var util = require("./utilities"); var db = require("./database"); var Playlist = require("./playlist"); var Poll = require("./poll").Poll; var Filter = require("./filter").Filter; var Logger = require("./logger"); var AsyncQueue = require("./asyncqueue"); var MakeEmitter = require("./emitter"); var InfoGetter = require("./get-info"); var ChatCommand = require("./chatcommand"); var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var url = require("url"); var DEFAULT_FILTERS = [ new Filter("monospace", "`(.+?)`", "g", "$1"), new Filter("bold", "\\*(.+?)\\*", "g", "$1"), new Filter("italic", "_(.+?)_", "g", "$1"), new Filter("strike", "~~(.+?)~~", "g", "$1"), new Filter("inline spoiler", "\\[sp\\](.*?)\\[\\/sp\\]", "ig", "$1") ]; function Channel(name) { MakeEmitter(this); var self = this; // Alias `this` to prevent scoping issues Logger.syslog.log("Loading channel " + name); // Defaults self.ready = false; = name; self.uniqueName = name.toLowerCase(); // To prevent casing issues self.registered = false; // set to true if the channel exists in the database self.users = []; self.mutedUsers = new util.Set(); self.playlist = new Playlist(self); self.plmeta = { count: 0, time: "00:00:00" }; self.plqueue = new AsyncQueue(); // For synchronizing playlist actions self.drinks = 0; self.leader = null; self.chatbuffer = []; self.playlistLock = true; self.poll = null; self.voteskip = null; self.permissions = { playlistadd: 1.5, // Add video to the playlist playlistnext: 1.5, playlistmove: 1.5, // Move a video on the playlist playlistdelete: 2, // Delete a video from the playlist playlistjump: 1.5, // Start a different video on the playlist playlistaddlist: 1.5, // Add a list of videos to the playlist oplaylistadd: -1, // Same as above, but for open (unlocked) playlist oplaylistnext: 1.5, oplaylistmove: 1.5, oplaylistdelete: 2, oplaylistjump: 1.5, oplaylistaddlist: 1.5, playlistaddcustom: 3, // Add custom embed to the playlist playlistaddlive: 1.5, // Add a livestream to the playlist exceedmaxlength: 2, // Add a video longer than the maximum length set addnontemp: 2, // Add a permanent video to the playlist settemp: 2, // Toggle temporary status of a playlist item playlistgeturl: 1.5, // TODO is this even used? playlistshuffle: 2, // Shuffle the playlist playlistclear: 2, // Clear the playlist pollctl: 1.5, // Open/close polls pollvote: -1, // Vote in polls viewhiddenpoll: 1.5, // View results of hidden polls voteskip: -1, // Vote to skip the current video mute: 1.5, // Mute other users kick: 1.5, // Kick other users ban: 2, // Ban other users motdedit: 3, // Edit the MOTD filteredit: 3, // Control chat filters drink: 1.5, // Use the /d command chat: 0 // Send chat messages }; self.opts = { allow_voteskip: true, // Allow users to voteskip voteskip_ratio: 0.5, // Ratio of skip votes:non-afk users needed to skip the video afk_timeout: 600, // Number of seconds before a user is automatically marked afk pagetitle:, // Title of the browser tab maxlength: 0, // Maximum length (in seconds) of a video queued externalcss: "", // Link to external stylesheet externaljs: "", // Link to external script chat_antiflood: false, // Throttle chat messages chat_antiflood_params: { burst: 4, // Number of messages to allow with no throttling sustained: 1, // Throttle rate (messages/second) cooldown: 4 // Number of seconds with no messages before burst is reset }, show_public: false, // List the channel on the index page enable_link_regex: true, // Use the built-in link filter password: false // Channel password (false -> no password required for entry) }; self.motd = { motd: "", // Raw MOTD text html: "" // Filtered MOTD text (XSS removed; \n replaced by
) }; self.filters = DEFAULT_FILTERS; self.logger = new Logger.Logger(path.join(__dirname, "../chanlogs", self.uniqueName + ".log")); self.css = ""; // Up to 20KB of inline CSS self.js = ""; // Up to 20KB of inline Javascript self.error = false; // Set to true if something bad happens => don't save state self.on("ready", function () { self.ready = true; }); // Load from database db.channels.load(self, function (err) { if (err && err !== "Channel is not registered") { return; } else { // Load state from JSON blob self.tryLoadState(); } }); }; Channel.prototype.isMuted = function (name) { return this.mutedUsers.contains(name.toLowerCase()) || this.mutedUsers.contains("[shadow]" + name.toLowerCase()); }; Channel.prototype.isShadowMuted = function (name) { return this.mutedUsers.contains("[shadow]" + name.toLowerCase()); }; Channel.prototype.mutedUsers = function () { var self = this; return self.users.filter(function (u) { return self.mutedUsers.contains(; }); }; Channel.prototype.shadowMutedUsers = function () { var self = this; return self.users.filter(function (u) { return self.mutedUsers.contains("[shadow]" +; }); }; Channel.prototype.channelModerators = function () { return this.users.filter(function (u) { return u.rank >= 2; }); }; Channel.prototype.channelAdmins = function () { return this.users.filter(function (u) { return u.rank >= 3; }); }; Channel.prototype.tryLoadState = function () { var self = this; if ( === "") { return; } // Don't load state if the channel isn't registered if (!self.registered) { self.emit("ready"); return; } var file = path.join(__dirname, "../chandump", self.uniqueName); fs.stat(file, function (err, stats) { if (!err) { var mb = stats.size / 1048576; mb = Math.floor(mb * 100) / 100; if (mb > 1) { Logger.errlog.log("Large chandump detected: " + self.uniqueName + " (" + mb + " MiB)"); self.setMOTD("Your channel file has exceeded the maximum size of 1MB " + "and cannot be loaded. Please ask an administrator for " + "assistance in restoring it."); self.error = true; self.emit("ready"); return; } } self.loadState(); }); }; /** * Load the channel state from disk. * * SHOULD ONLY BE CALLED FROM tryLoadState */ Channel.prototype.loadState = function () { var self = this; if (self.error) { return; } fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "../chandump", self.uniqueName), function (err, data) { if (err) { // File didn't exist => start fresh if (err.code === "ENOENT") { self.emit("ready"); self.saveState(); } else { Logger.errlog.log("Failed to open channel dump " + self.uniqueName); Logger.errlog.log(err); self.setMOTD("Channel state load failed. Contact an administrator."); self.error = true; self.emit("ready"); } return; } try { self.logger.log("*** Loading channel state"); data = JSON.parse(data); // Load the playlist if ("playlist" in data) { self.playlist.load(data.playlist, function () { self.sendPlaylist(self.users); self.updatePlaylistMeta(); self.sendPlaylistMeta(self.users); self.playlist.startPlayback(data.playlist.time); }); } // Playlist lock self.setLock(data.playlistLock || false); // Configurables if ("opts" in data) { for (var key in data.opts) { self.opts[key] = data.opts[key]; } } // Permissions if ("permissions" in data) { for (var key in data.permissions) { self.permissions[key] = data.permissions[key]; } } // Chat filters if ("filters" in data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.filters.length; i++) { var f = data.filters[i]; var filt = new