const assert = require('assert');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const GlobalBanDB = require('../../lib/db/globalban').GlobalBanDB;
const CachingGlobalBanlist = require('../../lib/io/globalban').CachingGlobalBanlist;

describe('CachingGlobalBanlist', () => {
    let banlist = null;
    let banDB = null;
    beforeEach(() => {
        banDB = new GlobalBanDB();
        banlist = new CachingGlobalBanlist(banDB);

    describe('refreshCache', () => {
        it('caches bans', () => {
            const bans = [{ ip: '', reason: 'test' }];
            sinon.stub(banDB, 'listGlobalBans').resolves(bans);
            return banlist.refreshCache().then(() => {
                assert(banlist.cache.has(bans[0].ip), 'Cache was not populated');

        it('clears removed bans', () => {
            sinon.stub(banDB, 'listGlobalBans').resolves([]);
            return banlist.refreshCache().then(() => {
                assert(!banlist.cache.has(''), 'Cache was not updated');

        it('fails open', () => {
            sinon.stub(banDB, 'listGlobalBans').rejects(new Error('Broken'));
            return banlist.refreshCache();

    describe('isIPGlobalBanned', () => {
        it('checks the full IP', () => {
            assert(banlist.isIPGlobalBanned(''), 'Expected IP to be banned');

        it('checks the range IP', () => {
            assert(banlist.isIPGlobalBanned(''), 'Expected IP to be banned');

        it('checks the wrange IP', () => {
            assert(banlist.isIPGlobalBanned(''), 'Expected IP to be banned');