# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Emoji do @moduledoc """ This GenServer stores in an ETS table the list of the loaded emojis, and also allows to reload the list at runtime. """ use GenServer alias Pleroma.Emoji.Combinations alias Pleroma.Emoji.Loader require Logger @ets __MODULE__.Ets @ets_options [ :ordered_set, :protected, :named_table, {:read_concurrency, true} ] defstruct [:code, :file, :tags, :safe_code, :safe_file] @type t :: %__MODULE__{} @doc "Build emoji struct" def build({code, file, tags}) do %__MODULE__{ code: code, file: file, tags: tags, safe_code: Pleroma.HTML.strip_tags(code), safe_file: Pleroma.HTML.strip_tags(file) } end def build({code, file}), do: build({code, file, []}) @doc false def start_link(_) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end @doc "Reloads the emojis from disk." @spec reload() :: :ok def reload do GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :reload) end @doc "Returns the path of the emoji `name`." @spec get(String.t()) :: Emoji.t() | nil def get(name) do name = maybe_strip_name(name) case :ets.lookup(@ets, name) do [{_, emoji}] -> emoji _ -> nil end end @spec exist?(String.t()) :: boolean() def exist?(name), do: not is_nil(get(name)) @doc "Returns all the emojos!!" @spec get_all() :: list({String.t(), String.t(), String.t()}) def get_all do :ets.tab2list(@ets) end @doc "Clear out old emojis" def clear_all, do: :ets.delete_all_objects(@ets) @doc false def init(_) do @ets = :ets.new(@ets, @ets_options) GenServer.cast(self(), :reload) {:ok, nil} end @doc false def handle_cast(:reload, state) do update_emojis(Loader.load()) {:noreply, state} end @doc false def handle_call(:reload, _from, state) do update_emojis(Loader.load()) {:reply, :ok, state} end @doc false def terminate(_, _) do :ok end @doc false def code_change(_old_vsn, state, _extra) do update_emojis(Loader.load()) {:ok, state} end defp update_emojis(emojis) do :ets.insert(@ets, emojis) end @external_resource "lib/pleroma/emoji-test.txt" regional_indicators = Enum.map(127_462..127_487, fn codepoint -> <> end) emojis = @external_resource |> File.read!() |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.filter(fn line -> line != "" and not String.starts_with?(line, "#") and String.contains?(line, "fully-qualified") end) |> Enum.map(fn line -> line |> String.split(";", parts: 2) |> hd() |> String.trim() |> String.split() |> Enum.map(fn codepoint -> <> end) |> Enum.join() end) |> Enum.uniq() emojis = emojis ++ regional_indicators for emoji <- emojis do def is_unicode_emoji?(unquote(emoji)), do: true end def is_unicode_emoji?(_), do: false @emoji_regex ~r/:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+(@.+)?:/ def is_custom_emoji?(s) when is_binary(s), do: Regex.match?(@emoji_regex, s) def is_custom_emoji?(_), do: false def maybe_strip_name(name) when is_binary(name), do: String.trim(name, ":") def maybe_strip_name(name), do: name def maybe_quote(name) when is_binary(name) do if is_unicode_emoji?(name) do name else if String.starts_with?(name, ":") do name else ":#{name}:" end end end def maybe_quote(name), do: name def emoji_url(%{"type" => "EmojiReact", "content" => _, "tag" => []}), do: nil def emoji_url(%{"type" => "EmojiReact", "content" => emoji, "tag" => tags}) do emoji = maybe_strip_name(emoji) tag = tags |> Enum.find(fn tag -> tag["type"] == "Emoji" && !is_nil(tag["name"]) && tag["name"] == emoji end) if is_nil(tag) do nil else tag |> Map.get("icon") |> Map.get("url") end end def emoji_url(_), do: nil def emoji_name_with_instance(name, url) do url = url |> URI.parse() |> Map.get(:host) "#{name}@#{url}" end emoji_qualification_map = emojis |> Enum.filter(&String.contains?(&1, "\uFE0F")) |> Combinations.variate_emoji_qualification() for {qualified, unqualified_list} <- emoji_qualification_map do for unqualified <- unqualified_list do def fully_qualify_emoji(unquote(unqualified)), do: unquote(qualified) end end def fully_qualify_emoji(emoji), do: emoji end