Filter(, f.source, f.flags, f.replace); =; filt.filterlinks = f.filterlinks; self.updateFilter(filt, false); } } // MOTD if ("motd" in data) { self.motd = { motd: data.motd.motd, html: data.motd.html }; } // Chat history if ("chatbuffer" in data) { data.chatbuffer.forEach(function (msg) { self.chatbuffer.push(msg); }); } // Inline CSS/JS self.css = data.css || ""; self.js = data.js || ""; self.emit("ready"); } catch (e) { self.error = true; Logger.errlog.log("Channel dump load failed (" + self.uniqueName + "): " + e); self.setMOTD("Channel state load failed. Contact an administrator."); self.emit("ready"); } }); }; Channel.prototype.saveState = function () { var self = this; if (self.error) { return; } if (!self.registered || self.uniqueName === "") { return; } var filters = (f) { return f.pack(); }); var data = { playlist: self.playlist.dump(), opts: self.opts, permissions: self.permissions, filters: filters, motd: self.motd, playlistLock: self.playlistLock, chatbuffer: self.chatbuffer, css: self.css, js: self.js }; var text = JSON.stringify(data); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "../chandump", self.uniqueName), text); }; /** * Checks whether a user has the given permission node */ Channel.prototype.hasPermission = function (user, key) { // Special case: you can have separate permissions for when playlist is unlocked if (key.indexOf("playlist") === 0 && !this.playlistLock) { var key2 = "o" + key; var v = this.permissions[key2]; if (typeof v === "number" && user.rank >= v) { return true; } } var v = this.permissions[key]; if (typeof v !== "number") { return false; } return user.rank >= v; }; /** * Defer a callback to complete when the channel is ready to accept users. * Called immediately if the ready flag is already set */ Channel.prototype.whenReady = function (fn) { if (this.ready) { setImmediate(fn); } else { this.on("ready", fn); } }; /** * Looks up a user's rank in the channel. Computed as max(global_rank, channel rank) */ Channel.prototype.getRank = function (name, callback) { var self = this; db.users.getGlobalRank(name, function (err, global) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { callback(err, null); return; } if (!self.registered) { callback(null, global); return; } db.channels.getRank(, name, function (err, rank) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { callback(err, null); return; } callback(null, Math.max(rank, global)); }); }); }; /** * Looks up the highest rank of any alias of an IP address */ Channel.prototype.getIPRank = function (ip, callback) { var self = this; db.getAliases(ip, function (err, names) { if (self.dead) { return; } db.users.getGlobalRanks(names, function (err, res) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { callback(err, null); return; } var rank = res.reduce(function (a, b) { return Math.max(a, b); }, 0); if (!self.registered) { callback(null, rank); return; } db.channels.getRanks(, names, function (err, res) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { callback(err, null); return; } var rank = res.reduce(function (a, b) { return Math.max(a, b); }, rank); callback(null, rank); }); }); }); }; /** * Called when a user joins a channel */ Channel.prototype.join = function (user, password) { var self = this; var afterIPBanCheck = function () { if (self.dead) { return; } user.autoAFK(); user.socket.join(self.uniqueName); = self; self.users.push(user); self.sendVoteskipUpdate(self.users); self.sendUsercount(self.users); user.whenLoggedIn(function () { db.channels.isNameBanned(,, function (err, banned) { if (!err && banned) { user.kick("You're banned!"); } else { afterLogin(); } }); }); self.sendPlaylist([user]); self.sendMediaUpdate([user]); self.sendPlaylistLock([user]); self.sendUserlist([user]); self.sendRecentChat([user]); self.sendCSSJS([user]); self.sendPoll([user]); self.sendOpts([user]); self.sendPermissions([user]); self.sendMotd([user]); self.sendDrinkCount([user]); self.logger.log("+++ " + user.ip + " joined"); Logger.syslog.log(user.ip + " joined channel " +; }; var afterLogin = function () { if (self.dead) { return; } var lname =; for (var i = 0; i < self.users.length; i++) { if (self.users[i].name.toLowerCase() === lname && self.users[i] !== user) { self.users[i].kick("Duplicate login"); } } self.getRank(, function (err, rank) { if (err) { user.rank = user.global_rank; } else { user.rank = Math.max(rank, user.global_rank); } user.socket.emit("rank", user.rank); self.sendUserJoin(self.users, user); self.sendUserlist([user]); }); }; self.whenReady(function () { if (self.opts.password !== false && user.rank < 2) { if (password !== self.opts.password) { user.socket.emit("needPassword", typeof password === "undefined"); return; } } user.socket.emit("cancelNeedPassword"); db.channels.isIPBanned(, user.ip, function (err, banned) { if (!err && banned) { user.kick("You're banned!"); return; } else { afterIPBanCheck(); } }); }); }; /** * Called when a user leaves the channel. * Cleans up and sends appropriate updates to other users */ Channel.prototype.part = function (user) { var self = this; = null; // Clear poll vote if (self.poll) { self.poll.unvote(user.ip); self.sendPoll(self.users); } // Clear voteskip vote if (self.voteskip) { self.voteskip.unvote(user.ip); self.sendVoteskipUpdate(self.users); } // Return video lead to server if necessary if (self.leader === user) { self.changeLeader(""); } // Remove from users array var idx = self.users.indexOf(user); if (idx >= 0 && idx < self.users.length) { self.users.splice(idx, 1); } // A change in usercount might cause a voteskip result to change self.checkVoteskipPass(); self.sendUsercount(self.users); if (user.loggedIn) { self.sendUserLeave(self.users, user); } self.logger.log("--- " + user.ip + " (" + + ") left"); if (self.users.length === 0) { self.emit("empty"); return; } }; /** * Set the MOTD and broadcast it to connected users */ Channel.prototype.setMOTD = function (message) { this.motd.motd = message; // TODO XSS filter this.motd.html = message.replace(/\n/g, "
"); this.sendMOTD(this.users); }; /** * Send the MOTD to the given users */ Channel.prototype.sendMOTD = function (users) { var motd = this.motd; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setMotd", motd); }); }; /** * Sends a message to channel moderators */ Channel.prototype.sendModMessage = function (msg, minrank) { if (isNaN(minrank)) { minrank = 2; } var notice = { username: "[server]", msg: msg, meta: { addClass: "server-whisper" , addClassToNameAndTimestamp: true }, time: }; this.users.forEach(function(u) { if (u.rank > minrank) { u.socket.emit("chatMsg", notice); } }); }; /** * Stores a video in the channel's library */ Channel.prototype.cacheMedia = function (media) { // Don't cache Google Drive videos because of their time limit if (media.type === "gd") { return false; } if (this.registered) { db.channels.addToLibrary(, media); } }; /** * Attempts to ban a user by name */ Channel.prototype.handleNameBan = function (actor, name, reason) { var self = this; if (!self.