mirror of https://github.com/calzoneman/sync.git
Refactor polls
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,12 +42,7 @@ PollModule.prototype.unload = function () {
PollModule.prototype.load = function (data) {
if ("poll" in data) {
if (data.poll !== null) {
this.poll = new Poll(data.poll.initiator, "", [], data.poll.obscured);
this.poll.title = data.poll.title;
this.poll.options = data.poll.options;
this.poll.counts = data.poll.counts;
this.poll.votes = data.poll.votes;
this.poll.timestamp = data.poll.timestamp;
this.poll = Poll.fromChannelData(data.poll);
@ -60,15 +55,7 @@ PollModule.prototype.save = function (data) {
data.poll = {
title: this.poll.title,
initiator: this.poll.initiator,
options: this.poll.options,
counts: this.poll.counts,
votes: this.poll.votes,
obscured: this.poll.obscured,
timestamp: this.poll.timestamp
data.poll = this.poll.toChannelData();
PollModule.prototype.onUserPostJoin = function (user) {
@ -97,8 +84,7 @@ PollModule.prototype.addUserToPollRoom = function (user) {
PollModule.prototype.onUserPart = function(user) {
if (this.poll) {
if (this.poll && this.poll.uncountVote(user.realip)) {
@ -112,10 +98,10 @@ PollModule.prototype.sendPoll = function (user) {
if (perms.canViewHiddenPoll(user)) {
var unobscured = this.poll.packUpdate(true);
var unobscured = this.poll.toUpdateFrame(true);
user.socket.emit("newPoll", unobscured);
} else {
var obscured = this.poll.packUpdate(false);
var obscured = this.poll.toUpdateFrame(false);
user.socket.emit("newPoll", obscured);
@ -125,8 +111,8 @@ PollModule.prototype.broadcastPoll = function (isNewPoll) {
var obscured = this.poll.packUpdate(false);
var unobscured = this.poll.packUpdate(true);
var obscured = this.poll.toUpdateFrame(false);
var unobscured = this.poll.toUpdateFrame(true);
const event = isNewPoll ? "newPoll" : "updatePoll";
if (isNewPoll) {
@ -197,7 +183,7 @@ PollModule.prototype.handleNewPoll = function (user, data, ack) {
var poll = new Poll(user.getName(), data.title, data.opts, data.obscured);
var poll = Poll.create(user.getName(), data.title, data.opts, { hideVotes: data.obscured });
var self = this;
if (data.hasOwnProperty("timeout")) {
poll.timer = setTimeout(function () {
@ -223,10 +209,11 @@ PollModule.prototype.handleVote = function (user, data) {
if (this.poll) {
this.poll.vote(user.realip, data.option);
if (this.poll.countVote(user.realip, data.option)) {
this.dirty = true;
PollModule.prototype.handleClosePoll = function (user) {
@ -235,9 +222,9 @@ PollModule.prototype.handleClosePoll = function (user) {
if (this.poll) {
if (this.poll.obscured) {
this.poll.obscured = false;
this.channel.broadcastAll("updatePoll", this.poll.packUpdate(true));
if (this.poll.hideVotes) {
this.poll.hideVotes = false;
this.channel.broadcastAll("updatePoll", this.poll.toUpdateFrame(true));
if (this.poll.timer) {
@ -270,7 +257,7 @@ PollModule.prototype.handlePollCmd = function (obscured, user, msg, _meta) {
var poll = new Poll(user.getName(), title, args, obscured);
var poll = Poll.create(user.getName(), title, args, { hideVotes: obscured });
this.poll = poll;
this.dirty = true;
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ VoteskipModule.prototype.handleVoteskip = function (user) {
if (!this.poll) {
this.poll = new Poll("[server]", "voteskip", ["skip"], false);
this.poll = Poll.create("[server]", "voteskip", ["skip"]);
if (!this.poll.vote(user.realip, 0)) {
if (!this.poll.countVote(user.realip, 0)) {
// Vote was already recorded for this IP, no update needed
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ VoteskipModule.prototype.unvote = function(ip) {
VoteskipModule.prototype.update = function () {
@ -78,10 +78,11 @@ VoteskipModule.prototype.update = function () {
