var Logger = require("./logger"); var Config = require("./config"); var spawn = require("child_process").spawn; var acceptedCodecs = { "mov/h264": true, "flv/h264": true, "matroska/vp8": true, "matroska/vp9": true, "ogg/theora": true }; var acceptedAudioCodecs = { "mp3": true, "vorbis": true }; var audioOnlyContainers = { "mp3": true }; exports.query = function (filename, cb) { if (!Config.get("ffmpeg.enabled")) { return cb("Raw file playback is not enabled on this server"); } if (!filename.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { return cb("Raw file playback is only supported for links accessible via HTTP " + "or HTTPS"); } ffprobe(filename, function (err, meta) { if (err) { if (meta.stderr && meta.stderr.match(/Protocol not found/)) { return cb("Link uses a protocol unsupported by this server's ffmpeg"); } else { return cb("Unable to query file data with ffmpeg"); } } meta = parse(meta); if (meta == null) { return cb("Unknown error"); } if (isVideo(meta)) { var codec = meta.container + "/" + meta.vcodec; if (!(codec in acceptedCodecs)) { return cb("Unsupported video codec " + codec); } var data = { title: meta.title || "Raw Video", duration: Math.ceil(meta.seconds), bitrate: meta.bitrate, codec: codec }; cb(null, data); } else if (isAudio(meta)) { var codec = meta.acodec; if (!(codec in acceptedAudioCodecs)) { return cb("Unsupported audio codec " + codec); } var data = { title: meta.title || "Raw Audio", duration: Math.ceil(meta.seconds), bitrate: meta.bitrate, codec: codec }; cb(null, data); } else if (data.ffmpegErr.match(/Protocol not found/)) { return cb("This server is unable to load videos over the " + filename.split(":")[0] + " protocol."); } else { return cb("Parsed metadata did not contain a valid video or audio stream. " + "Either the file is invalid or it has a format unsupported by " + "this server's version of ffmpeg."); } }); }; function isVideo(meta) { return meta.vcodec && !(meta.container in audioOnlyContainers); } function isAudio(meta) { return meta.acodec; } function parse(meta) { if (meta == null) { return null; } if (!meta.format) { return null; } var data = {}; meta.streams.forEach(function (s) { if (s.codec_type === "video") { data.vcodec = s.codec_name; } else if (s.codec_type === "audio") { data.acodec = s.codec_name; } }); data.container = meta.format.format_name.split(",")[0]; data.bitrate = parseInt(meta.format.bit_rate) / 1000; if (meta.format.tags) { data.title = meta.format.tags.title; } data.seconds = Math.ceil(parseFloat(meta.format.duration)); return data; } function ffprobe(filename, cb) { var ff = spawn("ffprobe", ["-show_streams", "-show_format", filename]); var outbuf = ""; var errbuf = ""; ff.stdout.on("data", function (data) { outbuf += data; }); ff.stderr.on("data", function (data) { errbuf += data; }); ff.on("close", function (code) { if (code !== 0) { return cb("ffprobe exited with nonzero exit code", { stderr: errbuf }); } var lines = outbuf.split("\n"); var streams = []; var format = {}; var data = {}; lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.match(/\[stream\]|\[format\]/i)) { return; } else if (line.match(/\[\/stream\]/i)) { streams.push(data); data = {}; } else if (line.match(/\[\/format\]/i)) { format = data; data = {}; } else { var kv = line.split("="); data[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } }); cb(null, { streams: streams, format: format }); }); }