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) { return false; } if (!self.registered) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Banning is only supported in registered channels" }); return; } name = name.toLowerCase(); if (name == { actor.socket.emit("costanza", { msg: "Trying to ban yourself?" }); return; } // Look up the name's rank so people can't ban others with higher rank than themselves self.getRank(name, function (err, rank) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Internal error: " + err }); return; } if (rank >= actor.rank) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "You don't have permission to ban " + name }); return; } if (typeof reason !== "string") { reason = ""; } reason = reason.substring(0, 255); // If in the channel already, kick the banned user for (var i = 0; i < self.users.length; i++) { if (self.users[i].name.toLowerCase() == name) { self.users[i].kick("You're banned!"); break; } } self.logger.log("*** " + + " namebanned " + name); self.sendModMessage( + " banned " + name, self.permissions.ban); db.channels.isNameBanned(, name, function (err, banned) { if (!err && banned) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: name + " is already banned" }); return; } if (self.dead) { return; } // channel, ip, name, reason, actor db.channels.ban(, "*", name, reason,; // TODO send banlist? }); }); }; /** * Removes a ban by ID */ Channel.prototype.handleUnban = function (actor, data) { var self = this; if (!this.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) { return; } if (typeof !== "number") { = parseInt(; if (isNaN( { return; } } =; if (!self.registered) { return; } db.channels.unbanId(,, function (err, res) { if (err) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: err }); return; } self.sendUnban(self.users, data); }); }; /** * Sends an unban packet */ Channel.prototype.sendUnban = function (users, data) { var self = this; users.forEach(function (u) { if (self.hasPermission(u, "ban")) { u.socket.emit("banlistRemove", data); } }); self.logger.log("*** " + + " unbanned " +; self.sendModMessage( + " unbanned " +, self.permissions.ban); }; /** * Bans all IP addresses associated with a username */ Channel.prototype.handleBanAllIP = function (actor, name, reason, range) { var self = this; if (!self.hasPermission(actor, "ban")) { return; } if (typeof name !== "string") { return; } if (!self.registered) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Banning is not supported for unregistered rooms" }); return; } name = name.toLowerCase(); if (name === { actor.socket.emit("costanza", { msg: "Trying to ban yourself?" }); return; } db.getIPs(name, function (err, ips) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Internal error: " + err }); return; } ips.forEach(function (ip) { self.tryBanIP(actor, ip, name, range); }); }); }; /** * Bans an individual IP */ Channel.prototype.banIP = function (actor, ip, name, reason, range) { if (range) { ip = ip.replace(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/, "$1.$2.$3"); } if (typeof reason !== "string") { reason = ""; } reason = reason.substring(0, 255); self.getIPRank(ip, function (err, rank) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Internal error: " + err }); return; } if (rank >= actor.rank) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "You don't have permission to ban IP: " + util.maskIP(ip) }); return; } self.logger.log("*** " + + " banned " + ip + " (" + name + ")"); self.sendModMessage( + " banned " + ip + " (" + name + ")", self.permissions.ban); // If in the channel already, kick the banned user for (var i = 0; i < self.users.length; i++) { if (self.users[i].ip === ip) { self.users[i].kick("You're banned!"); break; } } if (!self.registered) { return; } db.channels.isIPBanned(, ip, function (err, banned) { if (!err && banned) { var disp = actor.global_rank >= 255 ? ip : util.maskIP(ip); actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: disp + " is alraedy banned" }); return; } if (self.dead) { return; } // channel, ip, name, reason, ban actor db.channels.ban(, ip, name, reason,, function (err) { if (err) { actor.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Ban failed: " + err }); } }); }); }); }; /** * Sends the banlist */ Channel.prototype.sendBanlist = function (users) { var self = this; var bans = []; var unmaskedbans = []; db.channels.listBans(, function (err, banlist) { if (err) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < banlist.length; i++) { bans.push({ id: banlist[i].id, ip: banlist[i].ip === "*" ? "*" : util.maskIP(banlist[i].ip), name: banlist[i].name, reason: banlist[i].reason, bannedby: banlist[i].bannedby }); unmaskedbans.push({ id: banlist[i].id, ip: banlist[i].ip, name: banlist[i].name, reason: banlist[i].reason, bannedby: banlist[i].bannedby }); } users.forEach(function (u) { if (!self.hasPermission(u, "ban")) { return; } if (u.rank >= 255) { u.socket.emit("banlist", unmaskedbans); } else { u.socket.emit("banlist", bans); } }); }); }; /** * Sends the channel ranks list */ Channel.prototype.sendChannelRanks = function (users) { var self = this; db.channels.allRanks(, function (err, ranks) { if (err) { return; } users.forEach(function (u) { if (u.rank >= 3) { u.socket.emit("channelRanks", ranks); } }); }); }; /** * Sends the chat filter list */ Channel.prototype.sendChatFilters = function (users) { var self = this; var pkt = (f) { return f.pack(); }); users.forEach(function (u) { if (!self.hasPermission(u, "filteredit")) { return; } u.socket.emit("chatFilters", pkt); }); }; /** * Sends the channel permissions */ Channel.prototype.sendPermissions = function (users) { var perms = this.permissions; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setPermissions", perms); }); }; /** * Sends the playlist */ Channel.prototype.sendPlaylist = function (users) { var self = this; var pl = self.playlist.items.toArray(); var current = null; if (self.playlist.current) { current = self.playlist.current.uid; } users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("playlist", pl); u.socket.emit("setPlaylistMeta", self.plmeta); if (current !== null) { u.socket.emit("setCurrent", current); } }); }; /** * Updates the playlist count/time */ Channel.prototype.updatePlaylistMeta = function () { var total = 0; var iter = this.playlist.items.first; while (iter !== null) { if ( !