CUSTOM_EMBED_WARNING = 'This channel is embedding custom content from %link%. Since this content is not trusted, you must click "Embed" below to allow the content to be embedded.
' window.CustomEmbedPlayer = class CustomEmbedPlayer extends EmbedPlayer constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof CustomEmbedPlayer) return new CustomEmbedPlayer(data) @load(data) load: (data) -> if not data.meta.embed? console.error('CustomEmbedPlayer::load(): missing meta.embed') return embedSrc = data.meta.embed.src link = document.createElement('a') link.href = embedSrc = '_blank' link.rel = 'noopener noreferer' strong = document.createElement('strong') strong.textContent = embedSrc link.appendChild(strong) # TODO: Ideally makeAlert() would allow optionally providing a DOM # element instead of requiring HTML text alert = makeAlert('Untrusted Content', CUSTOM_EMBED_WARNING.replace('%link%', link.outerHTML), 'alert-warning') .removeClass('col-md-12') $('