var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs"); var net = require("net"); var express = require("express"); var webroot = path.join(__dirname, "..", "www"); var sendJade = require("./jade").sendJade; var Server = require("../server"); var $util = require("../utilities"); var Logger = require("../logger"); var Config = require("../config"); var db = require("../database"); var bodyParser = require("body-parser"); var cookieParser = require("cookie-parser"); var static = require("serve-static"); var morgan = require("morgan"); var session = require("../session"); var csrf = require("./csrf"); const LOG_FORMAT = ':real-address - :remote-user [:date] ":method :url HTTP/:http-version" :status :res[content-length] ":referrer" ":user-agent"'; morgan.token('real-address', function (req) { return req._ip; }); /** * Extracts an IP address from a request. Uses X-Forwarded-For if the IP is localhost */ function ipForRequest(req) { var ip = req.ip; if (ip === "" || ip === "::1") { var xforward = req.header("x-forwarded-for"); if (typeof xforward !== "string") { xforward = []; } else { xforward = xforward.split(","); } for (var i = 0; i < xforward.length; i++) { if (net.isIP(xforward[i])) { return xforward[i]; } } return ip; } return ip; } /** * Redirects a request to HTTPS if the server supports it */ function redirectHttps(req, res) { if (! && Config.get("https.enabled")) { var ssldomain = Config.get("https.full-address"); if (ssldomain.indexOf(req.hostname) < 0) { return false; } res.redirect(ssldomain + req.path); return true; } return false; } /** * Redirects a request to HTTP if the server supports it */ function redirectHttp(req, res) { if ( { var domain = Config.get("http.full-address"); res.redirect(domain + req.path); return true; } return false; } /** * Handles a GET request for /r/:channel - serves channel.html */ function handleChannel(req, res) { if (!$util.isValidChannelName( { res.status(404); res.send("Invalid channel name '" + + "'"); return; } var sio; if (net.isIPv6(ipForRequest(req))) { sio = Config.get("io.ipv6-default"); } if (!sio) { sio = Config.get("io.ipv4-default"); } sio += "/"; sendJade(res, "channel", { channelName:, sioSource: sio }); } /** * Handles a request for the index page */ function handleIndex(req, res) { var channels = Server.getServer().packChannelList(true); channels.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.usercount === b.usercount) { return a.uniqueName > b.uniqueName ? -1 : 1; } return b.usercount - a.usercount; }); sendJade(res, "index", { channels: channels }); } /** * Handles a request for the information */ function handleSocketConfig(req, res) { res.type("application/javascript"); var sioconfig = Config.get("sioconfig"); var iourl; var ip = ipForRequest(req); var ipv6 = false; if (net.isIPv6(ip)) { iourl = Config.get("io.ipv6-default"); ipv6 = true; } if (!iourl) { iourl = Config.get("io.ipv4-default"); } sioconfig += "var IO_URL='" + iourl + "';"; sioconfig += "var IO_V6=" + ipv6 + ";"; res.send(sioconfig); } function handleUserAgreement(req, res) { sendJade(res, "tos", { domain: Config.get("http.domain") }); } function handleContactPage(req, res) { // Make a copy to prevent messing with the original var contacts = Config.get("contacts").map(function (c) { return { name:, email:, title: c.title }; }); // Rudimentary hiding of email addresses to prevent spambots contacts.forEach(function (c) { c.emkey = $util.randomSalt(16) var email = new Array(; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { email[i] = String.fromCharCode( ^ c.emkey.charCodeAt(i % c.emkey.length) ); } = escape(email.join("")); c.emkey = escape(c.emkey); }); sendJade(res, "contact", { contacts: contacts }); } module.exports = { /** * Initializes webserver callbacks */ init: function (app) { app.use(function (req, res, next) { req._ip = ipForRequest(req); next(); }); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false, limit: '1kb' // No POST data should ever exceed this size under normal usage })); if (Config.get("http.cookie-secret") === "change-me") { Logger.errlog.log("YOU SHOULD CHANGE THE VALUE OF cookie-secret IN config.yaml"); } app.use(cookieParser(Config.get("http.cookie-secret"))); app.use(csrf.init); app.use(morgan(LOG_FORMAT, { stream: require("fs").createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "http.log"), { flags: "a", encoding: "utf-8" }) })); app.use(function (req, res, next) { if (req.path.match(/^\/(css|js|img|boop).*$/)) { return next(); } if (!req.signedCookies || !req.signedCookies.auth) { return next(); } session.verifySession(req.signedCookies.auth, function (err, account) { if (!err) { req.user = res.user = account; } next(); }); }); if (Config.get("http.gzip")) { app.use(require("compression")({ threshold: Config.get("http.gzip-threshold") })); Logger.syslog.log("Enabled gzip compression"); } if (Config.get("http.minify")) { var cache = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "www", "cache") if (!fs.existsSync(cache)) { fs.mkdirSync(cache); } app.use(require("express-minify")({ cache: cache })); Logger.syslog.log("Enabled express-minify for CSS and JS"); } app.get("/r/:channel", handleChannel); app.get("/", handleIndex); app.get("/sioconfig", handleSocketConfig); app.get("/useragreement", handleUserAgreement); app.get("/contact", handleContactPage); require("./auth").init(app); require("./account").init(app); require("./acp").init(app); app.use(static(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "www"), { maxAge: Config.get("http.max-age") || Config.get("http.cache-ttl") })); app.use(function (err, req, res, next) { if (err) { if (err.message && err.message.match(/failed to decode param/i)) { return res.status(400).send("Malformed path: " + req.path); } else if (err.message && err.message.match(/requested range not/i)) { return res.status(416).end(); } else if (err.message && err.message.match(/request entity too large/i)) { return res.status(413).end(); } else if (err.message && err.message.match(/bad request/i)) { return res.status(400).end("Bad Request"); } else if (err.message && err.message.match(/invalid csrf token/i)) { res.status(403); sendJade(res, 'csrferror', { path: req.path }); return; } Logger.errlog.log(err.stack); res.status(500).end(); } else { next(); } }); }, ipForRequest: ipForRequest, redirectHttps: redirectHttps, redirectHttp: redirectHttp };