# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NsfwApiPolicy do @moduledoc """ Hide, delete, or mark sensitive NSFW content with artificial intelligence. Requires a NSFW API server, configured like so: config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NsfwMRF, url: "", threshold: 0.8, mark_sensitive: true, unlist: false, reject: false The NSFW API server must implement an HTTP endpoint like this: curl http://localhost:5000/?url=https://fedi.com/images/001.jpg Returning a response like this: {"score", 0.314} Where a score is 0-1, with `1` being definitely NSFW. A good API server is here: https://github.com/EugenCepoi/nsfw_api You can run it with Docker with a one-liner: docker run -it -p --env PORT=5000 eugencepoi/nsfw_api:latest Options: - `url`: Base URL of the API server. Default: "" - `threshold`: Lowest score to take action on. Default: `0.7` - `mark_sensitive`: Mark sensitive all detected NSFW content? Default: `true` - `unlist`: Unlist all detected NSFW content? Default: `false` - `reject`: Reject all detected NSFW content (takes precedence)? Default: `false` """ alias Pleroma.Config alias Pleroma.Constants alias Pleroma.HTTP alias Pleroma.User require Logger require Pleroma.Constants @behaviour Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF @policy :mrf_nsfw_api def build_request_url(url) do Config.get([@policy, :url]) |> URI.parse() |> fix_path() |> Map.put(:query, "url=#{url}") |> URI.to_string() end def parse_url(url) do request = build_request_url(url) with {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: body}} <- HTTP.get(request) do Jason.decode(body) else error -> Logger.warn(""" [NsfwApiPolicy]: The API server failed. Skipping. #{inspect(error)} """) error end end def check_url_nsfw(url) when is_binary(url) do threshold = Config.get([@policy, :threshold]) case parse_url(url) do {:ok, %{"score" => score}} when score >= threshold -> {:nsfw, %{url: url, score: score, threshold: threshold}} {:ok, %{"score" => score}} -> {:sfw, %{url: url, score: score, threshold: threshold}} _ -> {:sfw, %{url: url, score: nil, threshold: threshold}} end end def check_url_nsfw(%{"href" => url}) when is_binary(url) do check_url_nsfw(url) end def check_attachment_nsfw(%{"url" => urls} = attachment) when is_list(urls) do if Enum.all?(urls, &match?({:sfw, _}, check_url_nsfw(&1))) do {:sfw, attachment} else {:nsfw, attachment} end end def check_attachment_nsfw(%{"url" => url} = attachment) when is_binary(url) do case check_url_nsfw(url) do {:sfw, _} -> {:sfw, attachment} {:nsfw, _} -> {:nsfw, attachment} end end def check_object_nsfw(%{"attachment" => attachments} = object) when is_list(attachments) do if Enum.all?(attachments, &match?({:sfw, _}, check_attachment_nsfw(&1))) do {:sfw, object} else {:nsfw, object} end end def check_object_nsfw(%{"object" => %{} = child_object} = object) do case check_object_nsfw(child_object) do {:sfw, _} -> {:sfw, object} {:nsfw, _} -> {:nsfw, object} end end def check_object_nsfw(object), do: {:sfw, object} @impl true def filter(object) do with {:sfw, object} <- check_object_nsfw(object) do {:ok, object} else {:nsfw, _data} -> handle_nsfw(object) _ -> {:reject, "NSFW: Attachment rejected"} end end defp handle_nsfw(object) do if Config.get([@policy, :reject]) do {:reject, object} else {:ok, object |> maybe_unlist() |> maybe_mark_sensitive()} end end defp maybe_unlist(object) do if Config.get([@policy, :unlist]) do unlist(object) else object end end defp maybe_mark_sensitive(object) do if Config.get([@policy, :mark_sensitive]) do mark_sensitive(object) else object end end def unlist(%{"to" => to, "cc" => cc, "actor" => actor} = object) do with %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(actor) do to = [user.follower_address | to] |> List.delete(Constants.as_public()) |> Enum.uniq() cc = [Constants.as_public() | cc] |> List.delete(user.follower_address) |> Enum.uniq() object |> Map.put("to", to) |> Map.put("cc", cc) else _ -> raise "[NsfwApiPolicy]: Could not find user #{actor}" end end def mark_sensitive(%{"object" => child_object} = object) when is_map(child_object) do Map.put(object, "object", mark_sensitive(child_object)) end def mark_sensitive(object) when is_map(object) do tags = (object["tag"] || []) ++ ["nsfw"] object |> Map.put("tag", tags) |> Map.put("sensitive", true) end # Hackney needs a trailing slash defp fix_path(%URI{path: path} = uri) when is_binary(path) do path = String.trim_trailing(path, "/") <> "/" Map.put(uri, :path, path) end defp fix_path(%URI{path: nil} = uri), do: Map.put(uri, :path, "/") @impl true def describe, do: {:ok, %{}} end