The Rich Media Previews were not regenerated when a post was updated due to a cache invalidation issue. They are now cached by the activity id so they can be evicted with the other activity cache objects in the :scrubber_cache.
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 292 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The function call move_namespace_and_warn(
{Pleroma.ActivityExpiration, Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity,
* `config :pleroma, Pleroma.ActivityExpiration` is now `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity`"}
) on line 350 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :ok | nil | :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The function call move_namespace_and_warn(
{Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp, "
* `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp` is now `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp`"}
) on line 366 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :ok | nil | :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 390 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 413 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex: The tuple {:cwd, tmp_dir} on line 103 is expected to have type :cooked
| :keep_old_files
| :memory
| :verbose
| {:cwd, list(char())}
| {:file_filter, (record(:zip_file) -> boolean())}
| {:file_list, list(} but it has type {:cwd, binary()}
lib/pleroma/mfa.ex: The map %{error: msg} on line 80 is expected to have type {:ok, list(binary())} | {:error, String.t()} but it has type %{required(:error) => any()}
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 278 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 292 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 390 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 413 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
validate_scopes/2 can never receive a map as it is only called in one place with a guard requiring a list
The guard test:
is_map(_params :: maybe_improper_list())
can never succeed.
The pattern can never match the type.
{:content_type, _}
{:error, _}
The pattern can never match the type.
{:upload, {:error, _}}
{:error, _}
Function index/2 has no local return.
Function maybe_parse_filters/1 will never be called.
Function page_params/1 has no local return.
The function call will not succeed.
Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper.fetch_integer_param(_params :: any(), :page, 1)
breaks the contract
(map(), String.t(), integer() | nil) :: integer() | nil