/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Calvin Montgomery Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var Rank = require("./rank.js"); var Auth = require("./auth.js"); var Channel = require("./channel.js").Channel; var Server = require("./server.js"); var Database = require("./database.js"); var Logger = require("./logger.js"); // Represents a client connected via socket.io var User = function(socket, ip) { this.ip = ip; this.socket = socket; this.loggedIn = false; this.rank = Rank.Guest; this.channel = null; this.playerReady = false; this.name = ""; this.initCallbacks(); if(Server.announcement != null) { this.socket.emit("announcement", Server.announcement); } }; User.prototype.initCallbacks = function() { this.socket.on("disconnect", function() { if(this.channel != null) this.channel.userLeave(this); }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("joinChannel", function(data) { if(data.name == undefined) return; if(!data.name.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)) return; if(data.name.length > 100) return; // Channel already loaded if(data.name in Server.channels) { this.channel = Server.channels[data.name]; this.channel.userJoin(this); } // Channel not loaded else { Server.channels[data.name] = new Channel(data.name); this.channel = Server.channels[data.name]; this.channel.userJoin(this); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("login", function(data) { if(data.name == undefined || data.pw == undefined) return; if(data.pw.length > 100) data.pw = data.pw.substring(0, 100); if(this.name == "") this.login(data.name, data.pw); }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("register", function(data) { if(data.name == undefined || data.pw == undefined) return; if(data.pw.length > 100) data.pw = data.pw.substring(0, 100); this.register(data.name, data.pw); }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("assignLeader", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryChangeLeader(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("promote", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryPromote(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("demote", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryDemote(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("chatMsg", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryChat(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("playerReady", function() { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.sendMediaUpdate(this); } this.playerReady = true; }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("queue", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryQueue(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("unqueue", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryDequeue(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("moveMedia", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryMove(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("jumpTo", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryJumpTo(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("playNext", function() { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryPlayNext(this); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("queueLock", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.trySetLock(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("mediaUpdate", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryUpdate(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("searchLibrary", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.socket.emit("librarySearchResults", { results: this.channel.search(data.query) }); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("closePoll", function() { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryClosePoll(this); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("vote", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryVote(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("registerChannel", function(data) { if(this.channel == null) { this.socket.emit("channelRegistration", { success: false, error: "You're not in any channel!" }); } else { this.channel.tryRegister(this); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("adm", function(data) { if(Rank.hasPermission(this, "acp")) { this.handleAdm(data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("announce", function(data) { if(Rank.hasPermission(this, "announce")) { if(data.clear) { Server.announcement = null; } else { Server.io.sockets.emit("announcement", data); Server.announcement = data; } } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("channelOpts", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryUpdateOptions(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("chatFilter", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryChangeFilter(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("updateMotd", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryUpdateMotd(this, data); } }.bind(this)); this.socket.on("voteskip", function(data) { if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.tryVoteskip(this); } }.bind(this)); } // Handle administration User.prototype.handleAdm = function(data) { if(data.cmd == "listchannels") { var chans = []; for(var chan in Server.channels) { var nowplaying = "-"; if(Server.channels[chan].currentMedia != null) nowplaying = Server.channels[chan].currentMedia.title; chans.push({ name: chan, usercount: Server.channels[chan].users.length, nowplaying: nowplaying }); } this.socket.emit("adm", { cmd: "listchannels", chans: chans }); } else if(data.cmd == "listusers") { var users = []; var dbusers = Database.listUsers(); if(!dbusers) return; for(var i = 0; i < dbusers.length; i++) { users[i] = { name: dbusers[i].uname, rank: dbusers[i].global_rank }; } this.socket.emit("adm", { cmd: "listusers", users: users }); } else if(data.cmd == "listchannelranks") { if(data.chan == undefined) return; this.socket.emit("adm", { cmd: "listchannelranks", ranks: Database.listChannelRanks(data.chan) }); } }; // Attempt to login User.prototype.login = function(name, pw) { if(this.channel != null && name != "") { for(var i = 0; i < this.channel.users.length; i++) { if(this.channel.users[i].name == name) { this.socket.emit("login", { success: false, error: "The username " + name + " is already in use on this channel" }); return false; } } } // No password => try guest login if(pw == "") { // Sorry bud, can't take that name if(Auth.isRegistered(name)) { this.socket.emit("login", { success: false, error: "That username is already taken" }); return false; } // YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID else if(!Auth.validateName(name)) { this.socket.emit("login", { success: false, error: "Invalid username. Usernames must be 1-20 characters long and consist only of alphanumeric characters and underscores" }); } else { Logger.syslog.log(this.ip + " signed in as " + name); this.name = name; this.loggedIn = false; this.socket.emit("login", { success: true }); this.socket.emit("rank", { rank: this.rank }); if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.logger.log(this.ip + " signed in as " + name); this.channel.broadcastNewUser(this); } } } else { var row; if((row = Auth.login(name, pw))) { this.loggedIn = true; this.socket.emit("login", { success: true }); Logger.syslog.log(this.ip + " logged in as " + name); var chanrank = (this.channel != null) ? this.channel.getRank(name) : Rank.Guest; var rank = (chanrank > row.global_rank) ? chanrank : row.global_rank; this.rank = (this.rank > rank) ? this.rank : rank; this.socket.emit("rank", { rank: this.rank }); this.name = name; if(this.channel != null) { this.channel.logger.log(this.ip + " logged in as " + name); this.channel.broadcastNewUser(this); } } // Wrong password else { this.socket.emit("login", { success: false, error: "Invalid username/password pair" }); return false; } } } // Attempt to register a user account User.prototype.register = function(name, pw) { if(pw == "") { // Sorry bud, password required this.socket.emit("register", { success: false, error: "You must provide a password" }); return false; } else if(Auth.isRegistered(name)) { this.socket.emit("register", { success: false, error: "That username is already taken" }); return false; } else if(!Auth.validateName(name)) { this.socket.emit("register", { success: false, error: "Invalid username. Usernames must be 1-20 characters long and consist only of alphanumeric characters and underscores" }); } else if(Auth.register(name, pw)) { console.log(this.ip + " registered " + name); this.socket.emit("register", { success: true }); this.login(name, pw); } else { this.socket.emit("register", { success: false, error: "[](/ppshrug) Registration Failed." }); } } exports.User = User;