/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Calvin Montgomery Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var mysql = require('mysql-libmysqlclient'); var Config = require('./config.js'); var Rank = require('./rank.js'); // I should use the er naming scheme more often var InfoGetter = require('./get-info.js'); var Media = require('./media.js').Media; var ChatCommand = require('./chatcommand.js'); var Server = require('./server.js'); var io = Server.io; var Channel = function(name) { console.log("Opening channel " + name); this.name = name; this.registered = false; this.users = []; this.queue = []; this.library = {}; this.currentPosition = -1; this.currentMedia = null; this.leader = null; this.recentChat = []; this.qlocked = true; this.poll = false; this.opts = { qopen_allow_qnext: false, qopen_allow_move: false, qopen_allow_playnext: false, qopen_allow_delete: false, pagetitle: "Sync", bgimage: "" }; this.ipbans = []; // Autolead stuff // Accumulator this.i = 0; // Time of last update this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.loadMysql(); }; // Check if this channel is registered // If it is, fetch the library Channel.prototype.loadMysql = function() { var db = mysql.createConnectionSync(); db.connectSync(Config.MYSQL_SERVER, Config.MYSQL_USER, Config.MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config.MYSQL_DB); if(!db.connectedSync()) { console.log("MySQL Connection Failed"); return false; } // Check if channel exists var query = 'SELECT * FROM channels WHERE name="{}"' .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); var results = db.querySync(query); if(!results) { console.log("channel query failed"); return; } var rows = results.fetchAllSync(); if(rows.length == 0) { console.log("Channel " + this.name + " is unregistered"); return; } this.registered = true; // Load library var query = 'SELECT * FROM chan_{}_library' .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); var results = db.querySync(query); if(!results) { console.log("channel library query failed"); return; } var rows = results.fetchAllSync(); for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { this.library[rows[i].id] = new Media(rows[i].id, rows[i].title, rows[i].seconds, rows[i].type); } // Load bans var query = 'SELECT * FROM chan_{}_bans' .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); var results = db.querySync(query); if(!results) { console.log("Channel banlist query failed"); return; } var rows = results.fetchAllSync(); for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { this.ipbans[rows[i].ip] = [rows[i].name, rows[i].banner]; } console.log("Loaded channel " + this.name + " from MySQL DB"); db.closeSync(); } // Creates a new channel record in the MySQL Database // Currently unused, but might be useful if I add a registration page Channel.prototype.createTables = function() { var db = mysql.createConnectionSync(); db.connectSync(Config.MYSQL_SERVER, Config.MYSQL_USER, Config.MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config.MYSQL_DB); if(!db.connectedSync()) { console.log("MySQL Connection Failed"); return false; } // Create library table var query= "CREATE TABLE `chan_{}_library` \ (`id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \ `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \ `seconds` INT NOT NULL, \ `playtime` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, \ `type` VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, \ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) \ ENGINE = MyISAM;" .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); var results = db.querySync(query); // Create rank table var query = "CREATE TABLE `chan_{}_ranks` (\ `name` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ,\ `rank` INT NOT NULL ,\ UNIQUE (\ `name`\ )\ ) ENGINE = MYISAM" .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); results = db.querySync(query) || results; // Create ban table var query = "CREATE TABLE `chan_{}_bans` (\ `ip` VARCHAR( 15 ) NOT NULL ,\ `name` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ,\ `banner` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ,\ PRIMARY KEY (\ `ip`\ )\ ) ENGINE = MYISAM" .