var Logger = require("./logger"); var Config = require("./config"); var Metadata; var enabled = false; function init() { if (Config.get("ffmpeg.enabled")) { try { Metadata = require("fluent-ffmpeg").Metadata; Logger.syslog.log("Enabling raw file support with fluent-ffmpeg"); enabled = true; } catch (e) { Logger.errlog.log("Failed to load fluent-ffmpeg. Did you remember to " + "execute `npm install fluent-ffmpeg` ?"); } } } var acceptedCodecs = { "mov/h264": true, "flv/h264": true, "matroska/vp8": true, "matroska/vp9": true, "ogg/theora": true }; var acceptedAudioCodecs = { "mp3": true, "vorbis": true }; var audioOnlyContainers = { "mp3": true }; exports.query = function (filename, cb) { if (!Metadata) { init(); } if (!enabled) { return cb("Raw file playback is not enabled on this server"); } if (!filename.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { return cb("Raw file playback is only supported for links accessible via HTTP " + "or HTTPS"); } new Metadata(filename, function (meta, err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (isVideo(meta)) { var video =; var codec = video.container + "/" + video.codec; if (!(codec in acceptedCodecs)) { return cb("Unsupported video codec " + codec); } var data = { title: meta.title || "Raw Video", duration: Math.ceil(meta.durationsec), bitrate: video.bitrate, codec: codec }; cb(null, data); } else if (isAudio(meta)) { var audio =; var codec = audio.codec; if (!(codec in acceptedAudioCodecs)) { return cb("Unsupported audio codec " + codec); } var data = { title: meta.title || "Raw Audio", duration: Math.ceil(meta.durationsec), bitrate: audio.bitrate, codec: codec }; cb(null, data); } else if (data.ffmpegErr.match(/Protocol not found/)) { return cb("This server is unable to load videos over the " + filename.split(":")[0] + " protocol."); } else { return cb("Parsed metadata did not contain a valid video or audio stream. " + "Either the file is invalid or it has a format unsupported by " + "this server's version of ffmpeg."); } }); }; function isVideo(meta) { return && > 0 && && && !( in audioOnlyContainers); } function isAudio(meta) { return && > 0 &&; }