2017-08-22 22:09:48 -07:00
extends layout.pug
2013-12-26 23:38:35 -05:00
2017-08-22 22:09:48 -07:00
block content
if !loggedIn
strong Authorization Required
p You must be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to view this page.
h3 Profile
if profileError
strong Profile Error
p= profileError
.profile-box.linewrap(style="position: inherit; z-index: auto;")
strong= loginName
p= profileText
h3 Edit Profile
form(action="/account/profile", method="post", role="form")
input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken)
label.control-label(for="profileimage") Image
input#profileimage.form-control(type="text", name="image", maxlength="255")
label.control-label(for="profiletext") Text
textarea#profiletext.form-control(cols="10", name="text", maxlength="255")= profileText
button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block(type="submit") Save
append footer
var $profileImage = $("#profileimage");
var hasError = false;
function validateImage() {
var value = $profileImage.val().trim();
if (!/^$|^https:/.test(value)) {
hasError = true;
var $error = $("#profileimage-error");
if ($error.length === 0) {
$error = $("<p/>")
.attr({ id: "profileimage-error" })
.html("Profile image must be a URL beginning with <code>https://</code>")
2016-12-13 22:44:23 -08:00
2017-08-22 22:09:48 -07:00
} else {
hasError = false;
2016-12-13 22:44:23 -08:00
2017-08-22 22:09:48 -07:00
2016-12-13 22:44:23 -08:00
2017-08-22 22:09:48 -07:00
$("form").submit(function (event) {
if (hasError) {