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); results = db.querySync(query) || results; // Insert into global channel table var query = 'INSERT INTO channels (`id`, `name`) VALUES (NULL, "{}")' .replace(/\{\}/, this.name); results = db.querySync(query) || results; db.closeSync(); return results; } Channel.prototype.tryRegister = function(user) { if(this.registered) { user.socket.emit('registerChannel', { success: false, error: "This channel is already registered" }); } else if(!user.loggedIn) { user.socket.emit('registerChannel', { success: false, error: "You must log in to register a channel" }); } else if(!Rank.hasPermission(user, "registerChannel")) { user.socket.emit('registerChannel', { success: false, error: "You don't have permission to register this channel" }); } else { if(this.createTables()) { this.registered = true; this.saveRank(user); user.socket.emit('registerChannel', { success: true, }); } else { user.socket.emit('registerChannel', { success: false, error: "Unable to register channel, see an admin" }); } } } // Retrieves a user's rank from the database Channel.prototype.getRank = function(name) { if(!this.registered) return Rank.Guest; var db = mysql.createConnectionSync(); db.connectSync(Config.MYSQL_SERVER, Config.MYSQL_USER, Config.MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config.MYSQL_DB); if(!db.connectedSync()) { console.log("MySQL Connection Failed"); return Rank.Guest; } var query = 'SELECT * FROM chan_{1}_ranks WHERE name="{2}"' .replace(/\{1\}/, this.name) .replace(/\{2\}/, name); var results = db.querySync(query); if(!results) return Rank.Guest; var rows = results.fetchAllSync(); if(rows.length == 0) { return Rank.Guest; } db.closeSync(); return rows[0].rank; } // Saves a user's rank to the database Channel.prototype.saveRank = function(user) { if(!this.registered) return false; var db = mysql.createConnectionSync(); db.connectSync(Config.MYSQL_SERVER, Config.MYSQL_USER, Config.MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config.MYSQL_DB); if(!db.connectedSync()) { console.log("MySQL Connection Failed"); return false; } var query = 'UPDATE chan_{1}_ranks SET rank="{2}" WHERE name="{3}"' .replace(/\{1\}/, this.name) .replace(/\{2\}/, user.rank) .replace(/\{3\}/, user.name); var results = db.querySync(query); // Gonna have to insert a new one, bugger if(!results.fetchAllSync) { var query = 'INSERT INTO chan_{1}_ranks (`name`, `rank`) VALUES ("{2}", "{3}")' .replace(/\{1\}/, this.name) .replace(/\{2\}/, user.name) .replace(/\{3\}/, user.rank); results = db.querySync(query); } db.closeSync(); return results; } // Caches media metadata to the channel library. // If the channel is registered, stores it in the database as well Channel.prototype.addToLibrary = function(media) { this.library[media.id] = media; if(!this.registered) return; var db = mysql.createConnectionSync(); db.connectSync(Config.MYSQL_SERVER, Config.MYSQL_USER, Config.MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config.MYSQL_DB); if(!db.connectedSync()) { console.log("MySQL Connection Failed"); return false; } var query = 'INSERT INTO chan_{1}_library VALUES ("{2}", "{3}", {4}, "{5}", "{6}")' .replace(/\{1\}/, this.name) .replace(/\{2\}/, media.id) .replace(/\{3\}/, media.title) .replace(/\{4\}/, media.seconds) .replace(/\{5\}/, media.duration) .replace(/\{6\}/, media.type); var results = db.querySync(query); db.closeSync(); return results; } Channel.prototype.banIP = function(banner, bannee) { // It is assumed that the banner has permission at this point this.ipbans[bannee.ip] = [bannee.name, banner.name]; bannee.socket.disconnect(); if(!this.registered) return false; var db = mysql.createConnectionSync(); db.connectSync(Config.MYSQL_SERVER, Config.MYSQL_USER, Config.MYSQL_PASSWORD, Config.MYSQL_DB); if(!db.connectedSync()) { console.log("MySQL Connection Failed"); return false; } var query = 'INSERT INTO chan_{1}_bans (`ip`, `name`, `banner`) VALUES ("{2}", "{3}", "{4}")' .replace(/\{1\}/, this.name) .replace(/\{2\}/, bannee.ip) .replace(/\{3\}/, bannee.name) .replace(/\{4\}/, banner.name); results = db.querySync(query); if(!results) { console.log("Insert into ban table failed"); } db.closeSync(); return results; } // Searches the local library for media titles containing query Channel.prototype.searchLibrary = function(query) { query = query.toLowerCase(); var results = []; for(var id in this.library) { if(this.library[id].title.