import https from 'https'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import Promise from 'bluebird'; Promise.promisifyAll(fs); const LOGGER = require('@calzoneman/jsli')('torlist'); const TOR_EXIT_LIST_URL = ''; const TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'tor-exit-list.json'); const ONE_DAY = 24 * 3600 * 1000; const TOR_EXIT_IPS = new Set(); function loadTorList() { return fs.statAsync(TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE).then(stats => { if (new Date() - stats.mtime > ONE_DAY) {'Tor exit node list is older than 24h, re-downloading from %s', TOR_EXIT_LIST_URL); return loadTorListFromWebsite(); } else { return loadTorListFromFile(); } }).catch(error => { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {'File %s not found, downloading from %s', TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE, TOR_EXIT_LIST_URL); return loadTorListFromWebsite(); } else { throw error; } }); } function loadTorListFromWebsite() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { https.get(TOR_EXIT_LIST_URL, res => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { reject(new Error(`${res.statusCode} ${res.statusMessage}`)); return; } let buffer = ''; res.on('data', data => buffer += data); res.on('end', () => { const exitNodes = buffer.split('\n').filter(line => { return /^ExitAddress/.test(line); }).map(line => { return line.split(' ')[1]; }); fs.writeFileAsync(TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE, JSON.stringify(exitNodes)) .then(() => {'Saved %s', TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE); }).catch(error => { LOGGER.error('Unable to save %s: %s', TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE, error.message); }); resolve(exitNodes); }); }).on('error', error => { reject(error); }) }); } function loadTorListFromFile() {'Loading Tor exit list from %s', TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE); return fs.readFileAsync(TOR_EXIT_LIST_FILE).then(contents => { return JSON.parse(String(contents)); }); } loadTorList().then(exits => { TOR_EXIT_IPS.clear(); exits.forEach(exit => { TOR_EXIT_IPS.add(exit); }); }).catch(error => { LOGGER.error('Unable to load Tor exit list: %s', error.stack); }); export function isTorExit(ip) { return TOR_EXIT_IPS.has(ip); };