const { counts } = this.poll.toUpdateFrame(false);
const { total, eligible, noPermission, afk } = this.calcUsercounts();
const need = Math.ceil(eligible * this.channel.modules.options.get("voteskip_ratio"));
if (this.poll.counts[0] >= need) {
const info = `${this.poll.counts[0]}/${eligible} skipped; ` +
if (counts[0] >= need) {
const info = `${counts[0]}/${eligible} skipped; ` +
`eligible voters: ${eligible} = total (${total}) - AFK (${afk}) ` +
`- no permission (${noPermission}); ` +
`ratio = ${this.channel.modules.options.get("voteskip_ratio")}`;
@ -107,11 +108,20 @@ VoteskipModule.prototype.update = function () {
VoteskipModule.prototype.sendVoteskipData = function (users) {
const { eligible } = this.calcUsercounts();
var data = {
count: this.poll ? this.poll.counts[0] : 0,
need: this.poll ? Math.ceil(eligible * this.channel.modules.options.get("voteskip_ratio"))
: 0
let data;
if (this.poll) {
const { counts } = this.poll.toUpdateFrame(false);
data = {
count: counts[0],
need: Math.ceil(eligible * this.channel.modules.options.get("voteskip_ratio"))
} else {
data = {
count: 0,
need: 0
var perms = this.channel.modules.permissions;
@ -1,58 +1,100 @@
const link = /(\w+:\/\/(?:[^:/[\]\s]+|\[[0-9a-f:]+\])(?::\d+)?(?:\/[^/\s]*)*)/ig;
var XSS = require("./xss");
const XSS = require('./xss');
var Poll = function(initiator, title, options, obscured) {
this.initiator = initiator;
title = XSS.sanitizeText(title);
this.title = title.replace(link, "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>");
this.options = options;
for (let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) {
this.options[i] = XSS.sanitizeText(this.options[i]);
this.options[i] = this.options[i].replace(link, "<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>");
function sanitizedWithLinksReplaced(text) {
return XSS.sanitizeText(text)
.replace(link, '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">$1</a>');
class Poll {
static create(createdBy, title, choices, options = { hideVotes: false }) {
let poll = new Poll();
poll.createdAt = new Date();
poll.createdBy = createdBy;
poll.title = sanitizedWithLinksReplaced(title);
poll.choices = choices.map(choice => sanitizedWithLinksReplaced(choice));
poll.hideVotes = options.hideVotes;
poll.votes = new Map();
return poll;
this.obscured = obscured || false;
this.counts = new Array(options.length);
for(let i = 0; i < this.counts.length; i++) {
this.counts[i] = 0;
this.votes = {};
this.timestamp = Date.now();
Poll.prototype.vote = function(ip, option) {
if(!(ip in this.votes) || this.votes[ip] == null) {
this.votes[ip] = option;
return true;
static fromChannelData({ initiator, title, options, _counts, votes, timestamp, obscured }) {
let poll = new Poll();
if (timestamp === undefined) // Very old polls still in the database lack timestamps
timestamp = Date.now();
poll.createdAt = new Date(timestamp);
poll.createdBy = initiator;
poll.title = title;
poll.choices = options;
poll.votes = new Map();
Object.keys(votes).forEach(key => {
if (votes[key] !== null)
poll.votes.set(key, votes[key]);
poll.hideVotes = obscured;
return poll;
return false;
Poll.prototype.unvote = function(ip) {
if(ip in this.votes && this.votes[ip] != null) {
this.votes[ip] = null;
toChannelData() {
let counts = new Array(this.choices.length);
Poll.prototype.packUpdate = function (showhidden) {
var counts = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.counts);
if (this.obscured) {
for(var i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
if (!showhidden)
counts[i] = "";
counts[i] += "?";
var packed = {
// TODO: it would be desirable one day to move away from using an Object here.
// This is just for backwards-compatibility with the existing format.