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) != -1) { results.push(this.library[id]); } } results.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.title.toLowerCase(); var y = b.title.toLowerCase(); return (x == y) ? 0 : (x < y ? -1 : 1); }); return results; } // Called when a new user enters the channel Channel.prototype.userJoin = function(user) { if(user.ip in this.ipbans && this.ipbans[user.ip] != null) { console.log("/" + user.ip + " was disconnected - banned"); user.socket.disconnect(); return; } user.socket.join(this.name); // Prevent duplicate login if(user.name != "") { for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == user.name) { user.name = ""; user.loggedIn = false; user.socket.emit('login', { success: false, error: "The username " + user.name + " is already in use on this channel" }); } } } // If the channel is empty and isn't registered, the first person // gets ownership of the channel (temporarily) if(this.users.length == 0 && !this.registered) { user.rank = (user.rank < Rank.Owner) ? Rank.Owner + 7 : user.rank; user.socket.emit('channelNotRegistered'); } this.users.push(user); if(user.name != "") { this.broadcastNewUser(user); } this.updateUsercount(); // Set the new guy up this.sendPlaylist(user); user.socket.emit('queueLock', {locked: this.qlocked}); this.sendUserlist(user); this.sendRecentChat(user); if(this.poll) { user.socket.emit('newPoll', this.poll.packUpdate()); } user.socket.emit('channelOpts', this.opts); if(user.playerReady) this.sendMediaUpdate(user); console.log("/" + user.ip + " joined channel " + this.name); } // Called when a user leaves the channel Channel.prototype.userLeave = function(user) { try { user.socket.leave(this.name); } catch(e) {} if(this.poll) { this.poll.unvote(user.ip); this.broadcastPollUpdate(); } if(this.leader == user) { this.changeLeader(""); } var idx = this.users.indexOf(user); if(idx >= 0 && idx < this.users.length) this.users.splice(idx, 1); this.updateUsercount(); if(user.name != "") { this.sendAll('userLeave', { name: user.name }); } } // Queues a new media Channel.prototype.enqueue = function(data) { var idx = data.pos == "next" ? this.currentPosition + 1 : this.queue.length; // Try to look up cached metadata first if(data.id in this.library) { this.queue.splice(idx, 0, this.library[data.id]); this.sendAll('queue', { media: this.library[data.id].pack(), pos: idx }); } // Query metadata from YouTube else if(data.type == "yt") { var callback = (function(chan, id) { return function(res, data) { if(res != 200) { return; } try { // Whoever decided on this variable name should be fired var seconds = data.entry.media$group.yt$duration.seconds; // This one's slightly better var title = data.entry.title.$t; var vid = new Media(id, title, seconds, "yt"); chan.queue.splice(idx, 0, vid); chan.sendAll('queue', { media: vid.pack(), pos: idx }); chan.addToLibrary(vid); } catch(e) { console.log("YTQueue Fail: id=" + id); } }})(this, data.id); InfoGetter.getYTInfo(data.id, callback); } // Set up twitch metadata else if(data.type == "tw") { var media = new Media(data.id, "Twitch ~ " + data.id, 0, "tw"); this.queue.splice(idx, 0, media); this.sendAll('queue', { media: media.pack(), pos: idx }); } else if(data.type == "li") { var media = new Media(data.id, "Livestream ~ " + data.id, 0, "li"); this.queue.splice(idx, 0, media); this.sendAll('queue', { media: media.pack(), pos: idx }); } // Query metadata from Soundcloud else if(data.type == "sc") { var callback = (function(chan, id) { return function(res, data) { if(res != 200) { return; } var seconds = data.duration / 1000; var title = data.title; var vid = new Media(id, title, seconds, "sc"); chan.queue.splice(idx, 0, vid); chan.sendAll('queue', { media: vid.pack(), pos: idx }); chan.addToLibrary(vid); }})(this, data.id); InfoGetter.getSCInfo(data.id, callback); } // Query metadata from Vimeo else if(data.type == "vi") { var callback = (function(chan, id) { return function(res, data) { if(res != 200) { return; } data = data[0]; var seconds = data.duration; var title = data.title; var vid = new Media(id, title, seconds, "vi"); chan.queue.splice(idx, 0, vid); chan.sendAll('queue', { media: vid.pack(), pos: idx }); chan.addToLibrary(vid); }})(this, data.id); InfoGetter.getVIInfo(data.id, callback); } // Dailymotion else if(data.type == "dm") { var callback = (function(chan, id) { return function(res, data) { if(res != 200) { return; } var seconds = data.duration; var title = data.title; var vid = new Media(id, title, seconds, "dm"); chan.queue.splice(idx, 0, vid); chan.sendAll('queue', { media: vid.pack(), pos: idx }); chan.addToLibrary(vid); }})(this, data.id); InfoGetter.getDMInfo(data.id, callback); } } // Removes a media from the play queue Channel.prototype.unqueue = function(data) { // Stop trying to break my server if(data.pos < 0 || data.pos >= this.queue.length) return; this.queue.splice(data.pos, 1); this.sendAll('unqueue', { pos: data.pos }); if(data.pos < this.currentPosition) { this.currentPosition--; this.sendAll('updatePlaylistIdx', { idx: this.currentPosition }); } if(data.pos == this.currentPosition) { this.currentPosition--; this.playNext(); } } // Play the next media in the queue Channel.prototype.playNext = function() { if(this.queue.length == 0) return; if(this.currentPosition + 1 >= this.queue.length) { this.currentPosition = -1; } this.currentPosition++; this.currentMedia = this.queue[this.currentPosition]; this.currentMedia.currentTime = 0; this.sendAll('mediaUpdate', this.currentMedia.packupdate()); this.sendAll('updatePlaylistIdx', { idx: this.currentPosition }); // Enable autolead for non-twitch if(this.leader == null && this.currentMedia.type != "tw" && this.currentMedia.type != "li") { this.time = new Date().getTime(); channelVideoUpdate(this, this.currentMedia.id); } } Channel.prototype.setLock = function(locked) { this.qlocked = locked; this.sendAll('queueLock', {locked: locked}); for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { this.sendPlaylist(this.users[i]); } } // Synchronize to a sync packet from the leader Channel.prototype.update = function(data) { if(this.currentMedia == null) { this.currentMedia = new Media(data.id, data.title, data.seconds, data.type); this.currentMedia.currentTime = data.currentTime; } else this.currentMedia.currentTime = data.seconds; this.sendAll('mediaUpdate', this.currentMedia.packupdate()); } // Move something around in the queue Channel.prototype.moveMedia = function(data) { if(data.src < 0 || data.src >= this.queue.length) return; if(data.dest < 0 || data.dest > this.queue.length) return; var media = this.queue[data.src]; this.queue.splice(data.src, 1); this.queue.splice(data.dest, 0, media); this.sendAll('moveVideo', { src: data.src, dest: data.dest }); if(data.src < this.currentPosition && data.dest >= this.currentPosition) { this.currentPosition--; } if(data.src > this.currentPosition && data.dest < this.currentPosition) { this.currentPosition++ } } // Chat message from a user Channel.prototype.chatMessage = function(user, msg) { if(msg.indexOf("/") == 0) ChatCommand.handle(this, user, msg); else if(msg.indexOf(">") == 0) this.sendMessage(user.name, msg, "greentext"); else this.sendMessage(user.name, msg, ""); } Channel.prototype.sendMessage = function(username, msg, msgclass) { // I don't want HTML from strangers msg = msg.replace(//g, ">"); // Match URLs msg = msg.replace(/(((https?)|(ftp))(:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.]+(:[0-9]+)?