window.GoogleDriveYouTubePlayer = class GoogleDriveYouTubePlayer extends Player constructor: (data) -> if not (this instanceof GoogleDriveYouTubePlayer) return new GoogleDriveYouTubePlayer(data) @setMediaProperties(data) @init(data) init: (data) -> window.promptToInstallDriveUserscript() embed = $('').attr( type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash' src: "{}&ps=docs\ &partnerid=30&enablejsapi=1&cc_load_policy=1\ &auth_timeout=86400000000" flashvars: 'autoplay=1&playerapiid=uniquePlayerId' wmode: 'opaque' allowscriptaccess: 'always' ) removeOld(embed) window.onYouTubePlayerReady = => if PLAYER != this return @yt = embed[0] window.gdriveStateChange = @onStateChange.bind(this) @yt.addEventListener('onStateChange', 'gdriveStateChange') @onReady() load: (data) -> @yt = null @setMediaProperties(data) @init(data) onReady: -> @yt.ready = true @setVolume(VOLUME) @setQuality(USEROPTS.default_quality) onStateChange: (ev) -> if PLAYER != this return if (ev == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED and not @paused) or (ev == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING and @paused) @paused = (ev == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) if CLIENT.leader sendVideoUpdate() if ev == YT.PlayerState.ENDED and CLIENT.leader socket.emit('playNext') play: -> @paused = false if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.playVideo() pause: -> @paused = true if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.pauseVideo() seekTo: (time) -> if @yt and @yt.ready @yt.seekTo(time, true) setVolume: (volume) -> if @yt and @yt.ready if volume > 0 # If the player is muted, even if the volume is set, # the player remains muted @yt.unMute() @yt.setVolume(volume * 100) setQuality: (quality) -> if not @yt or not @yt.ready return ytQuality = switch String(quality) when '240' then 'small' when '360' then 'medium' when '480' then 'large' when '720' then 'hd720' when '1080' then 'hd1080' when 'best' then 'highres' else 'auto' if ytQuality != 'auto' @yt.setPlaybackQuality(ytQuality) getTime: (cb) -> if @yt and @yt.ready cb(@yt.getCurrentTime()) else cb(0) getVolume: (cb) -> if @yt and @yt.ready if @yt.isMuted() cb(0) else cb(@yt.getVolume() / 100) else cb(VOLUME) window.promptToInstallDriveUserscript = -> if document.getElementById('prompt-install-drive-userscript') return alertBox = document.createElement('div') = 'prompt-install-drive-userscript' alertBox.className = 'alert alert-info' alertBox.innerHTML = """ Due to continual breaking changes making it increasingly difficult to maintain Google Drive support, Google Drive now requires installing a userscript in order to play the video.""" alertBox.appendChild(document.createElement('br')) infoLink = document.createElement('a') infoLink.className = 'btn btn-info' infoLink.href = '/google_drive_userscript' infoLink.textContent = 'Click here for details' = '_blank' alertBox.appendChild(infoLink) closeButton = document.createElement('button') closeButton.className = 'close pull-right' closeButton.innerHTML = '×' closeButton.onclick = -> alertBox.parentNode.removeChild(alertBox) alertBox.insertBefore(closeButton, alertBox.firstChild) removeOld($('