let votes = {};
this.votes.forEach((index, key) => {
votes[key] = index;
return {
title: this.title,
options: this.options,
counts: counts,
initiator: this.initiator,
timestamp: this.timestamp
initiator: this.createdBy,
options: this.choices,
obscured: this.hideVotes,
timestamp: this.createdAt.getTime()
return packed;
countVote(key, choiceId) {
if (choiceId < 0 || choiceId >= this.choices.length)
return false;
let changed = !this.votes.has(key) || this.votes.get(key) !== choiceId;
this.votes.set(key, choiceId);
return changed;
uncountVote(key) {
let changed = this.votes.has(key);
return changed;
toUpdateFrame(showHiddenVotes) {
let counts = new Array(this.choices.length);
this.votes.forEach(index => counts[index]++);
if (this.hideVotes) {
counts = counts.map(c => {
if (showHiddenVotes) return `${c}?`;
else return '?';
return {
title: this.title,
options: this.choices,
counts: counts,
initiator: this.createdBy,
timestamp: this.createdAt.getTime()
exports.Poll = Poll;
@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ describe('VoteskipModule', () => {
voteskipModule.poll = {
counts: [1]
toUpdateFrame() {
return { counts: [1] };
assert.equal(voteskipModule.poll, false, 'Expected voteskip poll to be reset to false');
@ -93,7 +95,9 @@ describe('VoteskipModule', () => {
sentMessage = true;
voteskipModule.poll = {
counts: [1]
toUpdateFrame() {
return { counts: [1] };
assert(sentMessage, 'Expected voteskip passed message');
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
const assert = require('assert');
const { Poll } = require('../lib/poll');
describe('Poll', () => {
describe('constructor', () => {
it('constructs a poll', () => {
let poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better?',
/* default opts */
assert.strictEqual(poll.createdBy, 'pollster');
assert.strictEqual(poll.title, 'Which is better?');
assert.deepStrictEqual(poll.choices, ['Coke', 'Pepsi']);
assert.strictEqual(poll.hideVotes, false);
it('constructs a poll with hidden vote setting', () => {
let poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better?',
{ hideVotes: true }
assert.strictEqual(poll.hideVotes, true);
it('sanitizes title and choices', () => {
let poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better? <script></script>',
/* default opts */
assert.strictEqual(poll.title, 'Which is better? <script></script>');
assert.deepStrictEqual(poll.choices, ['<strong>Coke</strong>', 'Pepsi']);
it('replaces URLs in title and choices', () => {
let poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better? https://example.com',
'Coke https://example.com',
/* default opts */
'Which is better? <a href="https://example.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://example.com</a>'
'Coke <a href="https://example.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://example.com</a>',
describe('#countVote', () => {
let poll;
beforeEach(() => {
poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better?',
/* default opts */
it('counts a new vote', () => {
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 0), true);
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userB', 1), true);
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userC', 0), true);
let { counts } = poll.toUpdateFrame();
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, [2, 1]);
it('does not count a revote for the same choice', () => {
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 0), true);
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 0), false);
let { counts } = poll.toUpdateFrame();
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, [1, 0]);
it('changes a vote to a different choice', () => {
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 0), true);
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 1), true);
let { counts } = poll.toUpdateFrame();
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, [0, 1]);
it('ignores out of range votes', () => {
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 1000), false);
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', -10), false);
let { counts } = poll.toUpdateFrame();
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, [0, 0]);
describe('#uncountVote', () => {
let poll;
beforeEach(() => {
poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better?',
/* default opts */
it('uncounts an existing vote', () => {
assert.strictEqual(poll.countVote('userA', 0), true);
assert.strictEqual(poll.uncountVote('userA', 0), true);
let { counts } = poll.toUpdateFrame();
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, [0, 0]);
it('does not uncount if there is no existing vote', () => {
assert.strictEqual(poll.uncountVote('userA', 0), false);
let { counts } = poll.toUpdateFrame();
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, [0, 0]);
describe('#toUpdateFrame', () => {
let poll;
beforeEach(() => {
poll = Poll.create(
'Which is better?',
/* default opts */
poll.countVote('userA', 0);
poll.countVote('userB', 1);
poll.countVote('userC', 0);
it('generates an update frame', () => {
title: 'Which is better?',
options: ['Coke', 'Pepsi'],
counts: [2, 1],
initiator: 'pollster',
timestamp: poll.createdAt.getTime()
it('hides votes when poll is hidden', () => {
poll.hideVotes = true;
title: 'Which is better?',
options: ['Coke', 'Pepsi'],
counts: ['?', '?'],
initiator: 'pollster',
timestamp: poll.createdAt.getTime()
it('displays hidden votes when requested', () => {
poll.hideVotes = true;
title: 'Which is better?',
options: ['Coke', 'Pepsi'],
counts: ['2?', '1?'],
initiator: 'pollster',
timestamp: poll.createdAt.getTime()
describe('#toChannelData/fromChannelData', () => {
it('round trips a poll', () => {
let data = {
title: '<strong>ready?</strong>',
initiator: 'aUser',
options: ['yes', 'no'],
counts: [0, 1],
'': null, // Previous poll code would set removed votes to null
'': 1
obscured: false,
timestamp: 1483414981110
let poll = Poll.fromChannelData(data);
// New code does not store null votes
data.votes = { '': 1 };
assert.deepStrictEqual(poll.toChannelData(), data);
it('coerces a missing timestamp to the current time', () => {
let data = {
title: '<strong>ready?</strong>',
initiator: 'aUser',
options: ['yes', 'no'],
counts: [0, 1],
'': null,
'': 1
obscured: false
let now = Date.now();
let poll = Poll.fromChannelData(data);
const { timestamp } = poll.toChannelData();
if (typeof timestamp !== 'number' || isNaN(timestamp))
assert.fail(`Unexpected timestamp: ${timestamp}`);
if (Math.abs(timestamp - now) > 1000)
assert.fail(`Unexpected timestamp: ${timestamp}`);
Reference in New Issue