var ChannelModule = require("./module"); var Poll = require("../poll").Poll; import { ValidationError } from '../errors'; import Config from '../config'; import { ackOrErrorMsg } from '../util/ack'; const TYPE_NEW_POLL = { title: "string", timeout: "number,optional", obscured: "boolean", opts: "array" }; const TYPE_VOTE = { option: "number" }; const ROOM_VIEW_HIDDEN = ":viewHidden"; const ROOM_NO_VIEW_HIDDEN = ":noViewHidden"; function PollModule(channel) { ChannelModule.apply(this, arguments); this.poll = null; this.roomViewHidden = + ROOM_VIEW_HIDDEN; this.roomNoViewHidden = + ROOM_NO_VIEW_HIDDEN; if ( {"poll", this.handlePollCmd.bind(this, false));"hpoll", this.handlePollCmd.bind(this, true)); } } PollModule.prototype = Object.create(ChannelModule.prototype); PollModule.prototype.unload = function () { if (this.poll && this.poll.timer) { clearTimeout(this.poll.timer); } }; PollModule.prototype.load = function (data) { if ("poll" in data) { if (data.poll !== null) { this.poll = new Poll(data.poll.initiator, "", [], data.poll.obscured); this.poll.title = data.poll.title; this.poll.options = data.poll.options; this.poll.counts = data.poll.counts; this.poll.votes = data.poll.votes; this.poll.timestamp = data.poll.timestamp; } } }; = function (data) { if (this.poll === null) { data.poll = null; return; } data.poll = { title: this.poll.title, initiator: this.poll.initiator, options: this.poll.options, counts: this.poll.counts, votes: this.poll.votes, obscured: this.poll.obscured, timestamp: this.poll.timestamp }; }; PollModule.prototype.onUserPostJoin = function (user) { this.sendPoll(user); user.socket.typecheckedOn("newPoll", TYPE_NEW_POLL, this.handleNewPoll.bind(this, user)); user.socket.typecheckedOn("vote", TYPE_VOTE, this.handleVote.bind(this, user)); user.socket.on("closePoll", this.handleClosePoll.bind(this, user)); this.addUserToPollRoom(user); const self = this; user.on("effectiveRankChange", () => { self.addUserToPollRoom(user); }); }; PollModule.prototype.addUserToPollRoom = function (user) { const perms =; if (perms.canViewHiddenPoll(user)) { user.socket.leave(this.roomNoViewHidden); user.socket.join(this.roomViewHidden); } else { user.socket.leave(this.roomViewHidden); user.socket.join(this.roomNoViewHidden); } }; PollModule.prototype.onUserPart = function(user) { if (this.poll) { this.poll.unvote(user.realip); this.broadcastPoll(false); } }; PollModule.prototype.sendPoll = function (user) { if (!this.poll) { return; } var perms =; user.socket.emit("closePoll"); if (perms.canViewHiddenPoll(user)) { var unobscured = this.poll.packUpdate(true); user.socket.emit("newPoll", unobscured); } else { var obscured = this.poll.packUpdate(false); user.socket.emit("newPoll", obscured); } }; PollModule.prototype.broadcastPoll = function (isNewPoll) { if (!this.poll) { return; } var obscured = this.poll.packUpdate(false); var unobscured = this.poll.packUpdate(true); var perms =; const event = isNewPoll ? "newPoll" : "updatePoll"; if (isNewPoll) {"closePoll"); }, unobscured, this.roomViewHidden);, obscured, this.roomNoViewHidden); }; PollModule.prototype.validatePollInput = function validatePollInput(title, options) { if (typeof title !== 'string') { throw new ValidationError('Poll title must be a string.'); } if (title.length > 255) { throw new ValidationError('Poll title must be no more than 255 characters long.'); } if (!Array.isArray(options)) { throw new ValidationError('Poll options must be an array.'); } if (options.length > Config.get('poll.max-options')) { throw new ValidationError(`Polls are limited to a maximum of ${Config.get('poll.max-options')} options.`); } for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (typeof options[i] !== 'string') { throw new ValidationError('Poll options must be strings.'); } if (options[i].length === 0 || options[i].length > 255) { throw new ValidationError('Poll options must be 1-255 characters long.'); } } }; PollModule.prototype.handleNewPoll = function (user, data, ack) { if (! { return; } ack = ackOrErrorMsg(ack, user); if (typeof data !== 'object' || data === null) { ack({ error: { message: 'Invalid data received for poll creation.' } }); return; } try { this.validatePollInput(data.title, data.opts); } catch (error) { ack({ error: { message: error.message } }); return; } var poll = new Poll(user.getName(), data.title, data.opts, data.obscured); var self = this; if (data.hasOwnProperty("timeout") && !isNaN(data.timeout) && data.timeout > 0) { poll.timer = setTimeout(function () { if (self.poll === poll) { self.handleClosePoll({ getName: function () { return "[poll timer]" }, effectiveRank: 255 }); } }, data.timeout * 1000); } this.poll = poll; this.broadcastPoll(true);"[poll] " + user.getName() + " opened poll: '" + poll.title + "'"); ack({}); }; PollModule.prototype.handleVote = function (user, data) { if (! { return; } if (this.poll) {, data.option); this.broadcastPoll(false); } }; PollModule.prototype.handleClosePoll = function (user) { if (! { return; } if (this.poll) { if (this.poll.obscured) { this.poll.obscured = false;"updatePoll", this.poll.packUpdate(true)); } if (this.poll.timer) { clearTimeout(this.poll.timer); }"closePoll");"[poll] " + user.getName() + " closed the active poll"); this.poll = null; } }; PollModule.prototype.handlePollCmd = function (obscured, user, msg, meta) { if (! { return; } msg = msg.replace(/^\/h?poll/, ""); var args = msg.split(","); var title = args.shift(); try { this.validatePollInput(title, args); } catch (error) { user.socket.emit('errorMsg', { msg: 'Error creating poll: ' + error.message }); return; } var poll = new Poll(user.getName(), title, args, obscured); this.poll = poll; this.broadcastPoll(true);"[poll] " + user.getName() + " opened poll: '" + poll.title + "'"); }; module.exports = PollModule;