lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:54:no_return Function delete/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:74:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.json( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:nicknames => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, _nicknames :: any() ) breaks the contract (Plug.Conn.t(), term()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:77:no_return Function follow/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:99:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.json( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:followed => _, :follower => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, <<111, 107>> ) breaks the contract (Plug.Conn.t(), term()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:102:no_return Function unfollow/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:124:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.json( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:followed => _, :follower => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, <<111, 107>> ) breaks the contract (Plug.Conn.t(), term()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:127:no_return Function create/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:130:no_return The created anonymous function has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:163:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.render( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:users => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, <<99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 100, 95, 109, 97, 110, 121, 46, 106, 115, 111, 110>>, [{:users, [any()]}, ...] ) will never return since the success typing is: ( %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :chunked | :file | :sent | :set | :set_chunked | :set_file | :unset | :upgraded, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() }, atom() | binary(), atom() | binary() | [{_, _}] | map() ) :: %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :sent, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() } and the contract is (Plug.Conn.t(), binary() | atom(), Keyword.t() | map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:175:call The function call will not succeed. Plug.Conn.put_status( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:users => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, :conflict ) breaks the contract (t(), status()) :: t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:205:no_return Function activate/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:215:call The function call will not succeed. Keyword.values( _updated_users :: %Pleroma.User{ :__meta__ => _, :accepts_chat_messages => _, :actor_type => _, :allow_following_move => _, :also_known_as => _, :ap_id => _, :avatar => _, :background => _, :banner => _, :bio => _, :birthday => _, :blocked_users => _, :blockee_blocks => _, :blocker_blocks => _, :blocker_users => _, :blocks => _, :confirmation_token => _, :default_scope => _, :deliveries => _, :disclose_client => _, :domain_blocks => _, :email => _, :email_notifications => _, :emoji => _, :endorsed_users => _, :endorsee_endorsements => _, :endorser_endorsements => _, :endorser_users => _, :featured_address => _, :fields => _, :follower_address => _, :follower_count => _, :following_address => _, :following_count => _, :hide_favorites => _, :hide_followers => _, :hide_followers_count => _, :hide_follows => _, :hide_follows_count => _, :id => _, :inbox => _, :incoming_relationships => _, :inserted_at => _, :invisible => _, :is_active => _, :is_admin => _, :is_approved => _, :is_confirmed => _, :is_discoverable => _, :is_locked => _, :is_moderator => _, :is_suggested => _, :keys => _, :language => _, :last_active_at => _, :last_digest_emailed_at => _, :last_refreshed_at => _, :last_status_at => _, :local => _, :mascot => _, :multi_factor_authentication_settings => _, :muted_notifications => _, :muted_reblogs => _, :muted_users => _, :mutee_mutes => _, :muter_mutes => _, :muter_users => _, :mutes => _, :name => _, :nickname => _, :no_rich_text => _, :note_count => _, :notification_muted_users => _, :notification_mutee_mutes => _, :notification_muter_mutes => _, :notification_muter_users => _, :notification_settings => _, :notifications => _, :outgoing_relationships => _, :password => _, :password_confirmation => _, :password_hash => _, :password_reset_pending => _, :pinned_objects => _, :pleroma_settings_store => _, :public_key => _, :raw_bio => _, :raw_fields => _, :reblog_muted_users => _, :reblog_mutee_mutes => _, :reblog_muter_mutes => _, :reblog_muter_users => _, :registration_reason => _, :registrations => _, :search_rank => _, :search_type => _, :shared_inbox => _, :show_birthday => _, :show_role => _, :skip_thread_containment => _, :subscribee_subscriptions => _, :subscribee_users => _, :subscriber_subscriptions => _, :subscriber_users => _, :subscribers => _, :tags => _, :updated_at => _, :uri => _ } ) will never return since the success typing is: ([any()]) :: [any()] and the contract is (t()) :: [value()] ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:218:no_return Function deactivate/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:228:call The function call will not succeed. Keyword.values( _updated_users :: %Pleroma.User{ :__meta__ => _, :accepts_chat_messages => _, :actor_type => _, :allow_following_move => _, :also_known_as => _, :ap_id => _, :avatar => _, :background => _, :banner => _, :bio => _, :birthday => _, :blocked_users => _, :blockee_blocks => _, :blocker_blocks => _, :blocker_users => _, :blocks => _, :confirmation_token => _, :default_scope => _, :deliveries => _, :disclose_client => _, :domain_blocks => _, :email => _, :email_notifications => _, :emoji => _, :endorsed_users => _, :endorsee_endorsements => _, :endorser_endorsements => _, :endorser_users => _, :featured_address => _, :fields => _, :follower_address => _, :follower_count => _, :following_address => _, :following_count => _, :hide_favorites => _, :hide_followers => _, :hide_followers_count => _, :hide_follows => _, :hide_follows_count => _, :id => _, :inbox => _, :incoming_relationships => _, :inserted_at => _, :invisible => _, :is_active => _, :is_admin => _, :is_approved => _, :is_confirmed => _, :is_discoverable => _, :is_locked => _, :is_moderator => _, :is_suggested => _, :keys => _, :language => _, :last_active_at => _, :last_digest_emailed_at => _, :last_refreshed_at => _, :last_status_at => _, :local => _, :mascot => _, :multi_factor_authentication_settings => _, :muted_notifications => _, :muted_reblogs => _, :muted_users => _, :mutee_mutes => _, :muter_mutes => _, :muter_users => _, :mutes => _, :name => _, :nickname => _, :no_rich_text => _, :note_count => _, :notification_muted_users => _, :notification_mutee_mutes => _, :notification_muter_mutes => _, :notification_muter_users => _, :notification_settings => _, :notifications => _, :outgoing_relationships => _, :password => _, :password_confirmation => _, :password_hash => _, :password_reset_pending => _, :pinned_objects => _, :pleroma_settings_store => _, :public_key => _, :raw_bio => _, :raw_fields => _, :reblog_muted_users => _, :reblog_mutee_mutes => _, :reblog_muter_mutes => _, :reblog_muter_users => _, :registration_reason => _, :registrations => _, :search_rank => _, :search_type => _, :shared_inbox => _, :show_birthday => _, :show_role => _, :skip_thread_containment => _, :subscribee_subscriptions => _, :subscribee_users => _, :subscriber_subscriptions => _, :subscriber_users => _, :subscribers => _, :tags => _, :updated_at => _, :uri => _ } ) will never return since the success typing is: ([any()]) :: [any()] and the contract is (t()) :: [value()] ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:231:no_return Function approve/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:241:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.render( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:nicknames => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, <<105, 110, 100, 101, 120, 46, 106, 115, 111, 110>>, [{:users, _}, ...] ) will never return since the success typing is: ( %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :chunked | :file | :sent | :set | :set_chunked | :set_file | :unset | :upgraded, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() }, atom() | binary(), atom() | binary() | [{_, _}] | map() ) :: %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :sent, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() } and the contract is (Plug.Conn.t(), binary() | atom(), Keyword.t() | map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:244:no_return Function suggest/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:254:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.render( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:nicknames => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, <<105, 110, 100, 101, 120, 46, 106, 115, 111, 110>>, [{:users, _}, ...] ) will never return since the success typing is: ( %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :chunked | :file | :sent | :set | :set_chunked | :set_file | :unset | :upgraded, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() }, atom() | binary(), atom() | binary() | [{_, _}] | map() ) :: %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :sent, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() } and the contract is (Plug.Conn.t(), binary() | atom(), Keyword.t() | map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:257:no_return Function unsuggest/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:267:call The function call will not succeed. Phoenix.Controller.render( _conn :: %{ :assigns => %{:user => _, _ => _}, :body_params => %{:nicknames => _, _ => _}, _ => _ }, <<105, 110, 100, 101, 120, 46, 106, 115, 111, 110>>, [{:users, _}, ...] ) will never return since the success typing is: ( %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :chunked | :file | :sent | :set | :set_chunked | :set_file | :unset | :upgraded, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() }, atom() | binary(), atom() | binary() | [{_, _}] | map() ) :: %Plug.Conn{ :adapter => {atom(), _}, :assigns => %{atom() => _}, :body_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :halted => boolean(), :host => binary(), :method => binary(), :owner => pid(), :params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => _}, :path_info => [binary()], :path_params => %{binary() => binary() | [any()] | map()}, :port => char(), :private => %{atom() => _}, :query_params => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{ :aspect => atom(), binary() => binary() | [any()] | map() }, :query_string => binary(), :remote_ip => {byte(), byte(), byte(), byte()} | {char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char(), char()}, :req_cookies => %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{:aspect => atom(), binary() => binary()}, :req_headers => [{_, _}], :request_path => binary(), :resp_body => nil | binary() | maybe_improper_list( binary() | maybe_improper_list(any(), binary() | []) | byte(), binary() | [] ), :resp_cookies => %{binary() => map()}, :resp_headers => [{_, _}], :scheme => :http | :https, :script_name => [binary()], :secret_key_base => nil | binary(), :state => :sent, :status => nil | non_neg_integer() } and the contract is (Plug.Conn.t(), binary() | atom(), Keyword.t() | map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:270:no_return Function index/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:294:unused_fun Function maybe_parse_filters/1 will never be called. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:303:no_return Function page_params/1 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:305:call The function call will not succeed. Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper.fetch_integer_param(_params :: any(), :page, 1) breaks the contract (map(), String.t(), integer() | nil) :: integer() | nil
454 lines
14 KiB
454 lines
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# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Admin.UserOperation do
alias OpenApiSpex.Operation
alias OpenApiSpex.Schema
alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ActorType
alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ApiError
import Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Helpers
def open_api_operation(action) do
operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation")
apply(__MODULE__, operation, [])
def index_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "List users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.index",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:read:accounts"]}],
parameters: [
Operation.parameter(:filters, :query, :string, "Comma separated list of filters"),
Operation.parameter(:query, :query, :string, "Search users query"),
Operation.parameter(:name, :query, :string, "Search by display name"),
Operation.parameter(:email, :query, :string, "Search by email"),
Operation.parameter(:page, :query, :integer, "Page Number"),
Operation.parameter(:page_size, :query, :integer, "Number of users to return per page"),
%Schema{type: :array, items: ActorType},
"Filter by actor type"
%Schema{type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string}},
"Filter by tags"
| admin_api_params()
responses: %{
200 =>
type: :object,
properties: %{
"users" => %Schema{type: :array, items: user()},
count: %Schema{type: :integer},
