defmodule Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch do @behaviour Pleroma.Search.SearchBackend import Ecto.Query alias Pleroma.Activity alias __MODULE__.QdrantClient alias __MODULE__.OllamaClient import Pleroma.Search.Meilisearch, only: [object_to_search_data: 1] @impl true def create_index() do payload = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch, :qdrant_index_configuration]) with {:ok, %{status: 200}} <- QdrantClient.put("/collections/posts", payload) do :ok else e -> {:error, e} end end @impl true def drop_index() do with {:ok, %{status: 200}} <- QdrantClient.delete("/collections/posts") do :ok else e -> {:error, e} end end def get_embedding(text) do with {:ok, %{body: %{"embedding" => embedding}}} <-"/api/embeddings", %{ prompt: text, model: Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch, :ollama_model]) }) do {:ok, embedding} else _ -> {:error, "Failed to get embedding"} end end defp build_index_payload(activity, embedding) do %{ points: [ %{ id: |> FlakeId.from_string() |> Ecto.UUID.cast!(), vector: embedding } ] } end defp build_search_payload(embedding) do %{ vector: embedding, limit: 20 } end @impl true def add_to_index(activity) do # This will only index public or unlisted notes maybe_search_data = object_to_search_data(activity.object) if["type"] == "Create" and maybe_search_data do with {:ok, embedding} <- get_embedding(maybe_search_data.content), {:ok, %{status: 200}} <- QdrantClient.put( "/collections/posts/points", build_index_payload(activity, embedding) ) do :ok else e -> {:error, e} end else :ok end end @impl true def search(_user, query, _options) do query = "Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: #{query}" with {:ok, embedding} <- get_embedding(query), {:ok, %{body: %{"result" => result}}} <-"/collections/posts/points/search", build_search_payload(embedding)) do ids =, fn %{"id" => id} -> Ecto.UUID.dump!(id) end) from(a in Activity, where: in ^ids) |> Activity.with_preloaded_object() |> Activity.restrict_deactivated_users() |> Ecto.Query.order_by([a], fragment("array_position(?, ?)", ^ids, |> Pleroma.Repo.all() else _ -> [] end end @impl true def remove_from_index(_object) do :ok end end defmodule Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch.OllamaClient do use Tesla plug(Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch, :ollama_url])) plug(Tesla.Middleware.JSON) end defmodule Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch.QdrantClient do use Tesla plug(Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch, :qdrant_url])) plug(Tesla.Middleware.JSON) plug(Tesla.Middleware.Headers, [ {"api-key", Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Search.QdrantSearch, :qdrant_api_key])} ]) end