== null) { total +=; } iter =; } var timestr = util.formatTime(total); this.plmeta = { count: this.playlist.items.length, time: timestr }; }; /** * Send the playlist count/time */ Channel.prototype.sendPlaylistMeta = function (users) { var self = this; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setPlaylistMeta", self.plmeta); }); }; /** * Sends the playlist lock */ Channel.prototype.sendPlaylistLock = function (users) { var lock = this.playlistLock; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setPlaylistLocked", lock); }); }; /** * Sends a changeMedia packet */ Channel.prototype.sendMediaUpdate = function (users) { var update = this.playlist.getFullUpdate(); if (update) { users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("changeMedia", update); }); } }; /** * Sends the drink count */ Channel.prototype.sendDrinkCount = function (users) { var drinks = this.drinks; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("drinkCount", drinks); }); }; /** * Send the userlist */ Channel.prototype.sendUserlist = function (toUsers) { var self = this; var base = []; var mod = []; var sadmin = []; for (var i = 0; i < self.users.length; i++) { var u = self.users[i]; if ( === "") { continue; } var data = self.packUserData(self.users[i]); base.push(data.base); mod.push(data.mod); sadmin.push(data.sadmin); } toUsers.forEach(function (u) { if (u.global_rank >= 255) { u.socket.emit("userlist", sadmin); } else if (u.rank >= 2) { u.socket.emit("userlist", mod); } else { u.socket.emit("userlist", base); } if (self.leader != null) { u.socket.emit("setLeader",; } }); }; /** * Send the user count */ Channel.prototype.sendUsercount = function (users) { var self = this; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("usercount", self.users.length); }); }; /** * Send the chat buffer */ Channel.prototype.sendRecentChat = function (users) { var self = this; users.forEach(function (u) { for (var i = 0; i < self.chatbuffer.length; i++) { u.socket.emit("chatMsg", self.chatbuffer[i]); } }); }; /** * Packs userdata for addUser or userlist */ Channel.prototype.packUserData = function (user) { var base = { name:, rank: user.rank, profile: user.profile, meta: { afk: user.meta.afk, muted: user.meta.muted && !user.meta.smuted } }; var mod = { name:, rank: user.rank, profile: user.profile, meta: { afk: user.meta.afk, muted: user.meta.muted, smuted: user.meta.smuted, aliases: user.meta.aliases, ip: util.maskIP(user.ip) } }; var sadmin = { name:, rank: user.rank, profile: user.profile, meta: { afk: user.meta.afk, muted: user.meta.muted, smuted: user.meta.smuted, aliases: user.meta.aliases, ip: user.ip } }; return { base: base, mod: mod, sadmin: sadmin }; }; /** * Sends a user.meta update, optionally filtering by minimum rank */ Channel.prototype.sendUserMeta = function (users, user, minrank) { var self = this; var userdata = self.packUserData(user); self.users.filter(function (u) { return typeof minrank !== "number" || u.rank > minrank }).forEach(function (u) { if (u.rank >= 255) { u.socket.emit("setUserMeta", { name:, meta: userdata.sadmin.meta }); } else if (u.rank >= 2) { u.socket.emit("setUserMeta", { name:, meta: userdata.mod.meta }); } else { u.socket.emit("setUserMeta", { name:, meta: userdata.base.meta }); } }); }; /** * Send a user join notification */ Channel.prototype.sendUserJoin = function (users, user) { var self = this; db.getAliases(user.ip, function (err, aliases) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err || aliases.length === 0) { aliases = []; } user.meta.aliases = aliases; if (self.isShadowMuted( { user.meta.muted = true; user.meta.shadowmuted = true; } else if (self.isMuted( { user.meta.muted = true; user.meta.shadowmuted = false; } var data = self.packUserData(user); users.forEach(function (u) { if (u.global_rank >= 255) { u.socket.emit("addUser", data.sadmin); } else if (u.rank >= 2) { u.socket.emit("addUser", data.mod); } else { u.socket.emit("addUser", data.base); } }); self.sendModMessage( + " joined (aliases: " + aliases.join(",") + ")", 2); }); }; /** * Sends a notification that a user left */ Channel.prototype.sendUserLeave = function (users, user) { var data = { name: }; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("userLeave", data); }); }; /** * Sends the current poll */ Channel.prototype.sendPoll = function (users) { var self = this; if (!self.poll) { return; } var obscured = self.poll.packUpdate(false); var unobscured = self.poll.packUpdate(true); users.forEach(function (u) { if (self.hasPermission(u, "viewpollresults")) { u.socket.emit("newPoll", unobscured); } else { u.socket.emit("newPoll", obscured); } }); }; /** * Sends a poll notification */ Channel.prototype.sendPollUpdate = function (users) { var self = this; var unhidden = self.poll.packUpdate(true); var hidden = self.poll.packUpdate(false); users.forEach(function (u) { if (self.hasPermission(u, "viewhiddenpoll")) { u.socket.emit("updatePoll", unhidden); } else { u.socket.emit("updatePoll", hidden); } }); }; /** * Sends a "poll closed" notification */ Channel.prototype.sendPollClose = function (users) { users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("closePoll"); }); }; /** * Broadcasts the channel options */ Channel.prototype.sendOpts = function (users) { var opts = this.opts; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("channelOpts", opts); }); }; /** * Calculates the number of eligible users to voteskip */ Channel.prototype.calcVoteskipMax = function () { var self = this; return (u) { if (!self.hasPermission(u, "voteskip")) { return 0; } return u.meta.afk ? 0 : 1; }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); }; /** * Creates a voteskip update packet */ Channel.prototype.getVoteskipPacket = function () { var have = this.voteskip ? this.voteskip.counts[0] : 0; var max = this.calcVoteskipMax(); var need = this.voteskip ? Math.ceil(max * this.opts.voteskip_ratio) : 0; return { count: have, need: need }; }; /** * Sends a voteskip update packet */ Channel.prototype.sendVoteskipUpdate = function (users) { var update = this.getVoteskipPacket(); users.forEach(function (u) { if (u.rank >= 1.5) { u.socket.emit("voteskip", update); } }); }; /** * Sends the inline CSS and JS */ Channel.prototype.sendCSSJS = function (users) { var data = { css: this.css, js: this.js }; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("channelCSSJS", data); }); }; /** * Sends the MOTD */ Channel.prototype.sendMotd = function (users) { var motd = this.motd; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("setMotd", motd); }); }; /** * Sends the drink count */ Channel.prototype.sendDrinks = function (users) { var drinks = this.drinks; users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("drinkCount", drinks); }); }; /** * Resets video-related variables */ Channel.prototype.resetVideo = function () { this.voteskip = false; this.sendVoteskipUpdate(this.users); this.drinks = 0; this.sendDrinks(this.users); }; /** * Handles a queue message from a client */ Channel.prototype.handleQueue = function (user, data) { // Verify the user has permission to add if (!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistadd")) { return; } // Verify data types if (typeof !== "string" && !== false) { return; } var id = || false; if (typeof data.type !== "string") { return; } var type = data.type; var link = util.formatLink(id, type); // Verify user has the permission to add at the position given if (data.pos === "next" && !this.hasPermission(user, "playlistnext")) { return; } var pos = data.pos || "end"; // Verify user has permission to add a YouTube playlist, if relevant if (data.type === "yp" && !this.hasPermission(user, "playlistaddlist")) { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: "You don't have permission to add playlists", link: link }); return; } // Verify the user has permission to add livestreams, if relevant if (util.isLive(type) && !this.hasPermission(user, "playlistaddlive")) { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: "You don't have permission to add livestreams", link: link }); return; } // Verify the user has permission to add a Custom Embed, if relevant if (data.type === "cu" && !this.hasPermission(user, "playlistaddcustom")) { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: "You don't have permission to add custom embeds", link: null }); return; } /** * Always reset any user-provided title if it's not a custom embed. * Additionally reset if it is a custom embed but a title is not provided */ if (typeof data.title !