page_size: %Schema{type: :integer}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def create_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Create a single or multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.create",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
description: "POST body for creating users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"users" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{
nickname: %Schema{type: :string},
email: %Schema{type: :string},
password: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{
code: %Schema{type: :integer},
type: %Schema{type: :string},
data: %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{
email: %Schema{type: :string, format: :email},
nickname: %Schema{type: :string}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError),
409 =>
Operation.response("Conflict", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{
code: %Schema{type: :integer},
error: %Schema{type: :string},
type: %Schema{type: :string},
data: %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{
email: %Schema{type: :string, format: :email},
nickname: %Schema{type: :string}
def show_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Show user",
operationId: "",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:read:accounts"]}],
parameters: [
"User nickname or ID"
| admin_api_params()
responses: %{
200 => Operation.response("Response", "application/json", user()),
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError),
404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError)
def follow_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Follow",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.follow",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:follows"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
type: :object,
properties: %{
"follower" => %Schema{type: :string, description: "Follower nickname"},
"followed" => %Schema{type: :string, description: "Followed nickname"}
responses: %{
200 => Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{type: :string}),
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def unfollow_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Unfollow",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.unfollow",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:follows"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
type: :object,
properties: %{
"follower" => %Schema{type: :string, description: "Follower nickname"},
"followed" => %Schema{type: :string, description: "Followed nickname"}
responses: %{
200 => Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{type: :string}),
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def approve_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Approve multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.approve",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
description: "POST body for approving multiple users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"nicknames" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{user: %Schema{type: :array, items: user()}}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def suggest_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Suggest multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.suggest",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
description: "POST body for adding multiple suggested users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"nicknames" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{user: %Schema{type: :array, items: user()}}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def unsuggest_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Unsuggest multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.unsuggest",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
description: "POST body for removing multiple suggested users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"nicknames" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{user: %Schema{type: :array, items: user()}}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def toggle_activation_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Toggle user activation",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.toggle_activation",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: [
Operation.parameter(:nickname, :path, :string, "User nickname")
| admin_api_params()
responses: %{
200 => Operation.response("Response", "application/json", user()),
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def activate_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Activate multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.activate",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
description: "POST body for deleting multiple users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"nicknames" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{user: %Schema{type: :array, items: user()}}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def deactivate_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Deactivates multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.deactivate",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: admin_api_params(),
description: "POST body for deleting multiple users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"nicknames" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{user: %Schema{type: :array, items: user()}}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
def delete_operation do
tags: ["User administration"],
summary: "Removes a single or multiple users",
operationId: "AdminAPI.UserController.delete",
security: [%{"oAuth" => ["admin:write:accounts"]}],
parameters: [
"User nickname"
| admin_api_params()
description: "POST body for deleting multiple users",
type: :object,
properties: %{
"nicknames" => %Schema{
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
responses: %{
200 =>
Operation.response("Response", "application/json", %Schema{
description: "Array of nicknames",
type: :array,
items: %Schema{type: :string}
403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError)
defp user do
type: :object,
properties: %{
id: %Schema{type: :string},
email: %Schema{type: :string, format: :email},
avatar: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri},
nickname: %Schema{type: :string},
display_name: %Schema{type: :string},
is_active: %Schema{type: :boolean},
local: %Schema{type: :boolean},
roles: %Schema{
type: :object,
properties: %{
admin: %Schema{type: :boolean},
moderator: %Schema{type: :boolean}
tags: %Schema{type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string}},
is_confirmed: %Schema{type: :boolean},
is_approved: %Schema{type: :boolean},
url: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri},
registration_reason: %Schema{type: :string, nullable: true},
actor_type: %Schema{type: :string}