window.YouTubePlayer = class YouTubePlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof YouTubePlayer) return new YouTubePlayer(data) @setMediaProperties(data) @pauseSeekRaceCondition = false waitUntilDefined(window, 'YT', => # Even after window.YT is defined, YT.Player may not be, which causes a # 'YT.Player is not a constructor' error occasionally waitUntilDefined(YT, 'Player', => removeOld() @yt = new YT.Player('ytapiplayer', videoId: playerVars: autohide: 1 autoplay: 1 controls: 1 iv_load_policy: 3 # iv_load_policy 3 indicates no annotations rel: 0 events: onReady: @onReady.bind(this) onStateChange: @onStateChange.bind(this) ) ) ) load: (data) -> @setMediaProperties(data) if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.loadVideoById(, data.currentTime) else console.error('WTF? YouTubePlayer::load() called but yt is not ready') onReady: -> @yt.ready = true @setVolume(VOLUME) onStateChange: (ev) -> # If you pause the video before the first PLAYING # event is emitted, weird things happen (or at least that was true # whenever this comment was authored in 2015). if == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING and @pauseSeekRaceCondition @pause() @pauseSeekRaceCondition = false if ( == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED and not @paused) or ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING and @paused) @paused = ( == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() if == YT.PlayerState.ENDED and CLIENT.leader socket.emit('playNext') play: -> @paused = false if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.playVideo() pause: -> @paused = true if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.pauseVideo() seekTo: (time) -> if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.seekTo(time, true) setVolume: (volume) -> if @yt and @yt.ready if volume > 0 # If the player is muted, even if the volume is set, # the player remains muted @yt.unMute() @yt.setVolume(volume * 100) setQuality: (quality) -> # getTime: (cb) -> if @yt and @yt.ready cb(@yt.getCurrentTime()) else cb(0) getVolume: (cb) -> if @yt and @yt.ready if @yt.isMuted() cb(0) else cb(@yt.getVolume() / 100) else cb(VOLUME)