2014-01-22 23:11:26 +00:00
# MySQL server details
# server: domain or IP of MySQL server
# database: a MySQL database that the user specified has read/write access to
# user: username to authenticate as
# password: password for user
server: 'localhost'
database: 'cytube3'
user: 'cytube3'
password: 'pickles'
# HTTP server details
host: ''
port: 8080
domain: 'http://localhost'
# HTTPS server details
enabled: false
port: 8443
domain: 'https://localhost'
keyfile: 'localhost.key'
passphrase: ''
certfile: 'localhost.cert'
2014-01-25 19:55:00 +00:00
# Page template values
title: 'CyTube',
description: 'Free, open source synchtube'
2014-01-22 23:11:26 +00:00
# Socket.IO server details
port: 1337
# limit the number of concurrent socket connections per IP address
ip-connection-limit: 10
# Mailer details (used for sending password reset links)
# see https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer
enabled: false
transport: 'SMTP'
service: 'Gmail'
user: 'some.user@gmail.com'
password: 'supersecretpassword'
from-address: 'some.user@gmail.com'
# GData API v2 developer key (for non-anonymous youtube requests)
youtube-v2-key: ''
# Minutes between saving channel state to disk
channel-save-interval: 5
# Minimum number of seconds between guest logins from the same IP
guest-login-delay: 60
# Block known Tor IP addresses
enable-tor-blocker: true
# Configure statistics tracking
# Interval (in milliseconds) between data points - default 1h
interval: 3600000
# Maximum age of a datapoint (ms) before it is deleted - default 24h
max-age: 86400000
# Configure periodic clearing of old alias data
# Interval (in milliseconds) between subsequent runs of clearing
purge-interval: 3600000
# Maximum age of an alias (in milliseconds) - default 1 month
max-age: 2592000000