap,
Record as ImmutableRecord,
OrderedSet as ImmutableOrderedSet,
} from 'immutable';
import { STATUS_IMPORT, STATUSES_IMPORT } from 'soapbox/actions/importer';
import {
} from '../actions/accounts';
import {
} from '../actions/statuses';
import { TIMELINE_DELETE } from '../actions/timelines';
import type { AnyAction } from 'redux';
import type { Status } from 'soapbox/schemas';
export const ReducerRecord = ImmutableRecord({
inReplyTos: ImmutableMap<string, string>(),
replies: ImmutableMap<string, ImmutableOrderedSet<string>>(),
type State = ReturnType<typeof ReducerRecord>;
/** Minimal status fields needed to process context. */
type ContextStatus = {
id: string
in_reply_to_id: string | null
/** Import a single status into the reducer, setting replies and replyTos. */
const importStatus = (state: State, status: ContextStatus, idempotencyKey?: string): State => {
const { id, in_reply_to_id: inReplyToId } = status;
if (!inReplyToId) return state;
return state.withMutations(state => {
const replies = state.replies.get(inReplyToId) || ImmutableOrderedSet();
const newReplies = replies.add(id).sort();
state.setIn(['replies', inReplyToId], newReplies);
state.setIn(['inReplyTos', id], inReplyToId);
if (idempotencyKey) {
deletePendingStatus(state, status, idempotencyKey);
/** Import multiple statuses into the state. */
const importStatuses = (state: State, statuses: ContextStatus[]): State => {
return state.withMutations(state => {
statuses.forEach(status => importStatus(state, status));
/** Insert a fake status ID connecting descendant to ancestor. */
const insertTombstone = (state: State, ancestorId: string, descendantId: string): State => {
const tombstoneId = `${descendantId}-tombstone`;
return state.withMutations(state => {
importStatus(state, { id: tombstoneId, in_reply_to_id: ancestorId });
importStatus(state, { id: descendantId, in_reply_to_id: tombstoneId });
/** Find the highest level status from this statusId. */
const getRootNode = (state: State, statusId: string, initialId = statusId): string => {
const parent = state.inReplyTos.get(statusId);
if (!parent) {
return statusId;
} else if (parent === initialId) {
// Prevent cycles
return parent;
} else {
return getRootNode(state, parent, initialId);
/** Route fromId to toId by inserting tombstones. */
const connectNodes = (state: State, fromId: string, toId: string): State => {
const fromRoot = getRootNode(state, fromId);
const toRoot = getRootNode(state, toId);
if (fromRoot !== toRoot) {
return insertTombstone(state, toId, fromId);
} else {
return state;
/** Import a branch of ancestors or descendants, in relation to statusId. */
const importBranch = (state: State, statuses: ContextStatus[], statusId?: string): State => {
return state.withMutations(state => {
statuses.forEach((status, i) => {
const prevId = statusId && i === 0 ? statusId : (statuses[i - 1] || {}).id;
if (status.in_reply_to_id) {
importStatus(state, status);
// On Mastodon, in_reply_to_id can refer to an unavailable status,
// so traverse the tree up and insert a connecting tombstone if needed.
if (statusId) {
connectNodes(state, status.id, statusId);
} else if (prevId) {
// On Pleroma, in_reply_to_id will be null if the parent is unavailable,
// so insert the tombstone now.
insertTombstone(state, prevId, status.id);
/** Import a status's ancestors and descendants. */
const normalizeContext = (
state: State,
id: string,
ancestors: ContextStatus[],
descendants: ContextStatus[],
) => state.withMutations(state => {
importBranch(state, ancestors);
importBranch(state, descendants, id);
if (ancestors.length > 0 && !state.getIn(['inReplyTos', id])) {
insertTombstone(state, ancestors[ancestors.length - 1].id, id);
/** Remove a status from the reducer. */
const deleteStatus = (state: State, id: string): State => {
return state.withMutations(state => {
// Delete from its parent's tree
const parentId = state.inReplyTos.get(id);
if (parentId) {
const parentReplies = state.replies.get(parentId) || ImmutableOrderedSet();
const newParentReplies = parentReplies.delete(id);
state.setIn(['replies', parentId], newParentReplies);
// Dereference children
const replies = state.replies.get(id) || ImmutableOrderedSet();
replies.forEach(reply => state.deleteIn(['inReplyTos', reply]));
state.deleteIn(['inReplyTos', id]);
state.deleteIn(['replies', id]);
/** Delete multiple statuses from the reducer. */
const deleteStatuses = (state: State, ids: string[]): State => {
return state.withMutations(state => {
ids.forEach(id => deleteStatus(state, id));
/** Delete statuses upon blocking or muting a user. */
const filterContexts = (
state: State,
relationship: { id: string },
/** The entire statuses map from the store. */
statuses: ImmutableMap<string, Status>,
): State => {
const ownedStatusIds = statuses
.filter(status => status.account.id === relationship.id)
.map(status => status.id)
return deleteStatuses(state, ownedStatusIds);
/** Add a fake status ID for a pending status. */
const importPendingStatus = (state: State, params: ContextStatus, idempotencyKey: string): State => {
const id = `末pending-${idempotencyKey}`;
const { in_reply_to_id } = params;
return importStatus(state, { id, in_reply_to_id });
/** Delete a pending status from the reducer. */
const deletePendingStatus = (state: State, params: ContextStatus, idempotencyKey: string): State => {
const id = `末pending-${idempotencyKey}`;
const { in_reply_to_id: inReplyToId } = params;
return state.withMutations(state => {
state.deleteIn(['inReplyTos', id]);
if (inReplyToId) {
const replies = state.replies.get(inReplyToId) || ImmutableOrderedSet();
const newReplies = replies.delete(id).sort();
state.setIn(['replies', inReplyToId], newReplies);
/** Contexts reducer. Used for building a nested tree structure for threads. */
export default function replies(state = ReducerRecord(), action: AnyAction) {
switch (action.type) {
return filterContexts(state, action.relationship, action.statuses);
return normalizeContext(state, action.id, action.ancestors, action.descendants);
return deleteStatuses(state, [action.id]);
return importPendingStatus(state, action.params, action.idempotencyKey);
return deletePendingStatus(state, action.status, action.idempotencyKey);
return importStatus(state, action.status, action.idempotencyKey);
return importStatuses(state, action.statuses);
return state;