if (/^v0/.test(process.version)) { console.error('node.js ' + process.version + ' is not supported. ' + 'For more information, visit ' + 'https://github.com/calzoneman/sync/wiki/CyTube-3.0-Installation-Guide#nodejs'); process.exit(1); } try { var Server = require("./lib/server"); } catch (err) { console.error('FATAL: Failed to require() lib/server.js'); if (/module version mismatch/i.test(err.message)) { console.error('Module version mismatch, try running `npm rebuild` or removing ' + 'the node_modules folder and re-running `npm install`'); } else { console.error('Possible causes:\n' + ' * You haven\'t run `npm run build-server` to regenerate ' + 'the runtime\n' + ' * You\'ve upgraded node/npm and haven\'t rebuilt dependencies ' + '(try `npm rebuild` or `rm -rf node_modules && npm install`)\n' + ' * A dependency failed to install correctly (check the output ' + 'of `npm install` next time)'); } console.error(err.stack); process.exit(1); } var Config = require("./lib/config"); var Logger = require("./lib/logger"); const Switches = require("./lib/switches"); require("source-map-support").install(); Config.load("config.yaml"); var sv = Server.init(); if (!Config.get("debug")) { process.on("uncaughtException", function (err) { Logger.errlog.log("[SEVERE] Uncaught Exception: " + err); Logger.errlog.log(err.stack); }); process.on("SIGINT", function () { sv.shutdown(); }); } var stdinbuf = ""; process.stdin.on("data", function (data) { stdinbuf += data; if (stdinbuf.indexOf("\n") !== -1) { var line = stdinbuf.substring(0, stdinbuf.indexOf("\n")); stdinbuf = stdinbuf.substring(stdinbuf.indexOf("\n") + 1); handleLine(line); } }); var validIP = require('net').isIP; function handleLine(line) { if (line === "/reload") { Logger.syslog.log("Reloading config"); Config.load("config.yaml"); } else if (line === "/gc") { if (global && global.gc) { Logger.syslog.log("Running GC"); global.gc(); } else { Logger.syslog.log("Failed to invoke GC: node started without --expose-gc"); } } else if (line === "/delete_old_tables") { require("./lib/database/update").deleteOldChannelTables(function (err) { if (!err) { Logger.syslog.log("Deleted old channel tables"); } }); } else if (line.indexOf("/switch") === 0) { var args = line.split(" "); args.shift(); if (args.length === 1) { Logger.syslog.log("Switch " + args[0] + " is " + (Switches.isActive(args[0]) ? "ON" : "OFF")); } else if (args.length === 2) { Switches.setActive(args[0], args[1].toLowerCase() === "on" ? true : false); Logger.syslog.log("Switch " + args[0] + " is now " + (Switches.isActive(args[0]) ? "ON" : "OFF")); } } else if (line.indexOf("/reload-partitions") === 0) { sv.reloadPartitionMap(); } else if (line.indexOf("/globalban") === 0) { var args = line.split(/\s+/); args.shift(); if (args.length >= 2 && validIP(args[0]) !== 0) { var ip = args.shift(); var comment = args.join(' '); require("./lib/database").globalBanIP(ip, comment, function (err, res) { if (!err) { Logger.eventlog.log("[acp] " + "SYSTEM" + " global banned " + ip); } }) } } else if (line.indexOf("/unglobalban") === 0) { var args = line.split(/\s+/); args.shift(); if (args.length >= 1 && validIP(args[0]) !== 0) { var ip = args.shift(); require("./lib/database").globalUnbanIP(ip, function (err, res) { if (!err) { Logger.eventlog.log("[acp] " + "SYSTEM" + " un-global banned " + ip); } }) } } else if (line.indexOf("/unloadchan") === 0) { var args = line.split(/\s+/); args.shift(); if(args.length){ var name = args.shift(); var chan = sv.getChannel(name); var users = Array.prototype.slice.call(chan.users); chan.emit("empty"); users.forEach(function (u) { u.kick("Channel shutting down"); }); Logger.eventlog.log("[acp] " + "SYSTEM" + " forced unload of " + name); } } } // Go Go Gadget Service Socket if (Config.get("service-socket.enabled")) { Logger.syslog.log("Opening service socket"); var ServiceSocket = require('./lib/servsock'); var server = new ServiceSocket; server.init(handleLine, Config.get("service-socket.socket")); }