== "string" || data.type !== "cu") { data.title = false; } var title = data.title || false; var queueby = user != null ? : ""; var temp = data.temp || !this.hasPermission(user, "addnontemp"); // Throttle video adds var limit = { burst: 3, sustained: 1 }; if (user.rank >= 2 || this.leader === user) { limit = { burst: 10, sustained: 2 }; } if (user.queueLimiter.throttle(limit)) { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: "You are adding videos too quickly", link: null }); return; } // Actually add the video this.addMedia({ id: id, title: title, pos: pos, queueby: queueby, temp: temp, type: type, maxlength: this.hasPermission(user, "exceedmaxlength") ? 0 : this.opts.maxlength }, function (err, media) { if (err) { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: err, link: link }); return; } if (media.restricted) { user.socket.emit("queueWarn", { msg: "This video is blocked in the following countries: " + media.restricted, link: link }); return; } }); }; /** * Add a video to the playlist */ Channel.prototype.addMedia = function (data, callback) { var self = this; if (data.type === "cu" && typeof data.title === "string") { var t = data.title; if (t.length > 100) { t = t.substring(0, 97) + "..."; } data.title = t; } if (data.pos === "end") { data.pos = "append"; } var afterLookup = function (lock, shouldCache, media) { if (data.maxlength && media.seconds > data.maxlength) { callback("Maximum length exceeded: " + data.maxlength + " seconds", null); lock.release(); return; } media.pos = data.pos; media.queueby = data.queueby; media.temp = data.temp; if (data.title && media.type === "cu") { media.title = data.title; } var res = self.playlist.addMedia(media); if (res.error) { callback(res.error, null); lock.release(); return; } self.logger.log("### " + data.queueby + " queued " + media.title); var item = res.item; var packet = { item: item.pack(), after: item.prev ? item.prev.uid : "prepend" }; self.users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("queue", packet); }); self.updatePlaylistMeta(); self.sendPlaylistMeta(self.users); if (shouldCache) { self.cacheMedia(media); } lock.release(); callback(null, media); }; // Cached video data if (data.type !== "cu" && typeof data.title === "string") { self.plqueue.queue(function (lock) { var m = new Media(, data.title, data.seconds, data.type); afterLookup(lock, false, m); }); return; } // YouTube playlists if (data.type === "yp") { self.plqueue.queue(function (lock) { InfoGetter.getMedia(, data.type, function (e, vids) { if (e) { callback(e, null); lock.release(); return; } // If queueing next, reverse queue order so the videos end up // in the correct order if (data.pos === "next") { vids.reverse(); // Special case to ensure correct playlist order if (self.playlist.length === 0) { vids.unshift(vids.pop()); } } // We only want to release the lock after the entire playlist // is processed. Set up a dummy so the same code will work. var dummy = { release: function () { } }; for (var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++) { afterLookup(dummy, true, vids[i]); } lock.release(); }); }); return; } // Cases where there is no cached data in the database if (!self.registered || util.isLive(data.type)) { self.plqueue.queue(function (lock) { InfoGetter.getMedia(, data.type, function (e, media) { if (e) { callback(e, null); lock.release(); return; } afterLookup(lock, false, media); }); }); return; } // Finally, the "normal" case self.plqueue.queue(function (lock) { if (self.dead) { return; } var lookupNewMedia = function () { InfoGetter.getMedia(, data.type, function (e, media) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (e) { callback(e, null); lock.release(); return; } afterLookup(lock, true, media); }); }; db.channels.getLibraryItem(,, function (err, item) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err && err !== "Item not in library") { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: "Internal error: " + err, link: util.formatLink(, data.type) }); lock.release(); return; } if (item !== null) { afterLookup(lock, true, item); } else { lookupNewMedia(); } }); }); }; /** * Handles a user queueing a user playlist */ Channel.prototype.handleQueuePlaylist = function (user, data) { var self = this; if (!self.hasPermission(user, "playlistaddlist")) { return; } if (typeof !== "string") { return; } var name =; if (data.pos === "next" && !self.hasPermission(user, "playlistaddnext")) { return; } var pos = data.pos || "end"; var temp = data.temp || !self.hasPermission(user, "addnontemp"); db.getUserPlaylist(, name, function (err, pl) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { user.socket.emit("errorMsg", { msg: "Playlist load failed: " + err }); return; } try { // Ensure correct order when queueing next if (pos === "next") { pl.reverse(); if (pl.length > 0 && self.playlist.items.length === 0) { pl.unshift(pl.pop()); } } for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) { pl[i].pos = pos; pl[i].temp = temp; self.addMedia(pl[i], function (err, media) { if (err) { user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: err, link: util.formatLink(pl[i].id, pl[i].type) }); } }); } } catch (e) { Logger.errlog.log("Loading user playlist failed!"); Logger.errlog.log("PL: " + + "-" + name); Logger.errlog.log(e.stack); user.socket.emit("queueFail", { msg: "Internal error occurred when loading playlist. The administrator has been notified.", link: null }); } }); }; /** * Handles a user message to delete a playlist item */ Channel.prototype.handleDelete = function (user, data) { var self = this; if (!self.hasPermission(user, "playlistdelete")) { return; } if (typeof data !== "number") { return; } var plitem = self.playlist.items.find(data); self.deleteMedia(data, function (err) { if (!err && plitem && { self.logger.log("### " + + " deleted " +; } }); }; /** * Deletes a playlist item */ Channel.prototype.deleteMedia = function (uid, callback) { var self = this; self.plqueue.queue(function (lock) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (self.playlist.remove(uid)) { self.sendAll("delete", { uid: uid }); self.updatePlaylistMeta(); self.sendPlaylistMeta(self.users); callback(null); } else { callback("Delete failed"); } lock.release(); }); }; /** * Sets the temporary status of a playlist item */ Channel.prototype.setTemp = function (uid, temp) { var item = this.playlist.items.find(uid); if (item == null) { return; } item.temp = temp; this.sendAll("setTemp", { uid: uid, temp: temp }); // TODO might change the way this works if (!temp) { this.cacheMedia(; } }; /** * Handles a user message to set a playlist item as temporary/not */ Channel.prototype.handleSetTemp = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "settemp")) { return; } if (typeof data.uid !== "number" || typeof data.temp !