[^\s$]+))/, "$1"); this.sendAll('chatMsg', { username: username, msg: msg, msgclass: msgclass }); this.recentChat.push({ username: username, msg: msg, msgclass: msgclass }); if(this.recentChat.length > 15) this.recentChat.shift(); }; // Promotion! Actor is the client who initiated the promotion, name is the // name of the person being promoted Channel.prototype.promoteUser = function(actor, name) { var receiver; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == name) { receiver = this.users[i]; break; } } if(receiver) { // You can only promote someone if you are 2 ranks or higher above // them. This way you can't promote them to your rank and end // up in a situation where you can't demote them if(actor.rank > receiver.rank + 1) { receiver.rank++; if(receiver.loggedIn) { this.saveRank(receiver); } this.broadcastRankUpdate(receiver); } } } // You're fired Channel.prototype.demoteUser = function(actor, name) { var receiver; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == name) { receiver = this.users[i]; break; } } if(receiver) { // Wouldn't it be funny if you could demote people who rank higher // than you? No, it wouldn't. if(actor.rank > receiver.rank) { receiver.rank--; if(receiver.loggedIn) { this.saveRank(receiver); } this.broadcastRankUpdate(receiver); } } } // Manual leader. This shouldn't be necessary since the server autoleads, // but you never know Channel.prototype.changeLeader = function(name) { if(this.leader != null) { var old = this.leader; this.leader = null; this.broadcastRankUpdate(old); } if(name == "") { if(this.currentMedia != null) { this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.i = 0; channelVideoUpdate(this, this.currentMedia.id); } return; } for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { if(this.users[i].name == name) { this.leader = this.users[i]; this.broadcastRankUpdate(this.leader); } } } // Send the userlist to a client // Do you know you're all my very best friends? Channel.prototype.sendUserlist = function(user) { var users = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { // Skip people who haven't logged in if(this.users[i].name != "") { users.push({ name: this.users[i].name, rank: this.users[i].rank, leader: this.users[i] == this.leader }); } } user.socket.emit('userlist', users) } Channel.prototype.updateUsercount = function() { this.sendAll('usercount', { count: this.users.length }); } // Send the play queue Channel.prototype.sendPlaylist = function(user) { user.socket.emit('playlist', { pl: this.queue }); user.socket.emit('updatePlaylistIdx', { idx: this.currentPosition }); } // Send the last 15 messages for context Channel.prototype.sendRecentChat = function(user) { for(var i = 0; i < this.recentChat.length; i++) { user.socket.emit('chatMsg', this.recentChat[i]); } } // Send a sync packet Channel.prototype.sendMediaUpdate = function(user) { if(this.currentMedia != null) { user.socket.emit('mediaUpdate', this.currentMedia.packupdate()); } else { console.log('currentMedia is null'); } } // Sent when someone logs in, to add them to the user list Channel.prototype.broadcastNewUser = function(user) { this.sendAll('addUser', { name: user.name, rank: user.rank, leader: this.leader == user }); } // Someone's rank changed, or their leadership status changed Channel.prototype.broadcastRankUpdate = function(user) { this.sendAll('updateUser', { name: user.name, rank: user.rank, leader: this.leader == user }); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPoll = function() { this.sendAll('newPoll', this.poll.packUpdate()); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPollUpdate = function() { this.sendAll('updatePoll', this.poll.packUpdate()); } Channel.prototype.broadcastPollClose = function() { this.sendAll('closePoll'); } Channel.prototype.broadcastOpts = function() { this.sendAll('channelOpts', this.opts); } // Send to ALL the clients! Channel.prototype.sendAll = function(message, data) { io.sockets.in(this.name).emit(message, data); } // Autolead yay function channelVideoUpdate(chan, id) { // Someone changed the video or there's a manual leader, so your // argument is invalid if(chan.currentMedia == null || id != chan.currentMedia.id || chan.leader != null) return; // Add dt since last update chan.currentMedia.currentTime += (new Date().getTime() - chan.time)/1000.0; chan.time = new Date().getTime(); // Video over, move on to next if(chan.currentMedia.currentTime > chan.currentMedia.seconds) { chan.playNext(); } // Every ~5 seconds send a sync packet to everyone else if(chan.i % 5 == 0) chan.sendAll('mediaUpdate', chan.currentMedia.packupdate()); chan.i++; // Do it all over again in about a second setTimeout(function() { channelVideoUpdate(chan, id); }, 1000); } exports.Channel = Channel;