const assert = require('assert'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const TestUtilDB = require('../testutil/db'); const AliasesDB = require('../../lib/db/aliases').AliasesDB; describe('AliasesDB', () => { let mockTx, mockDB, aliasesDB; beforeEach(() => { mockTx = new TestUtilDB.MockTx(); mockDB = new TestUtilDB.MockDB(mockTx); aliasesDB = new AliasesDB(mockDB); }); describe('#addAlias', () => { it('adds a new alias', () => { const ip = ''; const name = 'foo'; sinon.stub(mockTx, 'table').withArgs('aliases').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'where').withArgs({ ip, name }).returns(mockTx); const del = sinon.stub(mockTx, 'del').resolves(); const insert = sinon.stub(mockTx, 'insert').resolves(); return aliasesDB.addAlias(ip, name).then(() => { assert(del.called, 'Expected old alias to be purged'); assert(insert.called, 'Expected new alias to be inserted'); const record = insert.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.strictEqual(record.ip, ip); assert.strictEqual(, name); assert(typeof record.time === 'number', 'Expected time field to be a number'); }); }); }); describe('#getAliasesByIP', () => { it('retrieves aliases by full IP', () => { const ip = ''; const rows = [ { ip, name: 'foo' }, { ip, name: 'bar' } ]; sinon.stub(mockTx, 'table').withArgs('aliases').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'where').withArgs({ ip }).returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'select').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'distinct').withArgs('name').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'orderBy').withArgs('time', 'desc').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'limit').withArgs(5).resolves(rows); return aliasesDB.getAliasesByIP(ip).then(names => { assert.deepStrictEqual(names.sort(), ['bar', 'foo']); }); }); it('retrieves aliases by IPv4 range', () => { const ip = '1.2.3'; const rows = [ { ip: ip + '.4', name: 'foo' }, { ip: ip + '.5', name: 'bar' } ]; sinon.stub(mockTx, 'table').withArgs('aliases').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'where').withArgs('ip', 'LIKE', `${ip}.%`).returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'select').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'distinct').withArgs('name').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'orderBy').withArgs('time', 'desc').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'limit').withArgs(5).resolves(rows); return aliasesDB.getAliasesByIP(ip).then(names => { assert.deepStrictEqual(names.sort(), ['bar', 'foo']); }); }); it('retrieves aliases by IPv6 range', () => { const ip = '1:2:3'; const rows = [ { ip: ip + '::4', name: 'foo' }, { ip: ip + '::5', name: 'bar' } ]; sinon.stub(mockTx, 'table').withArgs('aliases').returns(mockTx); const where = sinon.stub(mockTx, 'where') .withArgs('ip', 'LIKE', `${ip}:%`).returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'select').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'distinct').withArgs('name').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'orderBy').withArgs('time', 'desc').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'limit').withArgs(5).resolves(rows); return aliasesDB.getAliasesByIP(ip).then(names => { assert(where.called, 'Expected WHERE LIKE clause'); assert.deepStrictEqual(names.sort(), ['bar', 'foo']); }); }); }); describe('#getIPsByName', () => { it('retrieves IPs by name', () => { const name = 'foo'; const rows = [ { name, ip: '' }, { name, ip: '' } ]; sinon.stub(mockTx, 'table').withArgs('aliases').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'select').withArgs('ip').returns(mockTx); sinon.stub(mockTx, 'where').withArgs({ name }).resolves(rows); return aliasesDB.getIPsByName(name).then(ips => { assert.deepStrictEqual(ips.sort(), ['', '']); }); }); }); });