== "boolean") { return; } this.setTemp(data.uid, data.temp); // TODO log? }; /** * Moves a playlist item in the playlist */ Channel.prototype.move = function (from, after, callback) { callback = typeof callback === "function" ? callback : function () { }; var self = this; if (from === after) { callback("Cannot move playlist item after itself!", null); return; } self.plqueue.queue(function (lock) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (self.playlist.move(from, after)) { self.sendAll("moveVideo", { from: from, after: after }); callback(null, true); } else { callback(true, null); } lock.release(); }); }; /** * Handles a user message to move a playlist item */ Channel.prototype.handleMove = function (user, data) { var self = this; if (!self.hasPermission(user, "playlistmove")) { return; } if (typeof data.from !== "number" || (typeof data.after !== "number" && typeof data.after !== "string")) { return; } self.move(data.from, data.after, function (err) { if (!err) { var fromit = self.playlist.items.find(data.from); var afterit = self.playlist.items.find(data.after); var aftertitle = (afterit && ? : ""; if (fromit) { self.logger.log("### " + + " moved " + + (aftertitle ? " after " + aftertitle : "")); } } }); }; /** * Handles a user message to remove a video from the library */ Channel.prototype.handleUncache = function (user, data) { var self = this; if (!self.registered) { return; } if (user.rank < 2) { return; } if (typeof !== "string") { return; } db.channels.deleteFromLibrary(,, function (err, res) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { return; } self.logger.log("*** " + + " deleted " + + " from library"); }); }; /** * Handles a user message to skip to the next video in the playlist */ Channel.prototype.handlePlayNext = function (user) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistjump")) { return; } this.logger.log("### " + + " skipped the video");; }; /** * Handles a user message to jump to a video in the playlist */ Channel.prototype.handleJumpTo = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistjump")) { return; } if (typeof data !== "string" && typeof data !== "number") { return; } this.logger.log("### " + + " skipped the video"); this.playlist.jump(data); }; /** * Clears the playlist */ Channel.prototype.clear = function () { this.playlist.clear(); this.plqueue.reset(); this.sendPlaylist(this.users); }; /** * Handles a user message to clear the playlist */ Channel.prototype.handleClear = function (user) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistclear")) { return; } this.logger.log("### " + + " cleared the playlist"); this.clear(); }; /** * Shuffles the playlist */ Channel.prototype.shuffle = function () { var pl = this.playlist.items.toArray(false); this.playlist.clear(); this.plqueue.reset(); while (pl.length > 0) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * pl.length); var item = this.playlist.makeItem(pl[i].media); item.temp = pl[i].temp; item.queueby = pl[i].queueby; this.playlist.items.append(item); pl.splice(i, 1); } this.playlist.current = this.playlist.items.first; this.sendPlaylist(this.users); this.playlist.startPlayback(); }; /** * Handles a user message to shuffle the playlist */ Channel.prototype.handleShuffle = function (user) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "playlistshuffle")) { return; } this.logger.log("### " + + " shuffle the playlist"); this.shuffle(); }; /** * Handles a video update from a leader */ Channel.prototype.handleUpdate = function (user, data) { if (this.leader !== user) { user.kick("Received mediaUpdate from non-leader"); return; } if (typeof !== "string" || typeof data.currentTime !== "number") { return; } if (this.playlist.current === null) { return; } var media =; if (util.isLive(media.type) && media.type !== "jw") { return; } if ( !== || isNaN(data.currentTime)) { return; } media.currentTime = data.currentTime; media.paused = Boolean(data.paused); this.sendAll("mediaUpdate", media.timeupdate()); }; /** * Handles a user message to open a poll */ Channel.prototype.handleOpenPoll = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "pollctl")) { return; } if (typeof data.title !== "string" || !(data.opts instanceof Array)) { return; } var title = data.title.substring(0, 255); var opts = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.opts.length; i++) { opts[i] = (""+data.opts[i]).substring(0, 255); } var obscured = (data.obscured === true); var poll = new Poll(, title, opts, obscured); this.poll = poll; this.sendPoll(this.users, true); this.logger.log("*** " + + " Opened Poll: '" + poll.title + "'"); }; /** * Handles a user message to close the active poll */ Channel.prototype.handleClosePoll = function (user) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "pollctl")) { return; } if (this.poll) { if (this.poll.obscured) { this.poll.obscured = false; this.sendPollUpdate(this.users); } this.logger.log("*** " + + " closed the active poll"); this.poll = false; this.sendAll("closePoll"); } }; /** * Handles a user message to vote in a poll */ Channel.prototype.handlePollVote = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "pollvote")) { return; } if (typeof data.option !== "number") { return; } if (this.poll) {, data.option); this.sendPollUpdate(this.users); } }; /** * Handles a user message to voteskip the current video */ Channel.prototype.handleVoteskip = function (user) { if (!this.opts.allow_voteskip) { return; } if (!this.hasPermission(user, "voteskip")) { return; } user.setAFK(false); user.autoAFK(); if (!this.voteskip) { this.voteskip = new Poll("voteskip", "voteskip", ["yes"]); }, 0); this.logger.log("### " + ( ? : "anonymous") + " voteskipped"); this.checkVoteskipPass(); }; /** * Checks if the voteskip requirement is met */ Channel.prototype.checkVoteskipPass = function () { if (!this.opts.allow_voteskip) { return false; } if (!this.voteskip) { return false; } var max = this.calcVoteskipMax(); var need = Math.ceil(max * this.opts.voteskip_ratio); if (this.voteskip.counts[0] >= need) { this.logger.log("### Voteskip passed, skipping to next video"); this.playNext(); } this.sendVoteskipUpdate(this.users); return true; }; /** * Sets the locked state of the playlist */ Channel.prototype.setLock = function (locked) { this.playlistLock = locked; this.sendPlaylistLock(this.users); }; /** * Handles a user message to change the locked state of the playlist */ Channel.prototype.handleSetLock = function (user, data) { // TODO permission node? if (user.rank < 2) { return; } data.locked = Boolean(data.locked); this.logger.log("*** " + + " set playlist lock to " + data.locked); this.setLock(data.locked); }; /** * Handles a user message to toggle the locked state of the playlist */ Channel.prototype.handleToggleLock = function (user) { this.handleSetLock(user, { locked: !this.playlistLock }); }; /** * Imports a list of chat filters, replacing the current list */ Channel.prototype.importFilters = function (filters) { this.filters = filters; this.sendChatFilters(this.users); }; /** * Handles a user message to import a list of chat filters */ Channel.prototype.handleImportFilters = function (user, data) { // TODO change to filterimport if (!this.hasPermission(user, "filteredit")) { return; } if (!