window.TWITCH_PARAMS_ERROR = 'The Twitch embed player now uses parameters which only work if the following requirements are met: (1) The embedding website uses HTTPS; (2) The embedding website uses the default port (443) and is accessed via instead of I have no control over this -- see this Twitch post for details' window.TwitchPlayer = class TwitchPlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof TwitchPlayer) return new TwitchPlayer(data) @setMediaProperties(data) waitUntilDefined(window, 'Twitch', => waitUntilDefined(Twitch, 'Player', => @init(data) ) ) init: (data) -> removeOld() if location.hostname != or location.protocol != 'https:' alert = makeAlert( 'Twitch API Parameters', window.TWITCH_PARAMS_ERROR, 'alert-danger' ).removeClass('col-md-12') removeOld(alert) @twitch = null return options = parent: [location.hostname] width: $('#ytapiplayer').width() height: $('#ytapiplayer').height() if data.type is 'tv' # VOD = else # Livestream = @twitch = new Twitch.Player('ytapiplayer', options) @twitch.addEventListener(Twitch.Player.READY, => @setVolume(VOLUME) @twitch.setQuality(@mapQuality(USEROPTS.default_quality)) @twitch.addEventListener(Twitch.Player.PLAY, => @paused = false if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() ) @twitch.addEventListener(Twitch.Player.PAUSE, => @paused = true if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() ) @twitch.addEventListener(Twitch.Player.ENDED, => if CLIENT.leader socket.emit('playNext') ) ) load: (data) -> @setMediaProperties(data) try if data.type is 'tv' # VOD @twitch.setVideo( else # Livestream @twitch.setChannel( catch error console.error(error) pause: -> try @twitch.pause() @paused = true catch error console.error(error) play: -> try @paused = false catch error console.error(error) seekTo: (time) -> try catch error console.error(error) getTime: (cb) -> try cb(@twitch.getCurrentTime()) catch error console.error(error) setVolume: (volume) -> try @twitch.setVolume(volume) if volume > 0 @twitch.setMuted(false) catch error console.error(error) getVolume: (cb) -> try if @twitch.isPaused() cb(0) else cb(@twitch.getVolume()) catch error console.error(error) mapQuality: (quality) -> switch String(quality) when '1080' then 'chunked' when '720' then 'high' when '480' then 'medium' when '360' then 'low' when '240' then 'mobile' when 'best' then 'chunked' else ''