# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Loader do @moduledoc """ The Loader emoji from: * emoji packs in INSTANCE-DIR/emoji * the files: `config/emoji.txt` and `config/custom_emoji.txt` * glob paths, nested folder is used as tag name for grouping e.g. priv/static/emoji/custom/nested_folder """ alias Pleroma.Config alias Pleroma.Emoji require Logger @mix_env Mix.env() @type pattern :: Regex.t() | module() | String.t() @type patterns :: pattern() | [pattern()] @type group_patterns :: keyword(patterns()) @type emoji :: {String.t(), Emoji.t()} @doc """ Loads emojis from files/packs. returns list emojis in format: `{"000", "/emoji/freespeechextremist.com/000.png", ["Custom"]}` """ @spec load() :: list(emoji) def load do emoji_dir_path = Path.join(Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]), "emoji") emoji_groups = Config.get([:emoji, :groups]) emojis = case File.ls(emoji_dir_path) do {:error, :enoent} -> # The custom emoji directory doesn't exist, # don't do anything [] {:error, e} -> # There was some other error Logger.error("Could not access the custom emoji directory #{emoji_dir_path}: #{e}") [] {:ok, results} -> grouped = Enum.group_by(results, fn file -> File.dir?(Path.join(emoji_dir_path, file)) end) packs = grouped[true] || [] files = grouped[false] || [] # Print the packs we've found Logger.info("Found emoji packs: #{Enum.join(packs, ", ")}") if not Enum.empty?(files) do Logger.warning( "Found files in the emoji folder. These will be ignored, please move them to a subdirectory\nFound files: #{Enum.join(files, ", ")}" ) end emojis = Enum.flat_map(packs, fn pack -> load_pack(Path.join(emoji_dir_path, pack), emoji_groups) end) Emoji.clear_all() emojis end # Compat thing for old custom emoji handling & default emoji, # it should run even if there are no emoji packs shortcode_globs = Config.get([:emoji, :shortcode_globs], []) # for testing emoji.txt entries we do not want exposed in normal operation test_emoji = if @mix_env == :test do load_from_file("test/config/emoji.txt", emoji_groups) else [] end emojis_txt = (load_from_file("config/emoji.txt", emoji_groups) ++ load_from_file("config/custom_emoji.txt", emoji_groups) ++ load_from_globs(shortcode_globs, emoji_groups) ++ test_emoji) |> Enum.reject(fn value -> value == nil end) Enum.map(emojis ++ emojis_txt, &prepare_emoji/1) end defp prepare_emoji({code, _, _} = emoji), do: {code, Emoji.build(emoji)} defp load_pack(pack_dir, emoji_groups) do pack_name = Path.basename(pack_dir) pack_file = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json") if File.exists?(pack_file) do Logger.info("Loading emoji pack from JSON: #{pack_file}") contents = Jason.decode!(File.read!(pack_file)) contents["files"] |> Enum.map(fn {name, rel_file} -> filename = Path.join("/emoji/#{pack_name}", rel_file) {name, filename, ["pack:#{pack_name}"]} end) else # Load from emoji.txt / all files emoji_txt = Path.join(pack_dir, "emoji.txt") if File.exists?(emoji_txt) do Logger.info("Loading emoji pack from emoji.txt: #{emoji_txt}") load_from_file(emoji_txt, emoji_groups) else extensions = Config.get([:emoji, :pack_extensions]) Logger.info( "No emoji.txt found for pack \"#{pack_name}\", assuming all #{Enum.join(extensions, ", ")} files are emoji" ) make_shortcode_to_file_map(pack_dir, extensions) |> Enum.map(fn {shortcode, rel_file} -> filename = Path.join("/emoji/#{pack_name}", rel_file) {shortcode, filename, [to_string(match_extra(emoji_groups, filename))]} end) end end end def make_shortcode_to_file_map(pack_dir, exts) do find_all_emoji(pack_dir, exts) |> Enum.map(&Path.relative_to(&1, pack_dir)) |> Enum.map(fn f -> {f |> Path.basename() |> Path.rootname(), f} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) end def find_all_emoji(dir, exts) do dir |> File.ls!() |> Enum.flat_map(fn f -> filepath = Path.join(dir, f) if File.dir?(filepath) do find_all_emoji(filepath, exts) else [filepath] end end) |> Enum.filter(fn f -> Path.extname(f) in exts end) end defp load_from_file(file, emoji_groups) do if File.exists?(file) do load_from_file_stream(File.stream!(file), emoji_groups) else [] end end defp load_from_file_stream(stream, emoji_groups) do stream |> Stream.map(&String.trim/1) |> Stream.map(fn line -> case String.split(line, ~r/,\s*/) do [name, file] -> {name, file, [to_string(match_extra(emoji_groups, file))]} [name, file | tags] -> {name, file, tags} _ -> nil end end) |> Enum.to_list() end defp load_from_globs(globs, emoji_groups) do static_path = Path.join(:code.priv_dir(:pleroma), "static") paths = Enum.map(globs, fn glob -> Path.join(static_path, glob) |> Path.wildcard() end) |> Enum.concat() Enum.map(paths, fn path -> tag = match_extra(emoji_groups, Path.join("/", Path.relative_to(path, static_path))) shortcode = Path.basename(path, Path.extname(path)) external_path = Path.join("/", Path.relative_to(path, static_path)) {shortcode, external_path, [to_string(tag)]} end) end @doc """ Finds a matching group for the given emoji filename """ @spec match_extra(group_patterns(), String.t()) :: atom() | nil def match_extra(group_patterns, filename) do match_group_patterns(group_patterns, fn pattern -> case pattern do %Regex{} = regex -> Regex.match?(regex, filename) string when is_binary(string) -> filename == string end end) end defp match_group_patterns(group_patterns, matcher) do Enum.find_value(group_patterns, fn {group, patterns} -> patterns = patterns |> List.wrap() |> Enum.map(fn pattern -> if String.contains?(pattern, "*") do ~r(#{String.replace(pattern, "*", ".*")}) else pattern end end) Enum.any?(patterns, matcher) && group end) end end