(data instanceof Array)) { return; } this.filters = .filter(function (f) { return f !== false; }); this.sendChatFilters(this.users); }; /** * Validates data for a chat filter */ Channel.prototype.validateChatFilter = function (f) { if (typeof f.source !== "string" || typeof f.flags !== "string" || typeof f.replace !== "string") { return false; } if (typeof !== "string") { = f.source; } f.replace = f.replace.substring(0, 1000); f.flags = f.flags.substring(0, 4); // TODO XSS prevention try { new RegExp(f.source, f.flags); } catch (e) { return false; } var filter = new Filter(, f.source, f.flags, f.replace); = Boolean(; filter.filterlinks = Boolean(f.filterlinks); return filter; }; /** * Updates a chat filter, or adds a new one if the filter does not exist */ Channel.prototype.updateFilter = function (filter) { var self = this; if (! { = filter.source; } var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < self.filters.length; i++) { if (self.filters[i].name === { found = true; self.filters[i] = filter; break; } } if (!found) { self.filters.push(filter); } self.users.forEach(function (u) { if (self.hasPermission(u, "filteredit")) { u.socket.emit("updateChatFilter", filter); } }); }; /** * Handles a user message to update a filter */ Channel.prototype.handleUpdateFilter = function (user, f) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "filteredit")) { user.kick("Attempted updateFilter with insufficient permission"); return; } filter = this.validateChatFilter(f); if (!filter) { return; } this.logger.log("%%% " + + " updated filter: " +; this.updateFilter(filter); }; /** * Removes a chat filter */ Channel.prototype.removeFilter = function (filter) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.filters.length; i++) { if (self.filters[i].name === { self.filters.splice(i, 1); self.users.forEach(function (u) { if (self.hasPermission(u, "filteredit")) { u.socket.emit("deleteChatFilter", filter); } }); break; } } }; /** * Handles a user message to delete a chat filter */ Channel.prototype.handleRemoveFilter = function (user, f) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "filteredit")) { user.kick("Attempted removeFilter with insufficient permission"); return; } if (typeof !== "string") { return; } this.logger.log("%%% " + + " removed filter: " +; this.removeFilter(f); }; /** * Changes the order of chat filters */ Channel.prototype.moveFilter = function (from, to) { if (from < 0 || to < 0 || from >= this.filters.length || to >= this.filters.length) { return; } var f = this.filters[from]; to = to > from ? to + 1 : to; from = to > from ? from : from + 1; this.filters.splice(to, 0, f); this.filters.splice(from, 1); // TODO broadcast }; /** * Handles a user message to change the chat filter order */ Channel.prototype.handleMoveFilter = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "filteredit")) { user.kick("Attempted moveFilter with insufficient permission"); return; } if (typeof !== "number" || typeof data.from !== "number") { return; } this.moveFilter(data.from,; }; /** * Handles a user message to change the channel permissions */ Channel.prototype.handleSetPermissions = function (user, perms) { if (user.rank < 3) { user.kick("Attempted setPermissions as a non-admin"); return; } for (var key in perms) { if (key in this.permissions) { this.permissions[key] = perms[key]; } } this.logger.log("%%% " + + " updated permissions"); this.sendAll("setPermissions", this.permissions); }; /** * Handles a user message to change the channel settings */ Channel.prototype.handleUpdateOptions = function (user, data) { if (user.rank < 2) { user.kick("Attempted setOptions as a non-moderator"); return; } if ("allow_voteskip" in data) { this.opts.voteskip = Boolean(data.allow_voteskip); } if ("voteskip_ratio" in data) { var ratio = parseFloat(data.voteskip_ratio); if (isNaN(ratio) || ratio < 0) { ratio = 0; } this.opts.voteskip_ratio = ratio; } if ("afk_timeout" in data) { var tm = parseInt(data.afk_timeout); if (isNaN(tm) || tm < 0) { tm = 0; } var same = tm === this.opts.afk_timeout; this.opts.afk_timeout = tm; if (!same) { this.users.forEach(function (u) { u.autoAFK(); }); } } if ("pagetitle" in data && user.rank >= 3) { this.opts.pagetitle = (""+data.pagetitle).substring(0, 100); } if ("maxlength" in data) { var ml = parseInt(data.maxlength); if (isNaN(ml) || ml < 0) { ml = 0; } this.opts.maxlength = ml; } if ("externalcss" in data && user.rank >= 3) { this.opts.externalcss = (""+data.externalcss).substring(0, 255); } if ("externaljs" in data && user.rank >= 3) { this.opts.externaljs = (""+data.externaljs).substring(0, 255); } if ("chat_antiflood" in data) { this.opts.chat_antiflood = Boolean(data.chat_antiflood); } if ("chat_antiflood_params" in data) { if (typeof data.chat_antiflood_params !== "object") { data.chat_antiflood_params = { burst: 4, sustained: 1 }; } var b = parseInt(data.chat_antiflood_params.burst); if (isNaN(b) || b < 0) { b = 1; } var s = parseInt(data.chat_antiflood_params.sustained); if (isNaN(s) || s <= 0) { s = 1; } var c = b / s; this.opts.chat_antiflood_params = { burst: b, sustained: s, cooldown: c }; } if ("show_public" in data && user.rank >= 3) { this.opts.show_public = Boolean(data.show_public); } if ("enable_link_regex" in data) { this.opts.enable_link_regex = Boolean(data.enable_link_regex); } if ("password" in data && user.rank >= 3) { var pw = data.password + ""; pw = pw === "" ? false : pw.substring(0, 100); this.opts.password = pw; } this.logger.log("%%% " + + " updated channel options"); this.sendOpts(this.users); }; /** * Handles a user message to set the inline channel CSS */ Channel.prototype.handleSetCSS = function (user, data) { if (user.rank < 3) { user.kick("Attempted setChannelCSS as non-admin"); return; } if (typeof data.css !== "string") { return; } var css = data.css.substring(0, 20000); this.css = css; this.sendCSSJS(this.users); this.logger.log("%%% " + + " updated the channel CSS"); }; /** * Handles a user message to set the inline channel CSS */ Channel.prototype.handleSetJS = function (user, data) { if (user.rank < 3) { user.kick("Attempted setChannelJS as non-admin"); return; } if (typeof data.js !== "string") { return; } var js = data.js.substring(0, 20000); this.js = js; this.sendCSSJS(this.users); this.logger.log("%%% " + + " updated the channel JS"); }; /** * Sets the MOTD */ Channel.prototype.setMotd = function (motd) { // TODO XSS var html = motd.replace(/\n/g, "
"); this.motd = { motd: motd, html: html }; this.sendMotd(this.users); }; /** * Handles a user message to update the MOTD */ Channel.prototype.handleSetMotd = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "motdedit")) { user.kick("Attempted setMotd with insufficient permission"); return; } if (typeof data.motd !== "string") { return; } var motd = data.motd.substring(0, 20000); this.setMotd(motd); this.logger.log("%%% " + + " updated the MOTD"); }; /** * Handles a user chat message */ Channel.prototype.handleChat = function (user, data) { if (!this.hasPermission(user, "chat")) { return; } if (typeof data.meta !== "object") { data.meta = {}; } if (! { return; } if (typeof data.msg !== "string") { return; } var msg = data.msg.substring(0, 240); var muted = this.isMuted(; var smuted = this.isShadowMuted(; var meta = {}; if (user.rank >= 2) { if ("modflair" in data.meta && data.meta.modflair === user.rank) { meta.modflair = data.meta.modflair; } } if (user.rank < 2 && this.opts.chat_antiflood && user.chatLimiter.throttle(this.opts.chat_antiflood_params)) { user.socket.emit("chatCooldown", 1000 / this.opts.chat_antiflood_params.sustained); } if (smuted) { // TODO XSS msg = this.filterMessage(msg); var msgobj = { username:, msg: msg, meta: meta, time: }; this.shadowMutedUsers().forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit("chatMsg", msgobj); }); return; } if (msg.indexOf("/") === 0) { if (!ChatCommand.handle(this, user, msg, meta)) { this.sendMessage(user, msg, meta); } } else { if (msg.indexOf(">") === 0) { data.meta.addClass = "greentext"; } this.sendMessage(user, msg, meta); } }; /** * Filters a chat message */ Channel.prototype.filterMessage = function (msg) { const link = /(\w+:\/\/(?:[^:\/\[\]\s]+|\[[0-9a-f:]+\])(?::\d+)?(?:\/[^\/\s]*)*)/ig; var parts = msg.split(link); for (var j = 0; j < parts.length; j++) { // Case 1: The substring is a URL if (this.opts.enable_link_regex && parts[j].match(link)) { var original = parts[j]; // Apply chat filters that are active and filter links for (var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if (!this.filters[i].filterlinks || !this.filters[i].active) { continue; } parts[j] = this.filters[i].filter(parts[j]); } // Unchanged, apply link filter if (parts[j] === original) { parts[j] = url.format(url.parse(parts[j])); parts[j] = parts[j].replace(link, "$1"); } continue; } else { // Substring is not a URL for (var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) { if (!this.filters[i].active) { continue; } parts[j] = this.filters[i].filter(parts[j]); } } } // Recombine the message return parts.join(""); }; /** * Sends a chat message */ Channel.prototype.sendMessage = function (user, msg, meta) { // TODO HTML escape msg = this.filterMessage(msg); var msgobj = { username:, msg: msg, meta: meta, time: }; this.sendAll("chatMsg", msgobj); this.chatbuffer.push(msgobj); if (this.chatbuffer.length > 15) { this.chatbuffer.shift(); } this.logger.log("<" + + (meta.addClass ? "." + meta.addClass : "") + "> " + msg); }; /** * Handles a user message to change another user's rank */ Channel.prototype.handleSetRank = function (user, data) { var self = this; if (user.rank < 2) { user.kick("Attempted setChannelRank as a non-moderator"); return; } if (typeof data.user !== "string" || typeof data.rank !== "number") { return; } var name = data.user.substring(0, 20); var rank = data.rank; if (isNaN(rank) || rank < 1 || rank >= user.rank) { return; } var receiver; var lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < self.users.length; i++) { if (self.users[i].name.toLowerCase() === lowerName) { receiver = self.users[i]; break; } } var updateDB = function () { self.getRank(name, function (err, oldrank) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { user.socket.emit("channelRankFail", { msg: "Updating user rank failed: " + err }); return; } if (oldrank >= user.rank) { user.socket.emit("channelRankFail", { msg: "Updating user rank failed: " + name + " has equal or higher " + "rank than you" }); return; } db.channels.setRank(, name, rank, function (err, res) { if (self.dead) { return; } if (err) { user.socket.emit("channelRankFail", { msg: "Updating user rank failed: " + err }); return; } self.logger.log("*** " + + " set " + name + "'s rank to " + rank); self.sendAll("setUserRank", { name: name, rank: rank }); }); }); }; if (receiver) { if (Math.max(receiver.rank, receiver.global_rank) > user.rank) { return; } if (receiver.loggedIn) { updateDB(); } } else if (self.registered) { updateDB(); } }; /** * Assigns a leader for video playback */ Channel.prototype.changeLeader = function (name) { if (this.leader != null) { var old = this.leader; this.leader = null; if (old.rank === 1.5) { old.rank = old.oldrank; old.socket.emit("rank", old.rank); this.sendAll("setUserRank", { name:, rank: old.rank }); } } if (!name) { this.sendAll("setLeader", ""); this.logger.log("*** Resuming autolead"); this.playlist.lead(true); return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if (this.users[i].name === name) { this.sendAll("setLeader", name); this.logger.log("*** Assigned leader: " + name); this.playlist.lead(false); this.leader = this.users[i]; if (this.users[i].rank < 1.5) { this.users[i].oldrank = this.users[i].rank; this.users[i].rank = 1.5; this.users[i].socket.emit("rank", 1.5); this.sendAll("setUserRank", { name: name, rank: this.users[i].rank }); } break; } } }; /** * Handles a user message to assign a new leader */ Channel.prototype.handleChangeLeader = function (user, data) { // TODO permission node? if (user.rank < 2) { user.kick("Attempted assignLeader with insufficient permission"); return; } if (typeof !== "string") { return; } this.changeLeader(; this.logger.log("### " + + " assigned leader to " +; }; /** * Searches channel library */ = function (query, callback) { var self = this; if (!self.registered) { callback([]); return; } if (typeof query !== "string") { query = ""; } query = query.substring(0, 100); db.channels.searchLibrary(, query, function (err, res) { if (err) { res = []; } res.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.title.toLowerCase(); var y = b.title.toLowerCase(); return (x == y) ? 0 : (x < y ? -1 : 1); }); res.forEach(function (r) { r.duration = util.formatTime(r.seconds); }); callback(res); }); }; /** * Sends the result of readLog() to a user if the user has sufficient permission */ Channel.prototype.handleReadLog = function (user) { var self = this; if (user.rank < 3) { user.kick("Attempted readChanLog with insufficient permission"); return; } if (!self.registered) { user.socket.emit("readChanLog", { success: false, data: "Channel log is only available to registered channels." }); return; } var filterIp = user.global_rank < 255; self.readLog(filterIp, function (err, data) { if (err) { user.socket.emit("readChanLog", { success: false, data: "Reading channel log failed." }); } else { user.socket.emit("readChanLog", { success: true, data: data }); } }); }; /** * Reads the last 100KiB of the channel's log file, masking IP addresses if desired */ Channel.prototype.readLog = function (filterIp, callback) { var maxLen = 102400; // Limit to last 100KiB var file = this.logger.filename; fs.stat(file, function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err, null); return; } var start = Math.max(data.size - maxLen, 0); var end = data.size - 1; var rs = fs.createReadStream(file, { start: start, end: end }); var buffer = ""; rs.on("data", function (data) { buffer += data; }); rs.on("end", function () { if (filterIp) { buffer = buffer.replace( /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+\.\d+)/g, "x.x.$1" ).replace( /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)/g, "x.x.$.*" ); } callback(null, buffer); }); }); }; /** * Broadcasts a message to the entire channel */ Channel.prototype.sendAll = function (msg, data) { this.users.forEach(function (u) { u.socket.emit(msg, data); }); }; module.exports = Channel;